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Posts posted by freddy

  1. I finally decided last Friday to test the famous eurobot.

    (settings unchanged except:0.5lot / $ 5000) on demo account, not mad!



    The first trade was a winner.

    Immediately, I told myself that I had been mean to karl and I was ready to repent.


    The second trade was also a winner (small)


    but after I was finally reassured, since I have had four consecutive losing trades.



    Would love to hear about your results, maybe different settings are better, or worst!


  2. Freddy, while you still in weekend (your french's time) and you still continue with your joke above, here I add some nightmare for you to be afraid of and some serious jokes for you to ponder upon.


    You need to be afraid of LHC, why, if LHC speculative quantum roulette guess is wrong then your country will feel the crackdown first (earthquake, landslide ?) and the Switzerland new Alpen long tunnel might be tumbling down due to the earthquake and its Alpen's ice melted into blue danube river causing big flood to all Europe. And what about Eiffel Tower ? you may imagine the worst : break down probably.


    And why all the Europe countries not just close the LHC to support their budget deficits so could avoid all the demonstration by teeanagers (Italy) and workers (France) ? Why Sarkozy not just use s the the LHC fund to pay their old man's pension fund. Or he has used it some for Carla Bruni's dress and makeup, LOL ? And all LHC's nuclear scientist could be laid off and changed profession as forex dealer and quantitative analyst only at Dukascopy. Maybe it could be bigger than UBS football size trading room. And ex LHC giant labs turn into giant pin ball machine for tourist beside Eiffel. But this time tourist have to go down the earth not go up with lift machine.


    This is the common trait of Western culture since Reinassance, in search for knowledge of metaphysics particle they still try to search outward with expensive useless labs and rockets rather than searching within like the Eastern culture. LHC' nuclear scientist better go to Himalaya to seek hermit/guru to find this metaphysics particles like once Beatles did with Maharishi, at least some guru could teach them Transcedental Meditation to meet God's particle directly not by machine. If they can not meditate maybe Timothy Mc Leary could teach them how to trip with LSD, at least this western guy is wiser than LHC stubborn nuclear scientist in finding god's particle. Even Blavatsky has warned almost 1 centuries ago to western scientist not to play with God's particle, she gave Atlantis as the example of doomed civilization due to "crystal machine (LHC?)". And finally for Western and European man who has Western mystical root with Egypt dont forget the Hermes Trimegistus famous sayings: As heaven.......


    Dear Fxmaniac,


    I think we misunderstood from the beginning.

    I am not defending the CERN project and its research (useful?) on the collision of atoms in

    this giant construction (LHC).


    "Science without conscience is the ruin of the soul"

    This famous quote is incredibly modern and yet it was written by Francois Rabelais in the 15th

    century. (French, by the way, lol)


    I confess I do not have sufficient scientific knowledge to be able to affirm or refute the

    thesis of the "danger" or "non danger".


    "dans le doute abstiens-toi"

    "when in doubt forbear" (Pythagore) may apply to scientists in their experiments (prevention

    policy), it can also apply to us: simple Boeotian.


    What made me react are the arguments used (almost all the time with a religious connotation)

    Why not use scientific arguments to "counter" the claims of CERN scientists?


    Even in your last post you cited Blavatsky and also Trismegistus, again you only take religious



    "Theosophia: Wisdom-religion, or 'Divine Wisdom'. The substratum and basis of all the

    world-religions and philosophies, taught and practised since man became a thinking being. In

    its practical bearing, Theosophy is purely divine ethics." - from The Theosophical Glossary, by

    H. P. Blavatsky, 1892


    The name Trismegistus means thrice greatest Hermes, and is the title given by the Greeks to the

    Egyptian god Thoth or Tehuti, a lord of wisdom and learning.


    You talk about God's particule etc.



    Why meddle the religious feelings at all this debate? (Apocalypse, punishment of God,

    or Nostradamus's predictions or «*prophecies*» found in the Bible)


    Religion is private, personal beliefs are about the intimate and

    the positions of believers and non believers are all respectable, but they

    must not "become" arguments in such debates.

