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Posts posted by sheetal

  1. This is a long post most of the members here may wish to skip it.. I hope a few of long term successful traders will read it and give me some feedback..




    Hi Sheetal,


    Nice thought out response thank you . However I have been there. It's not as easy as you say here, it is much more difficult than you would think it to be. I have traded manually and my longest run in being in the green was just over 8 months. Now that is a lot, I am not bragging but few can really say this. I trade full time so I am always in the market and my exposure to market is more than most.


    What I came here to learn or find out is how someone can make a good living off of trading year after year. I use to think it was following the rules exactly and I thought exactly as you that the real holy grail is between the 2 ears. So I did practice my demos for 3 months before I traded mini lots.


    Discipline is not the problem nor has been the problem for me. I have spent near half my life in martial arts and it's as easy for me to follow rules exactly as it is to get out of bed in the morning and put on my shoes.


    However and this is why I am here I have found it impossible to stay in profit all the time from week to week making a nice income. I have come to the conclusion(willing to be proved wrong)

    that any trader no matter how good will come to problems that are impossible to work out.

    These problems have nothing to do with trading, news, fundamentals, following the rules exactly,MM,etc. These problems are done to the traders from the brokers. No matter how good a trader you are you will eventually lose because of this. Stop hunting,taking the other side of the trade plus a lot of other things that the broker does that you have no knowledge of that will end the end get you as sure as the same if your using a Martingale EA it may look great and it does when it's working but the time will come when it does not work and then your history. No matter what brokers may tell you or what you may think about brokers take it from me your area between your ears is your worst enemy regarding this. Why? Because you think you can think it through just as I did,you think that because your smart maybe smarter than most you have a good knowledge the way brokers work and what they do as I also thought.. The sad sad truth is you don't.

    No matter what you think you know you don't know it's really that simple. There are things that brokers do every single day to take your money and make no mistake about it in the end they will have their victory.


    Given this I still have the hope thought I feel it's based more in hope than the actual facts as I know them to be. I have the hope that there may be a few people a few traders that for reasons they may not even know have been able to succeed regardless of what the brokers do.

    It's why I am here to learn not about other systems I can trade most systems and make money, once you can really follow rules then it's not hard. My question in my first post was if anyone has a system that is profitable year after year by just following the rules exactly. The problem with this your success as a trader has little to do with yo being able to follow a system exactly and it has everything to do with what I call "broker snipers" who have your number and they are there taking shots at you and you have absolutely no idea this is happening as matter of fact you would probably argue this fact with me or anyone if they told you this is why you cannot win. So even the brokers that are doing this have their enemy on their own side. This is how crazy this Forex trading has become.


    I am not here to to change anyone's thinking we all need to learn from our mistakes, we need to learn from others that have truthful knowledge that we do not have,we need to learn from others that have somehow succeeded in this most difficult game of all called Forex Trading.


    It's my hope that I will find a few traders in here that would be willing to share wit me how they have succeeded. I am not speaking of the normal type recreational trader that most here are. I am speaking about full time traders who trade around 20 days a month full time, who have been doing this for over 2 years and always being in profit month after month. It's from them I came to learn.

    I do believe these people exist and I believe it's possible to have some here in this Forum.


    So I thank you again for your response to me. It's a nice and helping response with some nice teaching lessons in it. But as you can see this will not help me at all because you can trade perfect in this business and still lose and what do we say Oh it's Forex remember! Yes it is Forex but do not fool yourself it's not because its Forex and it's a "act of god" thing and that is why you lost. It's because it's Forex and someone was out to get you in a very organized, high tech way that you had no knowledge of. My theory about this is some traders are able to survive past these kinds of attacks and they are probably doing it unknowingly. So my hope is if I can examine how these traders are being successful for such a long time I may be able to see what it is they are doing that is protecting them from these "sniper brokers" Because believe me they are there just as much as organize crime is in Vegas with the Casinos you have the same happening in the world of Forex brokers..


