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Roisin Mulvaney

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Posts posted by Roisin Mulvaney

  1. Finding a broker is often hard because most people don’t know where to look and that’s why they often end up joining wrong companies. So, I have decided to help traders and lay out my own review to guide people into joining the right company. I work with Trade12; it has been 8 years for me with them, so I feel it is right for me to review them with knowing inside out! Being a regulated broker, they are highly reputed as well while the conditions are equally good with tidy spreads at 1 pip to IB program, market guides and plenty more, it’s all stunning!

  2. When I started up in Forex, I had no idea what is forex, but slowly, I not only understood all the basic, but I learned how enjoy it is to try new things, but of course, it’s all to do with brave heart. I am always high on confidence which is due to Trade12, It’s not much of worry at all with their outstanding structure with advance technology and latest input, I can really try out unique stuff and that gives me serious boost as well. I always practice on demo account and even enjoy reading daily market updates, analysis plus there is a lot more, it all makes my life easier!

  3. All I can say is, you are getting there friend, but broker regulated is not the stop to search for. It’s beyond this mark that you figure out about right/wrong broker. If regulated is what you think is enough then be prepared to suffer in brutal way. Anyhow, I don’t think I can be harsh on you, as you seem more like a newbie. I believe we need to judge broker on their history and reputation. I am with Trade12 and they are regulated, but been established since last 12 years, it’s the key stop. As far conditions comes, it’s easily the best with tight spreads, quick execution of trades, low stop out, smooth trading platform, analysis services and other resources to help in trading plus even offer 100% bonus on first deposit, so just not getting more with one broker!

  4. I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a trader because I am not actually trading, but I am just playing cashier role at present. I am just collecting the profits I make and I believe that’s the best job in the world! I am not joking instead what I meant is Snapcash Binary. I might go on with what exactly it is, but let me help you with proper review and that’s with Whizzoptions Review of Snapcash Binary. In short, it’s software that’s not a software, but the key to financial freedom!

  5. I have just one mindset and that’s if the broker is good then you won’t be really required to hurry up anything, it is a big decision to make investment and that’s why we need to do it very accurately, it’s the only way we will get success instead of jumping in bonuses. I am getting 100% bonus from my broker FMbinary.com yet I never have to hurry up because I know this is a financially strong company, so the bonus is going to stay forever.

  6. The risk factor is always present and that can’t be removed, but we can go with such tight money management that even losing trades will give us great profits and that is exactly what I do and get serious help with my current broker FMbinary.com, it’s a top class broker with having great payout which goes up to 2-5%, so that really helps me work easily and allows me to make profits which is why I am getting profits consistently.

  7. I personally prefer Option trading with currency pairs only since that is far more profitable for me and that is one major reason why I really like to work with them. I am currently trading with FMbinary.com company where I get excellent setup which includes 85% payout for all major assets plus it’s for both short and long term trade options, so that is what really makes it stand out amongst the rest and makes it extremely good for me.

  8. I don’t think we need tips, it is better that we focus on getting knowledge and experience which is the biggest tip and honestly at present I am not even doing Forex trading because I have better work to do and this is Binary Option trading with FMbinary.com company which gives us proper education in a step by step manner and not just that, but they have free demo option, so that way I can learn as well which allows me to do well in real trading.

  9. It is simply by judging the broker generally, if a broker is good then we will find that in their service since that is what going show us how good or bad the broker is. I am currently trading with FMbinary broker which is completely trustable and is very popular, so that is why it is easy choice for me and they also provide massive bonus up to 100%, so it is perfect for me to work with such a highly reliable company with such bonus.

  10. I feel education must be honest way, it can’t be short cut with saying yes I have done it; if we are not honest to our self then we are never going to make it far. Education is a one thing requirement while for rest of the time we are going to just sharpen it up. I am doing Binary Option trading where I get a lot of help with FMbinary.com broker, as they have perfect education section, so that really helps me work things easier and allows me to be successful.

  11. This is something very crucial for a new comer to understand, it is a big mistake that many traders make thinking that they can gain profits from each and every trade which is just impossible. I am working with FMbinary.com broker where they have mouth-watering facilities which includes 2-5% guaranteed payout and that itself makes all my trades profitable, but their daily market is what plays the cherry to the cake for my profits due to the accuracy level they have.

  12. Timing does not matter much if we have skills and to be able to get the skills level right we need regular practice and luckily, I am able to do that very easily with support of FMbinary.com broker with their free demo account option. It is very rare in Binary Option industry to get free demo, but here I can easily get it which is seriously helpful and allows me to be working smoothly and get perfect idea of when to do trading and when to avoid.