    Religion and Republic are two entities separated.



    A digression on the prophecies supposedly accurate because they are from the Bible."


    The "Bible Code" Is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using

    a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text.

    The Space Between Words Are Eliminated, so thats the Old Testament Is A continuous block of

    Hebrew letters. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, The program searches for

    words. APPEAR To Be There To The patterns passages Where the Words Are found.These pages

    Discuss research i did it year English Bible code in the King James version Bible using Bible

    software code on my PC. I Used Codefinder Millennium Edition software, Which Does ELS searches

    in the King James English Bible, "as well as Hebrew and Greek Bible searches. By using this

    Bible code software I searched for Some words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament

    (Separately). Usually I HAD Row Splitting set to Auto (With One Of The settings Codefinder

    software). I Found That There Is evidence of English Bible code patterns thats the software

    found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made

    Into a solid block of text. "[/Quote]



    This excerpt explains the technique used by the astrologer that I mentioned in my

    last post.

    So she found in the Bible written in English, not the Hebrew version, all her

    predictions, great.


    I think if you take a sufficiently large text, (in english) and you remove spaces

    between words, choose different ELS (equidistant letter spacing) then you will find

    also everything you want to find.


    For example take the text by Francois Rene de Chateaubriand: "Memoire

    d'Outre-Tombe". (several thousand pages)

    or The Human Comedy (Honore de Balzac)

    or since you cite her, the work of Helena Blavatsky


    Take those thousands of pages and do the same research of our quack astrologer and you will

    certainly find the predictions to thrill us all.





    You're afraid of the consequences of certain scientific experiments, and I understand.


    When Albert Einstein discovered that one could obtain an inexhaustible energy splitting atoms,

    he had not realized the extent of the damage that this discovery would produce,

    and did not recover.

    But is he the real culprit, or other humans who have used these new fields of knowledge for

    military purposes?


    Good and evil, philosophical theme and "religious" par excellence.

    It is found everywhere.


    Electricity can bring happiness, lighting, heating, use of multiple devices, etc..

    but electricity is also the electric chair, or use in detonators, etc..

    Gas (its control, if not the invention) is also heating...

    but also mortal gas chamber.

    Pasteur's discoveries (penicillin), they are vaccines, etc..

    and also the "biological warfare"

    Pierre and Marie Currie ... Radioactivity (they died from it) and its consequences (electricity)...

    but also nuclear waste, Chernobyl or …

    Cars, trains, planes are fantastic inventions, they allow individual autonomy, rapid movements, but there are also dramatic accidents, tanks, fighter planes ...

    Computer & internet allow what we love to do, trading or debate with Fxmaniac,

    but virus...


    I will stop here this list.



    I understand your fear and respect. I share to some extent, but I am an optimist!

    What I can not control, I do not see why I should more ruin myself with my health anxiety!



    But understand my concern when I hear those arguments "religious" and prophetic.


    What has been made by men «*in the name*» of religion in history?

    Men did not wait for the discovery of nuclear power to destroy each other by millions.


    The church has made so many mistakes (trial of the Inquisition's with invention of torture, one

    the more subtle than the other, the massacre of St Bartholomew, looting and killing more than

    15 million Indians in the 16th century ...)


    I will stop here this list.


    I think we can debate endlessly on these themes as they are as old as time.

    I think we should stop this debate here, especially on this board which is for forex traders.

    If you want to continue, then we should move this to another thread.

    I let you open it, if you want, as you were the first to stated all this divine fear.





    P.S.The Eiffel tower is not my favorite monument, but I think foreigners would be sad not being able to discover the beauty of Paris at 300 meters high.

