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Everything posted by powder

  1. just want to say i appreciate all the forex mentor stuff u share. Kudos to you . thanks
  2. we cannot let ewef have all the benefit. Share it to the public. they keep all the profit themselves. Hope doddy will share it more with us. God is watching their insane behaviour of having restriction of download section. It is insane....
  3. good idea. can we start with irc channel address. who is going to implement it?.
  4. http://rapidshare.com/files/301014933/Jimmy_Eurousdtrader_news_trading.part18.rar can any kind soul upload just this one? many request it. Thanks.
  5. i did get his course before on the torrent, it was basic using macd, I think thre much better one in here that worth studying.
  6. price action note2 jacky http://rapidshare.com/files/310496750/pa2.pdf http://rapidshare.com/files/310830729/pa2.pdf http://rapidshare.com/files/312086706/pa2.0.pdf the links no longer working anyone happen to have this?- would appreciated if can share this: thks.
  7. i think that is true. and combination of soft music will accomplished.
  8. Gringoh, Awesome share. Do u have these: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/5902-forexmentor-Ultimate-training-guide-amp-Ultimate-winning-edge
  9. i think it is the winrar setting u need to adjust.:)
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