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Everything posted by tipuwang

  1. Friend, just 20minute does't matter, rather than later it loss your $$
  2. I do not sure whether we should continue this discussion in this thread since it is out of topic, if you prefer to discuss at other thread please inform me. Any different between AdvanceGet & RET?Could you tell me which 1 is the best?
  3. Sixer,I willing to do my homework, but I need some guide to point me to correct reference so that I learn the basic on which swing to choose for APP & PE. I am downloading the e-book. BTW,do you try ELwave software before?
  4. I saw a turning point circle in blue at W, what is this for in fibo?I though the APP is based on the latest blue a+b only to get the retracement of c. There are alots of article form carolyn, could you be specify which 1 teach about basic to draw APP & Price extension?I saw a lots of relationship of APP & PE, but how to identify which critical swing to select?I am keep on reading.
  5. I know about the setting, but I do not know how to draw APP and extension price, confuse myself to choose which swing to start draw.
  6. Same goes to correction abc?I saw a lots of abc in your chart, but it is not correction, why do you put that? How to you recognise w12345 effectively?Anywhere to refer? I am confusing to draw app & price extension, which site or reference can help me?
  7. From the video, it doesn't let us know how to identify wave1-5 & correction automatically, would you clarify?
  8. I'm looking into the video that on the website, but it is not completed, somemore it is version 4, do you have the current version 6?
  9. Sixer,r.miner did not tell how to identify e.wave & correction from scratch, all his video is start with pre-draw high-low for correction, he did not mentioned about which swing should be select.
  10. TIM tactics is require, please upload.
  11. these include Professional Trader Series DVD Set (Days 4-7)?
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