  3. I'm sorry, maybe french don't get US TV programming Stargate SG1 series, it explains everything about God, ascension and blackholes, but sadly, not forex :(


    Anyway, dukascopy might be good for something. I watch Mike Swanson video showing he use dukascopy platform with their unique indicator showing number of traders on both sides (buy and sell) in separate numbers by tick. It helps him know what price will do when there are more buyers than sellers, and visa versa. Anyway I'm downloading their MT4 demo platform (beta) to hopefully nab some good indicator(s); may only work on their platform though. You need to be a big fish to swim in their pool.





    You're right, Stargate was broadcast around the world, except France, Obelix had already seen, who would fight against Obelix.

    You're right again, trading is not addressed in this series, I just finished the fifteen million épisiodes and no system is unveiled, what a pity!




    On Dukascopy, MS uses these indis:

    TVS (Time Segmented Volume)

    AD (Accumulation/Distribution)

    (i don't know settings, though)

  4. Dear Freddy I am not come to this thread to have conflict with you, I just post startling news I have found and read recently from cerntruth.com and if you read this site carefully indeed CERN has no transparency about what they are doing with LHC and then I remembered that Dukascopy is part of CERN so if you connect the fine thin line between them and ask why this pysicist built Dukascopy, why not UBS banker ? why CERN scientist need to dwelve into forex trading ? arent they too busy counting dark matter and quarks? so what else if not for funding their lab and LHC mega project.


    For high speed frequency trading I doubt it, does it really need nuclear scientist to build high speed frequency infrastructure ? I believe US Universities and big investment banking has more advanced computer infrastructure for that, haven't you heard that GoldmanSachs has run high frequency trading for years with robot trading too ??? You may also neglect this startling news from cerntruth.com (this website is not mine maybe from your country's awakened scientist too) but if you love the earth, you better think twice before funding LHC/dooms machine through Dukascopy.


    and very sorry I could not digest your above French humour (really French Asterix and Belgium Herge comics is easier for me to digest than your above humour)





    Very very sorry to Mod for this off topic about Dukascopy and CERN.


    Dear fxmaniac,


    I know you do not seek conflict with me.(me neither)

    But acknowledge that you have addressed topics ("startling news" for you) who are of a different nature than those usually exchanged on this site.

    (Personally, I find off-topic, that is why my first response was with a little humor.)

    You did not like, what is your perfect right. (My apologies for not having the same humor that our dear Hergé!)

    We do not share the same opinions, but I think I have the same rights as you, to stay off-topic (unrelated to the trading), especially since we are the weekend), so I'll answer it my way, and civilized manner.




    The merchants of fear are legion, just type Black Hole on youtube ....







    I prefer the dream merchants!

    You forgot the sandman of your childhood, you will eventually soured.

    What a waste if we all disappear in 2012!






    Please, play this video (below) and listen until the end.

    After that, never mind, we can all die!


    Please, take it as a gift and enjoy.





    For those who want to download the .mp3 version of this historical solo:

    Comfortably Numb (Guitar Solo, PULSE Live)






    I could not access this week-end to I.I., so I had some time to surf the web about all these fear's predicators. And I stumbled on a site from an astrologer who studied since more than 12 years all the Nostradamus prophecies and all the hidden code from the bible.


    The question you had was there:

    "Could the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) result in Black Holes in the Center of the Earth?"


    And you know what?

    She thinks that in december 2012 we all will disappear.


    So you are not alone!


    But wait, reading down her website, I stumbled on this part:


    "About the author of this site:

    My name is T. Chase, and I live in the U.S.. I grew up in the U.S. as a Christian Protestant, and I am of English Anglo-Saxon ancestry, but today I would call myself a New Age Christian. This site is a one person effort by me, and the theories and opinions expressed on this site are my own. I have worked on my theories for 12 years, and I started a web site in 1998 to explain my theories to the world. I would like to expand this site to have it translated into other languages. A multi-language site in 5 or 10 languages is my dream: in French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, etc.. But I don't know other languages myself, and translation of this site to other languages would cost a lot of money, since I would have to have professional translators do it. I have little money myself. My other dream is to have a book published based on this site. This site is a one person effort by me, T. Chase. There is much I would like to do for this site, if I had the money to. If I had $1 million, I could do much for this site: translation to other languages, advertizing, publish a book, add sound and video. If anyone would like to give me $100,000 or more to help with improvement and advertizement of this web site (translation to other languages, advertizing, promotion, publish a book, etc.) then please email me. Another way to help this web site would be to mention the Revelation13.net web site in your Last Will and Testament, if you have $100,000 or more you wish to bequeath to this Revelation13.net web site and T. Chase. That will help me get the word out. "[/Quote]



