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    cornelis reacted to newbie0101 in TRADING SOFTWARE (educated )   
    Sorry have not seen

    Not v3

    here is V2

    Here is V2--
    Here is what I have THANKS to the original contributor (apologies for not remembering who)--But U know who U R(THANKS)--nonetheless here is the V2--
    dont have access to the $TICK but did test on 6E NT 7 V31 32 bit-- and seemed to work--try Urself and hope it helps!!
    To ALL! a GREAT wknd!!--Thank U for ALL Yall do--It's really amazing!!
    Anyway give a try and let us know any tweaks Yall can do to help the rest of US make Some MONEY$$$$
    There R 2 different files the one named"simple install" is just that--The indi and instructions--
    one contains simple install via instructions (small file size) for each there R 2 sites but same files--
    This one--
    next file is larger but includes what many will ask for which is More Info(manual-screenshots-templates-ETC thus the file size--Again this is what I was fortunate enough to grab while available here on the most AWESOMEST SITE AVAILABLE--
    Made Possible By ALL OF YU--Thanks!! It's really cool--
    larger file with Xtras--Again 2 sites but Same BIG file-
    Always the chance I "F'd" it up but tested the links and seem OK--Apologies in Advance if Not!!--
    And by no means do I- like what is the saying--endorse this **** just paying forward what I was able to grab while it was available---
    I sincerely hope it helps someone---Would be more AWESOME if so they were to teach/instruct the rest of us how the heck to use it to make a hmmm--A living using it--instead of wrkng lots of hours-Wish in one and the other smells(those that get the saying get it) LMAO
    Hope helps and TAKE CARE ALL!! UR THE BEST!!
  2. Like
    cornelis reacted to admis in academydaytrading.com   
    Here is the edu of Pro9Trader v.4.0:
    The Pro9Bars, as usual, are stripped off from binary file and available in the source form (as previously, a little bit tweaked). The default slot bar=Custom6.
    The package contains also 2 chart templates.
    No comments.
  3. Like
    cornelis reacted to Lenry in The re@per   
    After doing some research it seems the robot or strategy is the same as the one from re@[email protected]
    From watching a few of the videos on the website i stumbled across https://www.y0utube.c0m/watch?v=rIukg10D-nU
    Half way through he opens an image file that has blurred parameters. If you pause it on time you can just get the first few.
    Notice how all the "times" are near import news releases e.g. 8:30am, 12pm
    They are exactly the same fields as the ones on the Re@per NT strategy
    So it looks like he trades news events for certain instruments like oil and bonds. He must email people the settings on the day. The robot being super fast places limits and orders etc to get you filled and try and grab a profit when the market is going haywire.
    There are a few more videos on the site with weird moving averages and blocks.
    It would be good if someone could try and get the free trial so we can see what files and indicators he is using etc and hopefully share with the rest, i've tried but had no response.
  4. Like
    cornelis reacted to admis in The re@per   
    Someone else has made the edu... It's available here:

    btw. enough to use "Search" option with empty text box on the forexupload.com
    Has been created a parallel channel of activity ...?
  5. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from yunakhan1 in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
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    cornelis got a reaction from Clau in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
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    cornelis got a reaction from eurotrdr in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
  8. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Traderbeauty in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
    This is what I have
  9. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Rokz in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
    Thanks must go to Admis!
  10. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Rokz in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
  11. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Rokz in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
    This is what I have
  12. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ⭐ ESVepara in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  13. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from howardthehobo in 1375 USD system. Grab it.   
    hope this is what your looking for
  14. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ⭐ zbear in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
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    cornelis got a reaction from Aloakdutt in 1375 USD system. Grab it.   
    hope this is what your looking for
  16. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ⭐ whinny in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  17. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ⭐ whinny in 1375 USD system. Grab it.   
    hope this is what your looking for
  18. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ylidor in 1375 USD system. Grab it.   
    hope this is what your looking for
  19. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ylidor in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  20. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from yunakhan1 in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    here you go
  21. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from ⭐ nadjib in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  22. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Traderbeauty in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    here you go
  23. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from palshq70 in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  24. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from Traderbeauty in ( SHARE ) - MT Predictor for NT7   
    this is 2.4.2 add on
  25. Like
    cornelis got a reaction from wizard101 in 1375 USD system. Grab it.   
    hope this is what your looking for
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