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Posts posted by devils_advocate

  1. When you say 'any software', it means you have no specific choice. There are many Gann software freely available on the net, Gannzilla is one of them. Preferably, you should either tell name of a certain software (maybe someone will share) or at least tell what purpose you want to achieve, like you want to test Gann square, Gann wheel, etc. Thanks, D_A_.
  2. Hi,


    By using leech.ninja, I have downloaded 4 files out of 5. But, the fourth part I am unable to download. I have tried this file for 5 times and each time download failed between 80-90%. To avoid confusion I am giving the download link of the file I am unable to download.






    I would be really thankful if someone can find a link generating site which will allow me to download this file completely for free.




  3. Here is the mega link for the same content




    Not sure it is the same course form the link. But this is his full course


    Hi bro,


    This course has been already shared by 'insaneike' in the thread below:




    I am searching Chris Lori's latest PA Course, the link of which is in post 1.




  4. @devils_advocate


    I hope, this is the one which you are looking





    I am looking for this course:




    The Course you have shared shows 12 CDs, but when I downloaded, CD1 was 592 KB in size, CD2 was 472 KB and CD3 was 530 KB. None of these CDs had any video files. Am I making some mistake while downloading? Did you check the content yourself? Can you please share this course through some other file hosting service?


    Please, check and reply.




  5. Hi,


    Like I said before my net provider gives upload speed which is 1/8th of download speed. Therefore, I have decided to share RTM Journals in parts. This way if upload gets interrupted I don't loose much time and if it gets corrupted I can re-upload only the relevant part. This is the part - 1, plz, download it, check it and I will start sharing other parts. I will try to share asap, plz be patient.




    If you face any problem, tell them in comments (plz don't PM).




  6. Hi,


    I have downloaded 4.73GB of RTM journals. These are extracts of posts from RTM forum of their highest rated paid members. There are NO course VIDEOS, but only forum posts, but by the size of it you can imagine they are huge collection and lots of information. It also includes IF's posts. I downloaded it directly from a Mega link, which has gone dead now. Unfortunately, I didn't transfer it to my Mega account. I will be uploading this content on to a site, but it might take 4-5 days. If anybody wants this content, plz comment here (no need to PM me). Actually, the upload speed of my net connection is slow, so I want to make sure that someone needs it before I go through the uploading process.




  7. Let me tell you what I did:


    1. Installed the exe file given in the folder.

    2. Copied given TSA.exe in the installed directory (replaced original TSA.exe).

    3. Replaced the file before first run of the program.


    When I ran the program it asked for the key. I put a random key and username, but didn't work.


    Anyway, I got a different version from post 13 of this thread. I installed it and the process of installation was far more complex, but it worked for me. Its an older version. Thanks everyone for their help.



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