    So this person thinks that the end of the world is the end of 2012, but she wants money (a lot of money, lol) to spread throughout the world, his catastrophic predictions


    I can predict two things to this person:

    1, she is right about her predictions and then we all disappear, and she won't need $, anymore!

    2, she is wrong and she will need to find another work, because her credibility will vanish, and then she will need the $ that fools will or have already sent to her!

    She is as clever as all our forex scammers and marketers!


    I must thank you once again, because without you, I'll never find this kind of literature. Involuntarily, you gave me joy. And these days, it is increasingly difficult to find a laughing matter!



    Have a nice week-end.


  5. Hi:


    As I promised, here is my EA. Please see note.txt included in the zip file before you email me please. Back test looks good, but real time trading is actually better perform. It is Grid/Martingale/Hedging in all in one. So, I tried to make strategy as profitable as possible without using the StopLoss. However, if you see a drawdown that is not comfortable, please use 'manual shutdown' function to close all open positions and start again. First loss is the best loss... System will start making that money back real fast, so don't worry about cutting the losses time to time. While there's no guarantee in any trading, especially this types of trading system like iWin, I am sharing this anyone who is interested in the system. So, trade at your own risk.


    Enjoy it and many pips to you all!:))




    Hi fx4_ever,


    First I would like to renew my thanks. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


    You used your EA for the past three years, so your experience is invaluable.

    What is your greatest drawdown 'not comfortable' which you had to face and for which you used the emergency procedure 'manual shutdown'.

    (Drawdown as a percentage of capital employed)

    And also, how often it happens on?


    Best regards



    P.S. Oh!, I forgot to tell: I put it on demo since last night, and it won already around 7%! :)

  6. down arrow and all indicators are Red -------> Sell

    up arrow and all indicators are Blue ---------> Buy


    #_arist_adx yellow dot means trend reversal or strong movement will happen soon.

    about TP and SL are not mentioned on the manual.

    and #_arist_ma repaints........ take care......


    I want to upload my wife to somewhere........



    Too soon, sorry, you're going have to wait a bit, around thirty years.



  7. Who is Sebastion and what is his system??? Please share!



    Hi Diesel,


    fxeasy refers to this thread:




    Sebastian is a german trader. Never revealed his real method, even to his paid clients.

    He is able to grow his account x10 or x20 in notime but can blow his account as well.

    Very controversive, real deal for some, real scam for others, who knows? (in between)

    There must be the link of his blog somewhere in this long thread.





    Here is his blog (translated by google!)



    High Speed millionaire in Forex






  8. Andy writes about using RSI Setting 14: 'We go long at + 50 and short at {-50}'. What the hell does it suppose to mean? As far as I understand RSI varies from 0 to 100, but it can't be negative (-50). And all this is supposed to be easy to understand even for beginners... It may be a good system, but Andy's language really pisses me off...


    I did not read Andy's work, but I suppose he means that when it comes from under 50 and cross the 50 up (+) or when it comes from above 50 and cross the 50 down (-).

  9. Sorry I could not digest your french humour but I understand that kind of mix sicence with other field of knowledge.


    Actually I still wait in anxiety for what the LHC will do in next month's experiments which has been announced and seriously will impact hard on earth. This science news is almost the same effect as Bernanke announcement or Roubini the Mr Doom unveiling. And to my surprise why all of this doom coincidences between the currency and LHC. Are their master support each other to hide the real doom. This is the real and serioius fundamental analysis that many economist and traders neglected. Currency doom is not only economics aspect per se, but could make real doom if the money master dont let it be.


