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Posts posted by eevra

  1. Yes. I did that way ..Issue remains unresolved. My OS is Win 10


    Later I tried in Win 7 . It works gr8. Thx uazpeitia and other seniors .


    Later, I removed all the traces of indicators and the ninja assembly. Imported again. Worked.


    Sorry if I have diverted any one's attention..


    Many thanks to ALL..

  2. Thanks uazpeitia;


    Tried out. the issue remains.


    Have placed the dll in documents - ninjatrader- bin- custom as well as in programfiles(x86) - ninjatrader - bin and bin64 folders. The templates xml in documents - ninjatrader - templates - chart .


    This what I do with the educated dlls .

    Advise me what is the correct steps.



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