    Happy trading to all



    Hi Steve,


    Thank you very much for a comprehensive response.


    After reading thru your explanation, I understand that I misunderstood your concern.


    Well, I highly appreciate your experience and knowledge and I respect you for that.


    Trading systems do fail and all trading system has something draw-down period. Nothing new in that.


    To be open, your concern is out of my range and I'd request more knowledgeable & experienced individuals in this forum to help you out with this and this knowledge would be beneficial for us all. I really don't know how to beat the brokers at their own game.


    However, if you enter the following keywords in Google, you might get a good article:


    Technical Analysis Fallacy+fti


    Open the first result. I don't know if you've already gone thru it. But if you've, do let us know about the information there in more simplistic format.


    Thank you,

  2. My name is Steve I have been trading only for 2 years now and always open to learn new trading ideas.

    This is a wonderful site I just joined and have not had time to take a good long look but will for sure.

    Thanks for having me


    I have a question from my glance at the site it seems like you have every forex trading system known to man lol. My question is this with all the many systems we have here , #1) is there at least one system that consistency brings in profit when followed exactly by the rules. My own experience has shown no such system exists or I have not come across it. They say well it works for some people and not for others. I'm not sure that is a correct statement. I would say yes it works for some people some of the time. If there is one person that uses a system that works over 60% all of the time that is all anyone needs. You can be a millionaire #2) if you have something that works only 60% if you have good MM.


    I ask these questions because I recently lost a lot of money playing this game and I may be jaded but I am coming to the conclusion that #3) no one is successful in Forex when you look at it long term. I would love to be proven wrong but so far my assessment of Forex trading is it's nothing else buy #4) very educated gambling. I have yet to find one trader that trades Forex full time and is always in the black for years not weeks or months.


    thanks again sorry for the long post..:)




    Hello Steve,


    Welcome to this lovely forum. You would surely receive many important & helpful insights on your query from many of the members here who knows this business inside out. But let me try to address this with my very limited knowledge and understanding. Here we go:


    First of all, your answer is hidden in your question itself.


    #1) Yes, there is. Which one?


    Visit: holy-grail-forex.com and you could buy this for only US$ 97. :))


    Jokes apart,


    To be serious, yes, it's there. Leave alone hit accuracy of 60%. I'm really comfortable with a hit accuracy of 40 - 50%.


    There are not one but MANY trading systems that consistently brings in profit when followed exactly by the rules.

    The problem is with the last part of the sentence - "... when followed exactly by the rules."

    Remember, we're human beings and not machines which perform repeatedly the exact same protocols 1000 times over & over again - precisely in accordance with the pre-defined set of Rules. We violate the 'exact rules' on drop of a hat that we're supposed to follow & then we blame it on the trading system, broker, big dogs, cyborgs, moons, stars and what not.


    Only the ONE single individual among a million who has the discipline to follow the exact set of instructions in strict accordance repeatedly and the understanding that two consecutive events are entirely independent are the one who closes the first year and the next 50 - 70 years of his/her life in Green.


    Trading and the market is located between the trader's two ears - it's all mental aspect.


    #2) Same as #1) above.


    Do you have it what it takes to follow a trading system with very few and very very simple set of rules?


    Leave alone millionaire - there is no upper limit to the income generated. But read #1) and the line above.


    #3) Are you sure? Think again my dear friend.


    Just because some fishes lives in ponds near my house, am I correct to assume that all fishes in this world lives in ponds?


    #4) Ummm, it's Worse. Least in gambling houses they provide you with couple of drinks and many hot chicks around. But here, brokers offer nothing but a cold phone call.


    It's gambling when you don't know what you're doing. And this attitude is what it makes it frustrating.





    ** A simple proposal 4 you:


    You might want to take this up for assessing yourself and this activity is not for others. This activity would potentially answer your question:


    "My own experience has shown no such system exists or I have not come across it."