    To throw your money to Dukascopy means you support the continual of LHC experiment (and maybe for paying ex unemployed Sovyet's nuclear scientist working at CERN, just read it at cerntruth.com) to create mini blackhole on earth to destroy 5/6 humans in unimagine catastrophe.


    And from http://www.forex-directory.org/details/96/dukascopy.html about Dukascopy stated very very clearly for you all traders to see yourself before decide to invest in LHC/Dukascopy:


    History of Dukascopy 1998 Dukascopy Trading Technologies Corp.

    Dukascopy project was launched in 1998 by a group of physicists affiliated with CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). Its mission was to research, develop and implement financial complex system via novel mathematical and econophysical techniques


    (econophysical ??? see the relation between economics and physics hope not reaching economics balance on earth through genocides by physical doom machine/mini black hole). And why nobody asked that Dukascopy is the only forex broker not built by banker or financier but by group of physicist scientist ? So what is the purpose indeed if not for funding the LHC project ?


    P.S: And sorry Mod, for looks like off related posting but indeed Dukascopy has strong relation with CERN and LHC experiment.





    You do not digest my humor (what you digest anyway?)

    You live in constant anxiety.

    You remind me of this French designer Paco Rabanne, who predicted the destruction of Paris (France) on 11 August 1999.


    Paco Rabanne à propos de sa carrière et de la destruction de Paris

    Tout le monde en parle - 22/05/1999 - 25min31s

    415 vues


    Hyperview : Paco RABANNE annonce la fin du monde dans cinq milliards d'années. Il parle de la possibilité de la destruction de Paris le 11 aôut 1999.







    Personally, I can not stand (note that I digest very well) so I can not bear the doomsday predictors, small nostradamus of terror and, above all when there is no scientific evidence to prove their say, even worse, when they add their religious beliefs.

    This ridiculous video with pictures mixing religion, Apocalypse, pseudo effect of terror and pseudo scientific arguments, I would vomit if I did not keep my French humor!



    This forum is certainly not there to present your ideas and religious doomsday.

    It is a forum for exchanging ideas on trading.


    This is why I responded to your comments incongruous with humor rather than polemics.



    Le ridicule ne tue pas, mais il met mal à l'aise.

    (“Ridiculousness does not kill,but it makes you uncomfortable”

    Les grandes légumes célestes vous parlent (1973)

    Citations de Louis Gauthier




    Instead, read the post from hyperdimension, it seems more credible than your doomsday and divine intervention.


    Black holes swallow matter, is not it?

    Too bad they do not swallow too gray matter!




    matière grise

    nom féminin

    (familier) gray matter

    fais travailler ta matière grise! use your brains ou head!

    elle a de la matière grise she's brainy




    Have a good day




    P.S. to iCan. Sorry for this unintentional pollution!

  10. Lets keep it real: this EA is a ticking time bomb....




    Real or not Real (Demo!) that is the question.


    All grid (especially with martingale type trading) are timing bombs, if and I precise "IF" they are unattended.


    You cannot see that as individual trades, you take that as a whole, and with timing, % capital Stop Loss, pairs diversifications, withdrawals etc. I think that technique has a lot of potential.


    That is why fx4-ever urges us to put that on demo first and to understand what you do before putting it on live accounts.


    And of course, each one of us, is responsible for our own acts!


    Thanks a lot fx4_ever to let us try your EA.



  11. Wow, Dukascopy, I used to admire this company, dont underestimate its name. Just look the organization behind Dukascopy, its CERN itself, the creator of LHC (Large Hadron Collider) which has mission to create big bangs on earth (mini black hole) and probably your forex money is going to funding LHC scientist and its lab. So now do you gonna support funding of LHC which will create blackhole on earth just for the sake of curiosity and probably your computer will be used for super computer nodes to calculate dark matter and simulation of big bang.


