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  1. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to FXX in Free VPS for 12 months   
    Thank you very much Musketeer, what is your experience with these free VPS ? Is it for instance stable enough to have a robot running your account ?
  2. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from FXX in Free VPS for 12 months   
    Hi All :)
    It has been long time I did not been here, but still remember that great forum :)
    in short: if anyone is interested in VPS (no matter for trading or not) could get amazonaws free for 12 months - no kidding... I personally got few instances. The process should not get more than 10 minutes literally...
    These are the good news, the bad is that the hosted OS is Server2008 and the (free) option is with 640 MB of RAM and a single core CPU, which allow only few MT4 to run (if they do not eat much memory and CPU)
    Anyway I think that few of you might find it useful, so enjoy it :)
    Here are the instructions:
    1. Open an account here: http://aws.amazon.com/
    2. Click on EC2 and go for "New instance"
    here will post some screenshots:
    If you have difficulties will try to help to everyone to get it working :)
  3. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from ⭐ traderdxb in Free VPS for 12 months   
    Hi All :)
    It has been long time I did not been here, but still remember that great forum :)
    in short: if anyone is interested in VPS (no matter for trading or not) could get amazonaws free for 12 months - no kidding... I personally got few instances. The process should not get more than 10 minutes literally...
    These are the good news, the bad is that the hosted OS is Server2008 and the (free) option is with 640 MB of RAM and a single core CPU, which allow only few MT4 to run (if they do not eat much memory and CPU)
    Anyway I think that few of you might find it useful, so enjoy it :)
    Here are the instructions:
    1. Open an account here: http://aws.amazon.com/
    2. Click on EC2 and go for "New instance"
    here will post some screenshots:
    If you have difficulties will try to help to everyone to get it working :)
  4. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from Red_Bull in Free VPS for 12 months   
    Hi All :)
    It has been long time I did not been here, but still remember that great forum :)
    in short: if anyone is interested in VPS (no matter for trading or not) could get amazonaws free for 12 months - no kidding... I personally got few instances. The process should not get more than 10 minutes literally...
    These are the good news, the bad is that the hosted OS is Server2008 and the (free) option is with 640 MB of RAM and a single core CPU, which allow only few MT4 to run (if they do not eat much memory and CPU)
    Anyway I think that few of you might find it useful, so enjoy it :)
    Here are the instructions:
    1. Open an account here: http://aws.amazon.com/
    2. Click on EC2 and go for "New instance"
    here will post some screenshots:
    If you have difficulties will try to help to everyone to get it working :)
  5. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to energetic in Free VPS for 12 months   
    thanks for sharing.
  6. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to San4x in Power levels trading   
    LOL @ Spoiler...did not expect that rant, udc.
    Here's the 'fixed' OBEL-engine.
    As udc stated: It is recommended and wise to keep usage to a minimum (only use on charts/pairs you really trade) to keep it "alive" for all of us.
    Cheers, San.
  7. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to San4x in Power levels trading   
    Actually, it's not. All instruments have been adapted and are available. :)
  8. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to udc in Power levels trading   
    The data is taken from http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/fx/g10/euro-fx_quotes_settlements_options.html, which holds the same information (albeit in a slightly different format) as the CME daily bulletins (the PDF files).

    Thank you.
    [spoiler=a bit of (un)related rambling]I just hate all those scammers, all those pathetic jesters who are incapable to achieve anything honest by themselves, all those arrogant bastards who all they know and all they do is just trying to scam you for the last penny you have. This human garbage can be found in every area, that's nothing new, but here in trading it's just really inhuman. As if it wasn't enough that you are trying to make it in the world's riskiest market, there must be these creatures who undermine you even further. It's everywhere - from fake brokers offering you fake trading, through all those fake e-books, webinars, strategies and methods up to all that fraudulent software with nonsense indicators and robots. This includes the forums as well. Vast majority of the trading related forums are simply cash cows for their owners. You can spot it quite easily - they censor, ban or otherwise get rid of everything and everyone that doesn't fit into their schemes and tricks. That's why I like this forum, it's like one of the very last oases in the otherwise totally twisted and corrupted world.
