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Everything posted by halotan

  1. halotan


    Re: FXCL Not really heard of them....be very careful when opening accts w small firms or firms w a lot of small accts. These firms tend to be "bucket shop" that trade against u. Go for those more established one, which u can easily find at popular forex websites. some general guidelines: 1) Try their demo acct first, 2) Then dep small amt like 1-2k first and do live trading w them 3) Try to withdraw money and c if ok. 4) if ok, then open bigger acct. But if brokers are out to cheat, there is pretty much nothing we can do abt it. That's why getting a reliable one is very impt.
  2. Re: CitiBank Fx division now available to MT4 Traders. Why trade with Citifxpro? They are powered by SAXO bank. Better trade w SAXO bank directly. Min acct size 5000, but can only trade 16 crosses pair. This is a mini acct. U can try their demo acct for 20 days if I m not wrong.
  3. Re: All About FXCM try to open account with those in your country or have branches in your country. Overseas difficult to chase after.... if own country don't have, choose better known one that do not trade against u...eg F*Sol.
  4. Re: Forex Nitty Gritty by Profits Run were u referring to his FPA?
  5. Re: PETER BAIN 2 DVD Has anyone tried his method consistently? Please share your opinions.
  6. Re: Ken Karpman Plummeted From a Six-Figure Salary to Earning $7 Heard of many such cases, but this one quite weird. usually these fallen people wld get rid of all their assests, and start accumulating capital. Once they have it, they will make some calculated risks investment again and within years, they wld have recouped their losses. But I think for this case, it is better for him to enjoy poor but peaceful and grateful lives.
  7. Re: Forex Nitty Gritty by Profits Run Anyone who has try his Time Machine? Pls share your views and if possible his strategies for FX Time Mac. thanks in advance
  8. Re: Forex Nitty Gritty by Profits Run Generally his products are quite robust, but a lot of conditions before u take a trade. That is what we call a high probability trade. Indicators that he used are pretty standard eg in Fx Profit Accelerator. But I haven't had an opportunity to test drive his Forex time machine, which is his latest product.
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