    And for flash back CERN scientist (Tim Berners Lee) also who invented WWW (world wide web) like we have used today on the net. I like him but I dont like the LHC which could have impact on earth and I will think twice before supporting LHC CERN's project through Dukascopy. Cause I dont want our earth sucked by mini blackhole created by LHC and becomes 6km rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5K9DvD5T8w.




    Fxmaniac, you need to relax:


    to prepare for the Apocalypse, I suggest you enjoy this advertising. (made in 1998)


    France and Switzerland, is that too!


    Advertising: (it is in french, but that doesn't matter!)

    Just 30 seconds of happiness.








    Dialogue with its translation:


    (The man in red):

    -" Et alors, la marmotte, elle met le chocolat dans le papier d'alu!"

    - "And then, the marmot, it puts the chocolate in the tin foil!"


    (The woman):

    - "Mais bien sur!"

    - "Of course!"








    If after this you are always in the same state of mind, you can say that after all, we no longer need to search for the best broker or to find the best trading system.


    Or read that quote from Yale University biophysicist Harold Morowitz:


    "... each living thing is a dissipative structure, that is, it does not endure in and of itself

    but only as a result of the continual flow of energy in the system.... " "From this point of

    view, the reality of individuals is problematic because they do not exist per se but only as

    local perturbations in this universal energy flow."—Morowitz in Callicott 1989, 108



    Do you feel better now?


  12. http://aristsystem.blog134.fc2.com/

    Website only in japanese language and the shop displays a message: "Sorry, this product is available only in Japan.".


    The system looks promising.


    Please share.





    yes you can buy it, (if you want) with CC, for around $30. ("only for japanese" is for Affiliate etc.)












    If you want more info on this system in english (use google translate):

    (of course no translation inside pics!)



  13. How do I have Metatrader display Local Date/Time along the bottom axis? It currently displays GMT I believe.


    Also, is there a way to lock the crosshairs so it doesn't revert back to the arrow every time? I want crosshairs as default.




    I don't think you can set crosshairs as default, (at least, I don't know the trick!)

    but if you have a mouse with a "roller" (in between the left and right click's buttons), just press this "roller" like a button and your crosshairs will appear. It is faster than getting it from the toolbar.

    Hope it helps


  14. its a scam ... did you see the statement which is so call "proof" of his students doubling the account? The statement is actually a backtest! want to bluff also make some effort to create a more realistic account statement



    Hi James,

    I agree with you that it might be a scam, or at least not necessary to pay for his mentorship, as his strategy is revealed by this "student's statement".

    By the way it is not a backtest, it was maybe a demo account, but you can make that kind of report within metatrader.

    You just have to choose the period you want in your Account History tab and right click and choose "Save as Detailed Report". That will create the same kind of HTML report.




  15. This is an observation, not a complaint.

    Those who start to know me a little, will understand.


    I know that civility is becoming a rare commodity these days and that selfishness is increasing every passing second, it is still surprising how little civility encountered, even on a site as fantastic as II.


    I do not attach a huge importance to the "Thanks" button, but it's good to see that we made someone happy.

    This is not the "thank you", meaning "liable" or "recognition". No, it's just a small token of friendship and say, hey, it's nice to have thought of us.


    So I would especially like to thank the 10 people who took the time, once the download done, press the small button.


    So thank you to:


    domonkos, flover, ForexExpert, iqofgenius, jtaka, robjojr, robotfx2, t2g, Tradeselect, wesladf



    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the active members of II, which without them would be a trivial site.

    All these active members who take the time to answer, to seek information, share their knowledge, skill and of course their purchases.

    No one is forcing anyone.


    Did you know that there are more than 20,000 members but only


    20% have between 1 and 4 posts

    11% between 5 and 9 posts

    7% between 10 and 49 posts

    2% over 50 posts


    It also means that 80% or around 16OOO "members" who are just watching and taking what is offered.


    Why do I write this?


    I never thought of that before changing the site to upload files.

    Before I used the service of depositfiles.

    When I changed to Multiupload, I discovered the "counter" and I was amused to see the difference between downloads and the thanks that's all. (i told you it is just a constatation!)


