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Everything posted by APopovA

  1. Right, but you are wrong only about 2 little things -- it is not the cheapest, far from it; and trade platform sucks big time, i don't even see a DOM...
  2. APopovA


    I opened an account recently and i like it so far, can't beat the spreads, a bit slow in execution but nothing too bad
  3. There are rumors that Moneybookers will cancel Broco account soon.
  4. Re: Broco warning!!! Oh, thanks civfan. I didn't know that they are "in muritius at a long time ago". I thought that they were founded in my hometown in Russia about 2 years ago. But now it is different! I will wire them all my money and calmly wait until they escape with it or get my account "compromised" (thats how they like to call what they do our accounts). I remember how legitimate companies such as Madoff's fund went down because of rumors and panic. And after so many lies she posted here I trust Natalia G. even more than Madoff!! Especially so after you inform me about her nice posts in other forums. That certainly is enough to trust her with my live savings. So lets just all relax, not panic and wait until it is absolutely certain, that our money is stolen, our accounts are "compromised" and there is no way we can complain because the regulation is not high in "mauritius". Than we can panic, it is way to early now.
  5. Re: Broco warning!!! Dear civfan! You are trying to defend a wrong person I am afraid. Look at this from my point of view, friend. I've seen many brokerages collecting our money then cutting and running, especially to my shame Russian brokerages. I have noticed that in all cases they even when caught stealing continue to advertise and attract more money and customers up to the very last second. There are usually signs that tell you in advance what is going to happen. On BroCo's example they are denied a PayPal account, they relocate to unregulated country etc. These are signs, and for careful person it is usually enough. But it is still inconclusive to alarm public. But when a (very much Federal) District Court for the Southern district of N.Y. issues an emergency order, only a very naive person would think that there is something more left to clarify. And as to the great professional that you trying to protect from somebody: In a very predictable manner she is clueless about what is going on, has no idea even what court they are dealing with (or intentionality lying to make it look less important) and all she know is to post insults and attack the messenger. Note the difference here: I am telling truth about something that I know to warn and thus help my fellow traders including you. She came here to lie(about the nature of the law suite, about the court,even about their location) and attack me, all for one reason: to keep all your money in BroCo and maybe attract more. And do you know what is going to happen to your money if it is still there in a week, in a month? Will you be surprised now if nobody will answer your next call to BroCo and the website will not show up? That happened so many times already. But they keep treating us as idiots... Check it up yourself: here is their new address and registration :http://www.brocompany.com/about-us/structure/ .Does it look like they are still in Russia to you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_courts, read about federal courts in U.S. if you also don't know what "District Court" means And finally, say thank you for a warning that can save you money. It means nothing if a con-artist has been dealing with you honestly while setting up his trap. Now you know that his situation has changed it it might be a good time for him to close it. And the very last thing. Honest people do not attack the messenger and do not lie
  6. Re: Broco warning!!! OK, dear broco representative, you keep advertising your "bonuses" here, smearing and insulting me. I do not know how long our moderators will allow this to go on. Concerning your strange lies thou, every normal person in the world already knows how they call Federal Courts in U.S.. The last time I heard such a funny thing (that "District Court" is not a Federal Court) was in Hungary in 1995 when FBI was searching a bank there for some evidence. Than they've learned the truth... My understanding is that N.Y. Attorney general will start a criminal investigation now. Anyway, whoever is interested can read the complaint to do LOL with another member. Look how their "president" kept requesting wires $110,000 than after not receiving --$200,000. Trust me it makes a good reading: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2010/comp21452.pdf After that you'll realize that SEC is on their knees bagging broco's forgiveness.
  7. Re: Broco warning!!! Oh, great! A timely Advertisement for Broco! Moderator, please remove that crooked spammer from the thread. Does not affect us? Allusions? Who is going to trust their money to a thief? Russian traders conducted a poll recently: hxxp://forum.masterforex-v.org/index.php?showtopic=16629 As you can see they agree with me: RUN! The site has been warning about Broco for awhile now, ever since they refused to pay profits to members. But in any case, I am a member of this forum because my friends here are not stupid and understand without me spelling them what to do when another "ordinary routine investigation" took place and resulted in an emergency order by a Federal Court.
  8. Re: Broco warning!!! No problem, just miss my city...
  9. Re: Broco warning!!! From Cyprus actually, they left my home town -- Leningrad, a while ago
  10. If you have an account with them -- RUN: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2010/lr21452.htm
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