    Search in Google using these keywords:


    Trendline Break+jhig


    What is the first result?


    Could you take up demo trades based on this system for next 4 months, execute the trades as you would have done on a real money account plus post your trades on this very thread regularly for the entire period?


    Suggeted pairs: Any four pair of your choice. The lesser, the better. Only one pair would be the BEST.


    Time Frame: 30 mins/ 1H. The higher TF, the better.


    The above two parameters should never change for the entire 4 month's duration.


    Read #2) above again and let me know. :-?


  3. Hello friends,


    Please feel free to post in here your opinions and trade ideas about XAUUSD. Fundamental ideas are also most welcome.



    As on 7th May, 2010:


    Gold seems to be in a solid Up trend. Last pullback (S1) was $1160. Level $1230 is a good R level since we might witness a double top.


    Since $1130, this metal has been making consecutive new highs without breaching last pullbacks.


    If this metal is able to breach the $1230 level, we might expect a uphill run till $1310.


    As on Friday, the close was $1208.50. A long position could be initiated with stop of US$ 58.


    I could be wrong but these are my thoughts.

  4. Hello friends,


    Found this in a corner of my HD collecting dust. Does have few good plans thou:



    :)) >:) presenting ...


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    :x if you liked it, don't forget ... whispering a 'Thx'


  5. Hi, I just saw then a countertrend break and found a bullish divergence at momentum indicator.

    Have a nive weekend to you.

    Ditto here. How come we're trading the same style? I suspect you've looked thru my window while I was analyzing my charts. :-O


    Jokes apart.


    A good thing is, I see this method works pretty well and over the last two months, has given really solid signals in Gold. I dunno if you use more indicators, but for me, I use only one i.e. momentum indi & lovely trendlines. I'm yet to run live with this method. Only problem that I'm facing now is to 'pull the trigger'. I've been beating myself up for the HUGE bull run in Gold that I identified in Mar 25th and not to mention, I was unable to take positions in the retracements as I sat frozen during the entire 6500 points uphill run.


    I've missed this trade yesterday 'coz I was not checking the charts and more interested to go for an outing in the evening.


    Anyways, as our style match, could we post upcoming trades here and help each other?

  6. Good run in Gold



    If the price breaks the adjusted trendline the indicator make a sound alert.


    I think you had a gr8 day today as Gold hit 1156.89 !! since u were already long @ 1141 level??


    If u won't mind, may I know why you were long so early?





    Have a nice weekend

  7. Enjoy!



    Please change the name of the files to something different such as TL001 and then re-upload to friendly server plz.

  8. RE: (ASK) How to trade only with trendline?


    Barbara, would you mind teaching me your trading system based on trend line. I am still reading all the book from the link that you give it to me. Trading with trendline is very basic for newbi like me. Thnxs barbara.


    Hi maurice,


    I'm not sure if you're asking for a private 1on1 coaching here or in other words, are you requesting to be spoon fed??!!


    You must realize that members here do have more commitments in life outside the trading world. I don't see what problem you're facing while trying to draw trendlines on charts. Or, are you trying to complicate a simple thing?


    Did you REALLY go thru all the information that I've provided here??:




    Search in Google using these keywords:


    Trendline Break+jhig


    What is the first result?

    How many indicators does this guy uses?

    PLUS read the book - 'Trading In The Buff'. Understand the concept of 'Trading Naked'.


    How does the author in the eBook 'Trading the Line' (see second link in post #2) demonstrated his trades?


    I'm sorry as I didn't meant to hurt anyone's sentiments here but that's what I felt. Feel free to post all your doubts here - there are many experienced & helpful members in here who would clarify your doubts. Also, don't forget to post your charts.




  9. Hello friends,


    I’m finding it hard to implement fundamentals in my trading. Basically, I’ve learnt trading the technical way. Now, I’d love to include and use fundamental analysis in my trading.