    But rest assured, it is said that less than 5% of traders who passes the milestone of profitability.

    Here it is almost the same extent (10 for 304 downloads to Eurobot! at the time i write) Or 3%, LOL



  16. Guys, wake up!


    And you believe this?


    He claims :


    ( FOREX )UP TO $35,K DAILY. !



    If you were able to make up to $35K/daily in trading, why would you sell that for whatever price you want, be it $567 for one pair or $5700 for ? (notice it is 567 not 599 or 1000, LOL)


    If you believe him, so why don't you buy it, it is a bargain. and for 2pairs, what is the price? $663?


    You will also notice it is not a Clickbank product!!


    Good luck


    I promise that if someone buys and agrees to share this wonderful system, if I make $ 35,000 even if it takes a while as long as a week, I will present my public apology.

  17. there are lots of profitable trading systems out there. the problem is that the user's do not use the system correctly. they refuse to strictly adhere to the rules of the system, they get greedy and enter too early, they don't follow money management, they let bad trades continue in the hopes they will turn around, they add extra indicators and other crap, they try to "out-think" the market. find a system that suits the time-frame you like to trade and your financial goals then learn it inside and out, follow the rules exactly and you'll be pleasantly surprised. very few people can do this and that is the single-most reason for failure in the fx market.


    This is so true! Thank you to remember.

    To stick on the screen before you start trading, each day.

  18. I have request for re-fund from plimus but they are re-directed me to this f***er woman........... please anybody in the house have experience this s*** before?????????? Have been scammmmmmmmmmmmed





    sorry to hear that, but don't give up.

    Read these excerpts, there is still hope, you will get your refund.





    I would recommend Telephoning Plimus direct and speaking with them, tell them you are not the first that this has happend too.


    and keep responding to his replys everytime because if you don't then Pluims will assume everything is ok.


    I have talk to a few guys that plimus have refunded so keep up the pressure.


    Plimus need to stand up to this kind of internet fraud and stop acting as an agent to these scammers and check them out before hand.


    Just keep on to Plimus and keep a log from there back office.






    Full thread here:







    HI Tigger,


    Any joy in getting a refund? I've been asking Plimus over and over seems to be falling on deaf ears... This guy keeps replying back with the same message;


    VENDOR : Reply to customer - Sorry, but your refund request is rejected. The physical version has been shipped out immediately. The digital version is also available to you.You are required to trade the systems for at least 30 days and send us your trading statement to qualify for the refund. Once you do that, we will verify if you indeed trade according to our rules. If you do and the systems are not profitable in this 30 day period proven by your account statement, you can ship back the physical product to us to qualify and send us proof that you have done so for a courteous and prompt refund..


    I have said how can I trade something that he didn't give me, and he still replys with the same over and over... I even wonder if there is anything sent by post... and besides that if he has sent the same of what's on the members website it a weast of time.


    I sent Plimus another email yesterday requesting a refund....this person has not provided me a satisfactory product as shown in his sales webinar.. The facts are very clear here he has defrauded people out of there hard earned money. I want a full refund.... No Responce from Plimus.




    News just in Plimus have issued a full refund to me... I am very happy they sorted this guy out at last.. :-)


    Never give up!!





    Full thread here:







    Did you notice from where the last comments were found? LOL




    OK, i found the link of Donna's post#447 (thanks!google)




    Just write to Plimus with this link and a snapshot of this post, with some explanations and arguments you found here on II or/and on donna's forum and you should get your refund.



    Here is the snapshot:



    Good luck


  19. End of Thread.....puh.



    MacMorris, forgive me, but i have to highlight (in blue color) a part of Donna's quotes, as it seems the most nonsense, ever written by a scammer/seller.



    Thanks to Abdul for finding this little nugget.





    Guys, here is a reply from donna on the M311 thread:




    I actually think it is harder that people like me because there is an expectation there, one which i may (or may not) be able to live up to. To be perfectly honest i think a 'correction' to my rep is long overdue as some people seem to be holding me up as something i'm not.


