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Everything posted by adevilsnail

  1. you said that you can't download part 30 have you try downloading manually without a program? because i just check the link and part 30 is fine and has 40 mb. the course is there on the folder called media the problem is that some of the files are damaged so when you extract it a few files are corrupted but the course is all there we just need the up-loader to re-upload the damaged parts or the corrupted files inside.
  2. if you are having problems downloading a specific part the problem is most likely the program you are using to download specifically the JDownloader that its plugin for media fire is not working right now. so you just have to paste the link on this tread on your browser and download manually the part you want. So far every link is working fine the problem is that parts 2, 19, 22, 24 and 26 are damaged and giving the crc error so up-loader could you please re-upload those parts or a recovery file to repair the damaged or the damaged files of those parts they are carter d1h1.mov d1 h2.mp4 d2 h2.mp4 d2 h3.mp4 d2 h5.mp4 thank you
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