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Everything posted by Tradermen

  1. I know. I think one of them might be very similar (cbt courses). The adaptative indicators seems diferent. If anybody have them i might buy one or both. Thanks.
  2. Anyone have this courses or are interested in getting them? https://[email protected]/courses/
  3. From where you get those wonderfull stuff? Ehehe
  4. Anyone have this? http://@[email protected]/en/courses/group-webin@rs/building-winning-@utomated-tr@ding-str@tegies-@ts-with-tradestation/ thx
  5. if you have it, please share it. http://backtestwizard.com/flagship-training-course-information/
  6. I tried that first, even installed keepvid pro but that software only downloads the first video of each page, not the other ones. will try again.
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