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Posts posted by craven

  1. That was educational, thank you very much for the explanation, psaini1973!! :)


    This is drag n drop function, When a trade is closed whether in profit or in loss after that we just drag the closed trade from the account history and drop on its particular chart, then it exactly shows the entry and exit in the form of arrows and line. ( Pls check the pic below, inside the red circle u will exactly see the price where the trade was entered and exited.)


    So now if Robert shares his screenshot of his closed trades using this function then we can exactly know whether the indicator repaints or not, bcos when the signals changes he has to take the trade and when the trade is closed bcos the signal also changes, then it will exactly show the synchronization between the trades and the indicator. I hope it helps. :)


  2. What is drag n drop function??


    Craven it would be much better if he shares his screenshots using drag n drop function of his closed trades so that we can know where he entered and exited his trades and we can verify the signals given by the indicator is correct and not repaint.


    i know he wouldnt dare to do so as i said, bcos he would get caught redhanded.

  3. Hehehe... the extreme decision was made based on the trading statement you posted. Oh, sweetie, did you forget you did that?! Poor thing...


    And, we're still waiting to see more screenshots! Did you forget about that, too?!


    Now, you be a good boy, and go on over to your MT4 terminal, capture some nice screenie pixies, and post them up on this thread. Ok, honey?!


    More lovey dovey later, baby boy!! ;):x


    My suggestion is....if you were just looking at a trading system's picture but you don't have or you've never tried that system by yourself, please don't make an extreme decision.
  4. I am exhausted, but I can't sleep... keep tossing and turning, my mind's in a blank state, but nothing.


    I think it's time for that Valerian tea, makes me relax. Maybe, it'll knock me out and put me to sleep.


    Well, I hope we can get this thread kicking again, the activity and participation from the member's of this community really gets me excited! It's tea time, kettle is calling. See you guys later!! ;):x

  5. Well, I sure hope he responds back with some additional screenshots!


    So, here's my love call to you, Robert M. Daley. :x


    A real statement would be great, access to your trader platform with the investor password would be better!!


    May I remind you that members here are still waiting to hear back from you with a link to your broker's site.


    First thing's first, multiple screenshots, and maybe, just maybe, some R & R later!! Hehe... ;):)


    I agree with you craven - RMD might of thought to exaggerate the earnings would impress us

    when we all would have been impressed - doesn't matter what the size ... lol

    and as you say because of that - the indicator still could be great ...!!!


    we all do s t u p i d things at times ... !!! - give RMD the benefit of the doubt .....

  6. I guess that this thread is dead now.


    It's too bad, because I was having so much fun!


    But, if Robert M. Daley wants to continue posting screen shots, for multiple currency pairs, and, in multiple time frames, I may still consider purchasing the indicator. Of course, with the notion of knowing, there's no way on Earth I'll be receiving a refund!! Haha!!!


    Many of you are probably wondering why I would do that?! And, here's my answer:


    Number 1: I have the money to spend. For me, it's one night of staying in, instead of going out to party. And, I would do it because I believe in the principle that there's no reward without risk. Do you guys agree with me?!


    Number 2: I always try to be open hearted and accept people for who they are, what they are, and, the way they are. And, here's where everyone's going to get confused. We've already established that the statement was tampered with, and that RMD made a boo boo. What if... he overly exaggerated the earnings, which was a really naughty thing to do, but the indicator does perform rather well??? Hehehe, I don't have my hopes up, but who truly knows?! Do you? I sure don't!! We don't know for certain if he's the real deal, or just phoney money, LOL.


    So, I don't want to confuse anyone, this opportunity smells like last season's unrefrigerated phishies, but I wouldn't mind LibertyReserving half a thousand bucks to take the risk to find out if the indicator actually smells like the green. OR NOT!!!


    Atleast, this way, if it does turn out to be a fluke, I won't be hurting anyone's feelings when I CALL THEM A LIAR and SCAMMER!!!!


    And, if it turns out to be the real deal, then, MAYBE, I'll owe someone a candlelight dinner... hehe. :)


    But, until then, the joke's on you, Robert M. Daley. :D


    =====Anyways, last night's Long Island Iced Teas - Extra Strong - have put a strain on my brain, and I'm starting to think I'm not really in my right state of mind writing this post. So, I'm going to take two Advil and gonna go nap out now.


    Talk to you later, everyone, Robert M. Daley... buh bye. ;):x

  7. Oh, dear. I suppose you didn't get the big picture.


    You see, members of this forum noticed that there were inconsistencies in the statement provided by the Daley guy.


    If he was an honest seller, he wouldn't have gone through all the trouble to fabricate his work.


    So, the answer is no, he is not going to receive an apology from muah!


    In fact, if anyone owes an apology, he owes the indo- forum community and its members an apology for trying to pull a fast one on us all!!


    Shame on you, Robert M. Daley, or whatever your name is!!!