    I have previously answered you questions on here i thought but i'll answer again incase i missed anything.


    Why choose any format over any other? This can be just choice, so what if i choose to not release a full EA but keep it as a manual system? Manual systems allow great flexibility to be easily changed, for instance, if i decide that the system right now needs to only trade a max of 100 pips, then i can just send out an email and say 'never use a TP higher than 100 pips'. With an EA changes such as this cannot be instantly and reliably made without extensive testing. When i launched Method311 i wanted it to be flexible if it was ever needed, and i also wanted to be sure it ran smoothly. Having something that worked smoothly was perhaps THE most important thing. In the even it turned out not so smooth for a small number of people and there are issues in the code. I can try to fix that now as quick as i can. It is one part that i am dependent on others for to a certain degree as i have very little programming ability (and i mean very little!). It is a source of much frustration on this end i can promise that.


    Live results will be provided in due course and very likely not by me personally. It is VERY easy to publish a fake statement, if it makes people happy i can do one right now and post it on my site, as many sellers do. It won't be real though and i simply won't do it. If you don't want to buy without results then it is your choice and right to wait until there are some. And the more we have and the better they are the more you can expect to be paying for the product in the future.

    I absolutely did not want a huge rush on sales, i'm not here to 'smash and grab' as much as i can. If you don't want to buy then don't buy, it's a choice, no ?




    So basically instead of saying that she did not release this in a form of an EA because it actually blows up an account on backtest,

    she said it's because of some really funny and retarded reason which she has probably made up within 5 minutes, which is that EAs can't adjust profit targets but blackbox systems can..... BULLSHIT!!!


    and about posting her seven months testing account statement, she said that she won't post her's, and she will try to find someone to open an account and trade the system and post her system trades, and she said it is pretty easy to fake results and she can do that within 5 minutes!!! WTF!! Did she just throw her self from off a mountain cliff?


    There is no 7 months trading results as her website states, and she just lied about it, and ofcourse the public have simply believed her!

    I doubt Donna has ever traded successfully, otherwise she would be making money and won't try so hard to scam people like that.


    What I find pretty funny is that some people have simply contacted Plimus directly and got refunded


    Do you see the enormity of those words?

    She admits that there has been virtually no testing performed, and it was normal to release a product for which we do not know the results, lol. And these are not beta testers, but paying testers who will do the job.

    Totally disgusting.



    Abdul, could you give me the direct link where you found this little piece of anthology? I do not feel like reading all the posts, thank you.


  20. Hi, I have a pretty profitable robot but, as this goes, Idont have the five figures to run it from my own account, therefore Ineed to raise some capital.


    I want to sell 500 copies of this ea, but i need someone who has allready done this to handle the marketing campaign for me, to make sure people see the site.


    I have been here for around a year and I know what a profitable system is. the system i designed is profitable indeed, however to trade it im gonna need some more cash, hence the sale.


    So if anybody has done this stuff before, get in touch with me.


    thank you!


    Hi onemore,


    You can do two things.



    You study religiously the art of marketing. The best course is from our master Karl Dittmann, and for once, it is a free course, lol, just look what he does, and you will sell your EA faster than your shadow!

    You do not even have to put on sell your real profitable EA, it does not matter, just a little gold powder over a neat green website, and you are done.

    Or you can call Karl himself, for a partnership, but it will cost you!




    You don't even have to make your own website.

    Just put real evidence of your sayings, here on I.I. with a live non fabricated statement, certified.

    And a real live forward account (even a cent 's account) with broker ref/ and investor password, which can be viewed by anyone interested.

    You do all that and ask Moderators to put your "shiny" EA on the Black List, so that it won't be shared.

    I am sure you will find, members ready to invest some $ (you need to be reasonable, of course), Even though, I don't trust so much EAs, I could be one of your buyer, if you provide the requisites.


    Hope it helps!


    P.S. could you tell us what kind of start capital, return, drawdown, etc. and maintenance needed to operate?

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