    All this human trash they could never make a living by their own trading but they will endlessly try to convince you of the very opposite - they will do everything to pretend how successful and experienced and knowledgeable traders they are. It's all fake, it's all only about appearance. Look at Madoff, look at Dreier, Ponzi or anyone else of that sort. They all admit that the key to successfully scam people (at least for a while) is in the appearance. It's not that difficult to check which of those pseudo-companies are real and which are just a fake. Just check whether they really exist, in what country, where they have the seat, the offices, check their public records, their accounting, whether they pay taxes, what well-known companies they partner with, how many employees they have, what kind of employment contract they provide to their employees and whether they offer them a standard package of benefits including the pension plans. One of the attributes that makes a company the real and trustworthy company is whether they are trustworthy employer in the first place. If you do this checking you will find out that most of these "companies" are fakes, either don't really exist or exist only on paper, have registered seat somewhere offshore where no honest company would ever register a seat, have either no offices at all or some small dirty office in some dirty office building, have all their support services being outsourced, have all their IT rented, have either no or a very few employees (and of a suspicious look and history at that). Often it's basically a one-man show operating from some lousy garage who just rented all that, paid to some kid to make a website, paid a license fee to Metaquotes, can't speak English and is dumb enough to not even hire a proof reader to make sure all the text have proper grammar. To even further lower their expenses they hire someone from Asia to write some non-working software and voilà. Then they make a few carefully selected and redacted screenshots and videos and they start spamming with their scams all the forums and infinitely repeat their lies until people start talking about it as it was the truth.
    Everything in the trading software and services area, except maybe a few rare exceptions, is a scam and their common goal is to get your money before you lose all of it on your own in trading. That's how they look at you: as a worthless retard who will lose everything anyway so they just want to get at least some of your money before that happens. Now, don't get me wrong, I of course don't support anything illegal in general, but cracking and sharing the software that will most probably turn out to be just another fake? Hell yes! Anything to lower the income of those scammers, anything to reveal their scams. I have no doubt no one would mind paying for a software that actually really helps him to make money, but about what software of all this plague of garbage can you honestly say that? I am involved in some security stuff within my work where I have to deal with the criminals so I know how they think, know their mentality (or rather their mental sickness), but I must say I have never encountered such ruthlessness and cold-bloodedness as in the world of high finance. So if I can do something to undermine them, for once, to crack some of their scam software or make some software for you, and have time and resources for that, I will gladly do that and I will take great pleasure in their pain and their desperate barking and efforts to harm or defame me, because people are not that incompetent to not see it through and not realize who is trying to genuinely help them and who is just trying to leech off them.
    I am not a trader, I stick to mine (sutor, ne ultra crepidam), I couldn't do that, I wouldn't have guts to do that and I truly admire all of you who are trying to actually do that. That's why it makes me so mad that in your almost impossible task you are attacked from left and right by all those scams. As a programmer I do and program as agreed in the contract and that could be all I could care about, but I always try to go an extra mile and make sure that what I do is actually useful, that the clients are satisfied and happy with the software. It's not only about programmer's pride and reputation but this client approach is what lay the grounds for mutually profitable long-term client-supplier relationships. I don't want you to use my software if it's not helpful to you, even if it's for free. And if I ever ask you any money I would tell you twice "don't pay me a single cent unless you are sure that the software will help you", even if the price was only a few dollars, it's not about the price, it's about the principle. But those scammers they don't care about any of that, they are just pure marketers. They simply figured that if they fabricate this junk product or service, set this price, invest this into advertising and get this level of refunds they will be profitable. At least for a while. So they just go for it. All the risks are already accounted for. But can you actually call something like that "a business"? There are countless marketing tricks and schemes you could use to get rich quick. As well as there are countless books and guides where you can actually read and learn all about it and thus quickly recognize when you see one. Oh, well.
    Anyway, you surely have something to look forward in the upcoming weeks so stay tuned.
