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Everything posted by smithee

  1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk5Zcm2Jyni_uhVZlsVMEENA0f48TubRX
  2. https://www.mediafire.com/file/wjqbhr4vauzrbep/59.zip/file
  3. Found this on Reddit. Thought I would share. I have not used it.
  4. I've been here since 2010 with 224 posts. Please upgrade me to VIP. Thanks.
  5. How do I search for the latest posts with nothing specific in mind? Just all the posts made during a custom date range, ie the last 4 days?
  6. Can anyone post the John Clayburg indicators please? Thanks.
  7. Come on. You're a smartguy. Just do exactly what Fred Urble said in the post above yours and it will be very close to how it was before.
  8. Link is not expired. https://mega.nz/folder/vt9nhIBK#QoyFUwaDe8PHLXDu5lEIRg
  9. It's asking for a password. What might that be? Figured it out. @FTUCHAT
  10. Use continuous contracts for your data. The first trade date of an individual contract isn't important in my opinion. But just pull up a chart. You will see that the March 19 ES contract started trading in Dec 2017. The June 19 ES started trading in March 2018, so 5 quarters prior.
  11. Look at the volume. When the volume in the front month is less than the volume in the next month, that is when the rollover is complete and it's time to change contracts. For example look at the volume for Crude Oil on the CME (CL). On Thursday Feb 14th, the March contract still had more volume but on Friday Feb 15th, the April contract has more volume. Time to trade the April contract. The April contract had more volume at the beginning of the session on Friday so from Friday you should have been trading the April contract. You only need to compare the volume between front month and next month near the rollover dates: https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/rolldates.html https://www.investopedia.com/university/how-to-trade-e-mini-futures-contracts/beginners-guide-emini-futures-rollover-dates-and-expiration.asp
  12. Can anybody share this book please? http://www.markettide.com/html/trc.html
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