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Posts posted by deadsoul

  1. I also found a good coder at http://ervent.net/ You will find many of his posts and contributions under FerruFX in Forex-TSD.

    He has good understanding of my strategy, on-time delivery, within budget, etc. For those who want to turn concepts into EAs or indicators, he is the man.


    totaly agree with you...the man is a great coder..and he is around as i can see his last post..all respect.

  2. BTW, what's the problem with dragging people to my website? You consider it a problem if i offer my knowledge about FX at my own site? Has this forum here some kind of monopoly? I don't get it.


    thank you for your hard work and sharing spirit...if its proven that your efforts will lead to some success ...we will be more than happy to support you...

  3. Yeah I aint contributed anything here but I play a mean blues guitar in ma other existence. Why would I contribute another disappointment so people can lose their money? I aint even gonna ask yez about your free EA cause I aint gonna be wasting ma Godamm time. No offence intended.


    There is one good EA from [email protected] that I know about and it costs $5000 but do you see it bein' shared or offered for free? No yez don't so don't be givin' me any bool sheet ye hear?


    nice langUage.....

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