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Posts posted by FreddyFX

  1. I did and must say that many newcomers to forex should read that first before crying about how it can happen that they seem to have ONLY negative trades.

    Typical story that a teacher would write for interesting students in his classroom, lol, in a closed circle.


    Maybe some smart neighbor that saw a way of making money with it.


    I plan to test that EA.........the trailing part interests me.

  2. I know what you mean, but there are 2 sides to a coin.


    Me as an engineer am not making my expertise available for free in the contracting business.

    Helping out a friend is an option, but not making project managers make tons of money with knowledge that took me years to achieve and put to the test.


    Within the Indo community we are amongst friends.

  3. I signed up for the site, but upon receiving their email to login, it seems the p.w. they provided does not function. Guess nothing left then to await their Sunday activity.



    The ElementalTrader Launch Kicks off tomorrow with a BANG! The email

    creative below will convert upwards of 50% for the complimentary

    software, so make sure that you go ahead and get it queued up for

    Sunday AM.


    I mean, what goes well with Sunday AM coffee? A newspaper you say? I

    say "complimentary software"!



    Indi works fine on the chart, now just to learn how to trade with it, lol.

  4. Well, I have tried my best to get this to work properly, but somehow it takes a LONG time before an action is taken. Almost started wondering if there was something wrong with my pc.


    Anybody any more luck with this product?

    I still believe it has a lot of merits, as everything can be programmed and then it takes all the emotions out of an entry.

  5. Personally I think the system has a lot of merits.

    If you test it a bit further, you will find out.

    Have been making pos. results on a demo, but am a perfectionist and don't like wrong info on my charts.

    On the screenshot I received it looks like something is still not working correctly, as the words "Label" show up and then it is missing data.............and in the Strength Pillars an extra symbol seems to show under the figures.


    Maybe when you have some more time, you can go over all a bit more carefully?

    Wish I knew more to help, know about everything, except coding, lol.

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