    Anybody who could please show me how this is done in real world scenario? I mean how from where you get the information, how you analyze & deduce your market position and which position to take in market aligning to fundamental aspect?


    For instance, it would be greatly appreciated if you could show your analysis of pair, suppose, GBPUSD in last 3-6 months?


    Thank you,

  10. To thesecret,


    Because....If you make fast cash on the markets, you will be only earning 1 source of income !


    BUT....If you are selling ebooks or software...Then you will be earning an EXTRA income source... !


    Dont forget, every trade doesnt mean always we win.


    However, there is nothing much to lose if you just sell a ebook/software...Except for the yearly hosting and domain fees... ;)


    Utlimately - To put it in simple words, dont just depend on trading, myself do work fulltime job outside and also do some trading whenever i am free. Also i am doing some affiliate marketing. Dont put all eggs into the same basket ! Diversify your income source !


    Goodluck ! =D>


    To add one more cent to thesecret's inquiry:


    Why aren't the system sellers unable to display trading records (that has been verified by 3rd party authority) using the same system for atleast 1 year? Instead of selling half baked systems which puts innocent newbie trader's capital at far greater risk than the market itself, the system sellers should be more honest to put their own money where their mouth is.



  11. Hello friends,


    Very often, I find myself confused while making a trading decision under this circumstance - After a good move, the price retraces upto certain level or let's say there's a pullback. Now, let's say under the present situation in the chart below (an example), what would be your decision?




    How & why would you personally decide if you would close your long position and initiate a short or simply hold your long trade?



    Thank you

  12. These would be sufficient for your start-up. Donot look for a guru in Forex trading 'coz there's NONE:




    help yourself.

  13. 1) which is the leading indicator in producing both positive @ negative divergance signals?


    2) which one's signal is most accurate, easy to visable, and non complicated ?


    3) If one of your favorite indicators produce buy signal another one gives sell signal at the same time

    what the reason behind this ?


    4) can a indicators signals sustains or overcome economic reports?


    5) each indicators suxessful signal producing is depend upon what?


    6) it is possible for a techinical trader tradingl with out using any indicator ?



    From looking into your questions about indicators, I understand that you're in the search of the holy-indicator-grail. No problem about that. All traders go thru this phase.


    1) Use any indicator in the Oscillator category.


    2) Depends entirely upon your personal angle of view - which one looks easy to your own eyes?


    3) This happens because of the 'formula' which the indicators use to calculate the outputs.


    4) No.


    5) Indicators' input parameters & the formula used to calculate the output.


    6) Yes, it is. And the good news is, systems that use least number of indicators (1 or 2) are most profitable and durable. Search in Google using these keywords:


    Trendline Break+jhig


    What is the first result? How many indicators does this guy uses? PLUS read the book - 'Trading In The Buff'. Understand the concept of 'Trading Naked'.


    feel free to respond with a 'reputation' if you find my answer helpful.


    ** experienced seniors, please correct me if my thoughts are wrong.


    good luck

  14. Re: trailing stop question


    I want to set a trailing stop after TP point is it possible?


    my TP is 20 pips and usually price hit my TP but i dont want to close my position right away. if I set a trailing stop of 10 pips after TP hited I can do 50 pips .


    I use a system that is profitable but for more I need to handle this ...


    thanks for tecnical mt4 tips


    Hi darkxxl,


    Well, this would depend on your broker's software or so called the 'trading terminal'. If you are using MetaTrader, there is a provision for using trailing SL. Here are info that you may find helpful:



    After the market hits your TP, don't close out the position. Just bring the initial stop loss to breakeven. And then, set the trailing SL.


    Even if you don't use MT4, this could be done manually.



  15. Re: Position Leverage Strategy


    Here is a very interesting strategy for trading stocks. It gets you quickly out of your underperformers and into your best performing stocks. Hope you all enjoy it!




    This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

    Any mirrors? I don't y people don't use free sites such as medi.afire or multiupl0ad

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