  9. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to udc in Power levels trading   
    San4x, I know I told you that it would be great to release the fixed OBEL-engine with the fix applied to all instruments in the engine because fixing only the EURUSD and leaving the rest non-working may be confusing and deluding for people here. But I don't want to "terrorize" you by forcing you doing that, especially if you don't have time. Maybe as a compromise you could release what you already have with the working EURUSD as a "special version" now and then, if you find time and will feel like it, release the "full version" later. Just please rename it so that it's clear that it's only for EURUSD (like "OBEL-engine_EURUSDonly" or something), write a few words about it and the fact that the fix is not by me in the beginning of the file and perhaps comment out the external variables allowing to turn on the other (non-working) instruments (make them permanently switched off). That should be quite quick and no-brainer for you and the guys will get at least something working right now.
    On a separate but related note, the CME is watching closely this and other activities related to (mis)using their market data and they are ready to take action once someone tries to profit from it without being their authorized distributors. This is especially towards the reselling, not when you yourself get the data directly from their public website and try to use it as an advantage in your own trading. That was also one of the reasons why I designed OBEL-engine as a fully stand-alone self-sufficient tool that isn't using any intermediate service, free or not, so you definitely should not need to worry.
    For this reason I will bury the OBEL logic deeper into my UDC FAT so that it will serve only as an internal supportive mechanism to help classify the UDC Levels data. The result should be much clearer and more relevant picture.
    I started some conceptual work on the sample code for a native UDC FAT client for Metatrader, as I indicated earlier, and I think I will be able to achieve latency around 200-500ms so that's surely a good news. Of course this is only just for the current "preview" phase, the final solution will have much lower latency. I also managed to create a synthetic quote stream, including a simple DOM, from several external data sources and it's (not really) surprisingly faster than vast majority of data feeds you get from your average retail trading platform, so funnily (or rather sadly) enough even despite the mentioned latency you maybe will get the EURUSD quote faster from my client than from your own broker, and definitely with a higher frequency.
    Even with the native client out I will most probably keep the visualization website running so that you can have a peek from anywhere (I like checking the web from my android phones), it needs only around 0.5 Mbps bandwidth so it should be acceptable even for some slower mobile Internet connections, and the working hours will get broader from the current 05:00-22:00 GMT to 00:00-22:00 GMT (the native client will run of course nonstop 24/5). The same goes for the length of the respective recorded videos that will be uploaded to YouTube almost immediately at 22:00 GMT without any further delay.
    A lot of exciting news..
  10. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to San4x in Power levels trading   
    Sounds like a great and generous offer...!
    On another note: been testing the EURUSD on the adapted OBEL-engine and it's working nicely. I have been buried in projects at the moment but hope to find some time soon to adapt the code for the other pairs and will post the updated engine here.
    Cheers, San.
  11. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to mjs in (req) Bedtime-Tr*der.   
    There is a review of this on Systems For Traders website. Evidently its based around Gravestone and Dragonfly Dojis on the Daily Charts.There are some filters and it doesn't generate many signals but is profitable.Well overpriced as this type of Price Action set-up is available everywhere. Agora always overhype and overcharge imho but do give refunds ok.
    Hope this helps.
  12. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to marthart in (req) Bedtime-Tr*der.   
    1. Why do people always say "Amazing Strategy" when they want some other mug to buy it and give it to them ?
    2. Why dont people follow the rules and post in the request section ?
    Answers on a postcard please to......................
  13. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to udc in Power levels trading   
    Definitely, except you don't get that information in case of spot forex. The "volume" you get from your broker is a ticks volume, a mere number of times the price changed within given timeframe. On top of that a vast majority of brokers average quote stream, and each of them does it differently, so you get less ticks (thus lower ticks volume) than in reality.
    If you are thinking that ticks volume is the same as the real volume then you would be wrong, just because something looks similar doesn't mean it is the same. People (including those various pseudo-experts) very often confuse similar look with correlation. Correlation must involve dependency otherwise it's not correlation. There is no dependency between the ticks volume and the real volume. It's the same as if you said that every time you go to work it's daylight therefore it's daylight because you go to work. No, it's not. Neither it's true the other way around - you don't go to work because it's daylight. Those are 2 independent events that just often happen to occur at similar times.
