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Posts posted by mafiaonmove

  1. To all 43 people who downloaded the 3 locked ELD files in the media fire link I posted above:


    if anyone unlocks the TS encrypted ELD files and discloses the code, if the code is shared here in the forum or private messaged to me, there's an excellent chance I can tweak the code to get the indicators to work in both MC and TS.






    All I m asking is a working setup of TradeStation... Send it to me .. I may try look into it...


    For this forum, I will share that modified PLEditor.exe to unlock just password protected studies in Multicharts as soon as i get enough time. It would be much better.



  2. Thx val2004 and laser1000it. The link is no longer private...apologies.






    Nothing getting imported in multicharts .. sorry...


    Again, If any study is asking for password, that and that only can be unlocked...



    Other option,.. share with me TradeStation (whatever version u think shall work with these type of files),.. I can try installing it and check there what can be done...

  3. Hello Guys,


    This thread is to help people around who want to unlock ELA or PLA files in Multicharts or TS...


    Just attach closed code files here. I will look into files once in a week...


    The unlocked/open code file will be served to you by choice (either publically or via PM ) as requested by user.


    Hope I will be helpful to you guys..


    P.S. --> Files protected with tokens (.sef) files.. Send it to me, I cant say i can unlock it 100% but i can give it a try.



  4. https://www.sendspace.com/file/q0le1g


    Should be these but I'm not 100% sure. Btw I saw your post about password protected eld, do you know someone who can decrypt read-only .sef file form multicharts too?

    Thanks alot MAN,...



    U made my day... ^:)^


    About ELD unprotect ,.. Yes it can be done if it can open in multicharts and if not token required... If your indicator asks for password to unlock, yes this limit can be removed...


    Give me a week... I need to setup whole new system for reverse engineering.. Once setup , I can take unlocking requests for FREE ofcourse.. Just send me locked file, i will send it in text file back.


    P.S. --> I actually took a retirement from Reverse engineering long back, I may need to catch up things again. so it may take a while. I can not guarantee it will work what i said above. but i will give my best shot to help out you guys as you are helping many here.


    Also have got some friends back there in reverse engineering community to bail me out in case of any perticular software is needed.. lets hope all goes well..


    Thanks again for indicator pack bro...

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