    And, btw orinin, it's a little too late to do good on this one, as the seller has already demonstrated and proven he can't be trusted.


    But, you go on ahead, and be my guest, and go purchase that indicator, and be a good sport about it, and share the wealth with everyone, OK?!#$%&


    Congratulation to you. You have made and put all your efforts on probing that he is a scammer.

    How if later he is proven to not a scammer and so happen you use and make pips with his indicator. Would you retract all your statements and write a long apologize to the world as what you did.

    I hope someone will share it here and we will test together. Mark my words, if proven that his indicator is really working as his words, the first person that I wanted to see his apologize is you.


    There is even worst thing in this forum. I saw he posted a holygrail thread but still jumping around asking and commenting other people thread, asking this and that. Im curious..why someone with holygrail system or indicator is still looking for other things..why dont he concentrate in his trading and helping other as he claimed to be generous enough rather than kept posting and commenting in this forum..I think he must be looking for holydiamond ..

  8. ROFL, I don't understand a lot of things in life, and I crack blonde jokes that I personally don't understand all the time, but this one is classic!!


    I have to ask, and please educate muah, but how do you use white out on graphics on the internet?!#$%


    Hilarious, time for some tea!!! LOL :))


    the gif image is not clean .... when he made adjustments



  9. It's a new year. You just received the 2012 Scammer of the Year AWARD!


    Ya know, 100 bucks to 2000 wasn't a bad play, if that part of the statement was true.


    It's just too bad, because you had one chance, and you blew it!


    Now, no matter what excuse you make, I don't think anyone will believe you.


    Atleast, not anymore.



  10. You need to explain yourself as to what you mean by repaint.


    My definition of repaint refers to a signal changing positions, disappearing, reappearing in past bars, and the like, AFTER THE FACT THAT THE BAR WITH THE ACTIVE SIGNAL HAS CLOSED. An indicator that repaints past bars is considered a repainting indicator.


    That is my definition of repaint.


    As for active open bars with signals, that means the bar on whatever time frame you are watching your charts on, we can assume that until this bar closes at whatever the time frame cut off period is, that the signals may appear, disappear, reappear, and nothing is carved in stone until the bar closes. This one right here, I don't refer as to repaint. You know why, right?! Because... if the indicators you are using are calculating price in real-time, then yes, you will see signal fluctuations on screen. That's why we wait for the close of a bar to confirm signals.


    As for the author or seller of the indicator, there was a strong indication that he was referring to my definition of repaint, meaning his indicator does not repaint past bars.


    We don't know for sure if this is accurate, as the notion here is that his indy looks too good to be true. But, for what it's worth, in the few pix he shared here with us, there was the one where he showed an entry position after the signal bar closed.


    As always, buyer beware. I usually know what I'm getting myself into, for instance, this indicator smells fishy, like stinkeey dead slimeey phisheey, but I wouldn't mind spending the $500 to find out if it's real or not. Afterall, I spend that much money at the club in one evening, so I can stay in one night and it'll cover the cost of the indy.


    The suspense is driving me wild, the seller has pitched a ball, and I'm waiting to see who takes on the challenge by hitting it back!! Who and where is my indo- hero?! The wait is making me feel restless, and so, if the indy hasn't shown its face by the time I return from my vacation, I may have to splurge on this one.





    There is no indicator which does not repaint.......we should not be looking for one since it does not exit.....however, we can play with repainting indicators to make them work for us
  11. Well, it sure does look, almost identical! LOL, you'll have to excuse me, as I am an airhead, but, um, like, what was the point of this post??


    Were you trying to make a point that you own it and it works, or were you trying to be a good guy and let others know that the indy DOES NOT WORK, and to save their monies!! :)


    Or, maybe you were trying to relay something else. Sorry, I didn't get it. It's a blonde thing. :P


    Either way, thanks for trying and you have my attention!!! :x;)



    You are looking for a perfect indicator and you are not able to compare 2 pictures posted? Take a look at the same picture posted by the ""author" of the wonder indicator and compare it to the picture. Bye

  12. Hehehe, and what makes you believe that this gentleman will post his trades along with his 3 months worth of statements from his live account?? That's a very, very big, biggey big request. @-)


    I'll let you in on a little secret, psaini1973, and this has to stay between, just you and muah, but... I wasn't planning on going out and buying it until your gentleman friend went out on a limb, and posted his goodie-goodie results in reply to the very biggey big request. So... mums the word, and don't tell anyone about this until we see some action. And, after I go out and buy it, you'll be the only one I tell, because I would hate to get banned from the gentleman's members section. If I get banned, I may miss out on some other wholly grayle opportunities from the same seller. Now, that wouldn't be fun at all, would it?! Anyway, this is our little secret, so once again, mums the word, and sit tight, sweetie! Smoochieeeees!! :x:)


    Craven u r much much experienced then all of us and u know wat is better... so according to me u shld wait until Robert post his drag n drop trades and his 3 months statement of his live a/c.
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