  13. I am doing Binary Option trading as my main job and I am completely satisfied with things, so that’s why I truly love and enjoy working in this. At the moment I am getting extra advantage because of FMbinary.com company, it’s well reputed broker with having outstanding benefits which includes mighty bonus up to 100%, so that really helps me working well and allows me to be successful easily while there is also 24/5 support service present to help us out.

  14. I am currently doing Binary Option trading and here I am yet to get complete success which is possible thanks to the finest brokerage company FMbinary.com, it is really superb broker to work with due to having fabulous conditions with 2-5% payout guaranteed while there is also daily market updates facility available here which is what really helps me work easily and also this is completely free, so that helps me make profits without much difficulty or trouble at all.

  15. Forex is definitely the largest business in the world, but it is Binary Option that’s very much connected to this, I am doing that only with FMbinary.com broker, it’s a really solid company with having fabulous schemes like deposit bonus which is up to 100%, so that really helps me working well and allows me to be successful easily which is why I love it so much and always believe that everyone should put it top priority to work with right company.

  16. I have left Forex trading long time ago since I have found better stuff and this is Binary Option trading, it’s far more profitable and less risky, but the best advantage is been able to work with a broker like FMbinary.com, it’s too good with having top class features especially 85% payout for all major assets while there is also 2-5% guaranteed payout available and if we still have any trouble then we can contact their 24/5 active support service easily.

  17. I am overly pleased with my broker FMbinary.com, it’s a really terrific company with having superb conditions which includes 85% payout for both short and long term trade options while there is also giant bonus up to 100% on deposit, so for me it’s just picture perfect to have such broker, as I am a very small investor and for me to be able to get such high level bonus is nothing short of spectacular and this is why I really love and enjoy working with them.

  18. Learning is important is everything and that’s logical. I believe that people consider learning anything too hard, but if we are determined than learning can always be fun to do. I am working with FMbinary broker where I get perfect opportunity to learn and that’s with brilliant education setup and more so is their free demo account option; it is available easily which means I can learn it all very well to bring me regular profits without much risk at all.

  19. There are many benefits of doing Forex trading, as I have done it for last few years, but I feel there is better stuff available and this is Binary Option trading, it’s definitely far better and much more profitable especially if we have right broker like I have in FMbinary.com, it’s a really classical company with having all top facilities to work with especially with 85% payout for both short and long term trade options, it’s really great help to all traders.

  20. Yes, I feel completely safe and secure with my money with my broker FMbinary.com, it’s a top class company with having full security, so that’s why I feel so comfortable with them. They also have ideal conditions for trading with having giant payout up to 85% for both short and long term option and that really allows me to work smoothly which is why I love to deal with them and it always bring consistent profits at my step without much trouble.

  21. The simplest question that I want to ask is why do you need to have top 5? I think life is too short and having one good thing is enough. I prefer to work with OctaFX broker and they are like 5 brokers such is the power of them. They have ideal facilities that bring the best out of us. They have low spread of just 0.2 pips and also all our trading orders are executed instantly without any requotes.

  22. I don’t think so as in my view there is a huge difference between gambling and real work and Forex trading is a real business not gambling but some people have extra-ordinary skills where they can make even a good solid business into gambling with their laziness but it won’t last long, therefore better we get on track at the right moment. I do scalping with OctaFX broker and there I have to pay only low spread of just 0.2 pips so that can be very easy.

  23. When I went through all the facilities and feature list it was tough to believe that it’s possible at one broker all the mention things but when I was sure it is really the reality I was fully sure that it must be with minimum of at least 500-600 USD but I was shocked that for joining OctaFX broker 5 USD was enough and still we were able to get so many benefits so it was just a memorable moment for me and I really can’t forget that!

  24. The biggest advantage as a trader is that we can make money quickly as compare to long term traders where the risk is lower but also the ratio of profit is lower while with scalping the profit chance are higher but the risk is also very high. I am able to manage the risk thanks to the low spread of just 0.2 pips that I have to pay to my broker OctaFX, it allows me to trade scalping smoothly and great profits.

  25. Demo account is really the soul of learning, it won’t matter how much we learn but unless we don’t try it practically with demo account we are never ever going to be able to learn much so it’s very important and then when we have to practice then why not do it with demo contest. Whenever I want to practice I just start up with OctaFX broker’s Champion contest, it has monstrous prize of 1000 USD and it also give ideal learning facility.

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