    If you are referring to Gavin Holmes (of the VSA theory) who is rather aggressively trying to persuade people that the spot ticks volume is the same as the currencies futures volume, or if you simply want to guess spot volume by looking at currencies futures volume, then you would be wrong again as the currencies futures and anything what is happening on that market have no direct influence whatsoever on spot forex for the simple fact that the currencies futures quote is derived from the spot forex quote. The exact CME formula is: currencies futures quote = spot forex quote +- forward points. First the spot forex quote happens, then it is replicated onto the currencies futures market. So any kind of typical futures analysis (DOM, market profile, volume) is entirely nonsense in case of currencies futures and can not predict or assume anything because currencies futures quote changes when, and only when, the spot forex quote changes.
    Of course all those scammers who are trying to sell you books, webinars, various subscriptions, software, systems and whatnot will not tell you any of this. Although some of them are getting more careful these days. Typically during a seminar presenting some amazing futures software or strategy etc. an obvious question arise: "will this work on forex as well?" and the presenter instead blatant "yes, of course" often these days answers something like "well, I don't know forex, I don't trade it, but I don't see why it shouldn't work". So they just purposely play s.t.u.p.i.d, which is a good strategy actually because it helps them protect themselves against false-advertising lawsuits.
  14. Like
    ⭐ musketeer reacted to mashki in Anyone have clearfxsignals forex system   
    Here :
  15. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from ylidor in Seven Summits Trader   
  16. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from ylidor in Seven Summits Trader   
  17. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from hermes in Seven Summits Trader   
    post #213
    or just here:
  18. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from iactnow in [REQ] Master Money Bot   
    iltc2001 remind me about it.... so, i wrote an excel, will save it in xls for compatibility....
    enjoy! hope it helps
    edit: iltc2001 was in help again
    new link with finally checked and right file....
  19. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from CHiRiAAS in (REQ) H3dgeH0g Trading Course   
    Ok, I think more traders try it, more opinions. So, I will publish dwnld links... found somewhere...
    Appreciate Dukeaugustus's effort and sequence!

    HHT.rar (44.28 KB) http://www.multiupload.com/WYDQ5A5HEO HHT.part1.rar (380 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/CZGYIXXBS9 HHT.part2.rar (380 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/P0Q6XD2GEF HHT.part3.rar (371.35 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/60WU4ESKLD
    some mirror

    HHT.part1.rar (380 MB) http://mir.cr/1RYQZBVK HHT.part2.rar (380 MB) http://mir.cr/1C6F09HT HHT.part3.rar (371 MB) http://mir.cr/HKVPO521 http://mir.cr/0NVHZOVU HHT.rar (44 kB)
    its full HH course
  20. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from airplus in The AccuStrength Currency Meter (REQ)   
    here it is.... http://[email protected]/?ubroz73mv2v92qe
  21. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from ylidor in [REQ] Master Money Bot   
    iltc2001 remind me about it.... so, i wrote an excel, will save it in xls for compatibility....
    enjoy! hope it helps
    edit: iltc2001 was in help again
    new link with finally checked and right file....
  22. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from eatsheetandmultiply in [REQ] Master Money Bot   
    ah, you let me try it.... :)
    ok, try that:
  23. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from e-Invester in ReQ : R@E@D P@H@O@E@N@I@X   
    hXXp://[email protected]/?ydnbqf77zzkcrb6
    here are they - decomp
  24. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from sovereighn57 in (Req) Iris FX   
    here: http://[email protected]/?h6xtuj1y0cvyxuf
    but w/o the dll
  25. Like
    ⭐ musketeer got a reaction from Torres96 in (REQ) H3dgeH0g Trading Course   
    Ok, I think more traders try it, more opinions. So, I will publish dwnld links... found somewhere...
    Appreciate Dukeaugustus's effort and sequence!

    HHT.rar (44.28 KB) http://www.multiupload.com/WYDQ5A5HEO HHT.part1.rar (380 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/CZGYIXXBS9 HHT.part2.rar (380 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/P0Q6XD2GEF HHT.part3.rar (371.35 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/60WU4ESKLD
    some mirror

    HHT.part1.rar (380 MB) http://mir.cr/1RYQZBVK HHT.part2.rar (380 MB) http://mir.cr/1C6F09HT HHT.part3.rar (371 MB) http://mir.cr/HKVPO521 http://mir.cr/0NVHZOVU HHT.rar (44 kB)
    its full HH course
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