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Posts posted by Nadilapars




    Bulls and bears characterise and define the volatile market conditions. Bulls and bears is a term which is common in the trading world. It increases the hopes of traders as well as shattering their expectations. What do ‘bull and bears’ really represent?

    Bulls and bears actually describe market conditions, whether stocks and/or currencies are increasing or decreasing in value.

    They also demonstrate the mood of the investor, and indicate subsequent market trends.

    A bull market describes a market that is increasing. This situation causes a psychological boom installing faith in investors and resulting in a positive long-term trend. This tends to happen in countries with strong and solid economies with high employment levels.

    A bear market causes the opposite psychological effect. It characterizes a falling market with share prices continuously falling, so results in a downward trend persuading investors that this market decline will continue over the long term. It leads to an increase in unemployment as employers begin to dismiss worke

    For More Detail : Adapting to bulls and bears

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    Making profits through stocks and shares is not an easy job. Inadequate trading methods, lack of confidence, patience and discipline can lead to a lack of success in the stock market. A trader should really know the tricks of trading. Inexperienced traders, who lack insight, risk all their money in one stock without planning before investing. Planning is a necessary standard in the stock market as complex trading techniques and lack of planning will contribute to the failure of the trader; therefore, successful traders always develop a plan.

    Lazy traders will definitely fail

    Without significant planning a trader will fail. Many traders are too lazy to develop a successful trading plan as it requires a lot of effort. Effort is necessary for success in the stock market, not just luck. Traders who are too confident and lazy are always in a hurry to chance their luck, which results in failure


    For More Detail : Why most traders do not succeed in forex trading?

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    You’ve been following cryptocurrencies for a while and seen Bitcoin rise in value from cents to its highest point of almost twenty thousand dollars. You have been thinking about joining the crypto rush but your knowledge is very limited. You want to invest an amount of $500 and are probably wondering which cryptocurrencies to invest in.

    However, before you buy, you should do your research in order to find out everything there is to know about cryptocurrencies. To help you, we have compiled our own research.

     Read on to find out more : Everything you need to know before you buy cryptocurrencies

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    The growth of cryptocurrency and blockchain

    The interest in cryptocurrency is often referred to as the ‘digital gold rush’ attracting thousands around the world to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and others like Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple.

    The value of Bitcoin is linked to sentiment – whenever people rush to invest, the prices go up and when people decide to sell, the price goes down. This volatility has resulted in prices skyrocketing. In 2017, Bitcoin surged in valued from $830 to $19300 and is now fluctuating around $8,000. Other cryptocurrencies like Ripple and Ethereum are following a similar trend. This cryptocurrency rollercoaster has helped lucky investors to make fortunes.


    For More Detail : Cryptocurrency will play a big role in our lives in the future

  5. Beginners in the world of CFD trading can search everywhere but it is unlikely that they will find a website like FXB Trading thatoffers a complete range of software that helps predict the trends.FXB Trading also providesStraight through processing (STP)technology where orders are directly transferred to liquidity providers.

  6. I am the kind of trader who likes to monitor my trades while I am travelling. I found it really difficult to keep a track of all the open positions and my orders while I was on the go, but FXB Trading has enabled me to trade and travel, too. The mobile apps available have given me all the real time data that I really needed to stay in touch with the current status in the market.

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  9. If you are looking for the right website to trade in CFDs, FXB Trading is the right place to go to particularly if you are a new trader. It is essential for beginners to acquire a proper understanding of the economic trends and latest events. This website will provide more than adequate knowledge; it will also keep traders informed of theiractions in the trading market and the consequences of their decisions on their trading results

  10. Regardless of whether traders are dealing in the CFD market or a stock market, they need to be fully conversant and well versed with the regulations and rules that they have to stick to in each independent market so that they are able to take correct and smart decisions. This is the main 5reason why FXB Trading has become a comprehensive website for all types of traders because it supplies them with the relevant regulations and such information boosts the chances of traders of being successful in their trading activities

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