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Posts posted by andre.adamov

  1. If you did what I posted to do Andre it will work once the market opens today it needs the feed of a open market to work..

    You should be fine if your failure message went away it means your ok now just waiting for the market to open. Now what I would do is make a few back up Mt4 and keep them ready until this bug is found and fixed. Ok now back to my morning java the only thing that makes this little brain work lol

    let us know if your not..


    Thanks so much!!

    It works very well!!


    Now let's make some money!

  2. hy guys!


    crodzilla / samk090905 : thanks the quick answer, but it was enabled already, So I did the same thing like pahteway, removed all of components of MT4 and installed it again. The failure messeage disappeard, but the scanner still does not work. I can see: OU Forex Mastery Market Scanner loading, but does not happen anything. I am paitent, I waited almost 3 hours, it does not helped too. All of others templates and indicators work. I tried with and without DLL, and live traiding, and ewery way?

    Who has a well working scanner, can share wiht us the template again?

    And if it still not help the next step: I'll reinstall my all of computer. I want this system, but unfortunetly I can't afford it.


    To others: I dont have this Thanks button too..




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