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Everything posted by realtimerick

  1. Hey Brian! So glad you finally found us. I really look forward to reading your posts. Make yourself and home! Blessings, realtimerick
  2. Thank you, Alina and skylady. I got my moderator button back! Blessings, realtimerick
  3. Greetings highmill and Welcome to the CIF Forum! We are all so glad you joined and introduced yourself to the membership. This forum is clean and well run and I know you will love it. I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Blessings, realtimerick
  4. Dear Alina, I bought my Supporter Status button but I am not showing as a moderator now. Did I do something wrong? Is Supporter status only for members only. I would like to have my moderator status returned. Blessings, realtimerick Sorry Rick, didn't think to post that MOD's would be replacing Avatars, will have it changed for you... skylady
  5. Welcome to CIF, Penny! I look foward to reading your posts here. Blessings, realtimerick
  6. Katherine, That is one beautiful pony! Blessings, realtimerick
  7. Text Ad Exchanges have been an excellent advertising medium for me. I have had good success with medium and large exchanges. There are multiple ways to advertise on them including banner placement, hot links, text ads and of course the wildly popular permission-based solo ad. Blessings, realtimerick
  8. Hey Tanner! I just tried my link: http://10dollarswonder.com/?realtimerick got in lickity split. One thing you may try that seems to help is clearing your cookies under your internet options in your tools section. Hope that helps! Blessings, realtimerick
  9. Hey Cooldude!! :cool2: It is great to have you on the CIF Forum! We really have a diversity of countries respresented here. I look forward to reading your comments. Blessings, realtimerick
  10. A very warm welcome to you, Laurynas!! We are so glad to have joined us on our very friendly CIF Forum. I really look forward to reading your posts from the beautiful country of Lithuania! Blessings, realtimerick
  11. Hi Jack, Another fellow Texan! Ya'll know what they say; once a Texan always a Texan! Well it is sure nice to have you here on the forum and I look forward to reading your posts. Blessings, realtimerick
  12. Welcome aboard, Katherine! I pray your presence in this forum will help your cause for you and your family. It's a long and trecherous road but with good people by your side it becomes a lot easier. Aussie's are a tough lot and I know you will succeed. Blessings, Richard Daigle (realtimerick)
  13. Late Welcome from me too, but I enjoy reading your posts! Blessings, realtimerick
  14. Welcome aboard, Krishi! I look forward to reading your posts. Blessings, realtimerick
  15. Welcome to CIF, Bill! A lot of bullion and no bull. Blessings, realtimerick
  16. Welcome Aboard, Michael, So glad you finally made it here. Blessings, realtimerick
  17. Welcome Aboard Storm! You are my neighbor to the east! Look forward to reading your posts. Blessings, realtimerick
  18. ...and just like Hula, you hopped right into being a MOD... Told ya she'd be an asset... All our MOD's are just Fantastic in their own areas... Yup Yup Yup :thumbup(1): skylady ;) Affectionately known here as The Mod Squad. I agree the Mod's here are fantastic! realtimerick
  19. Hi Fishy! Hope to hear more from you. :huh(1): realtimerick
  20. Hi Cookie, I'm so glad you made it here. I so very much enjoy and respect your comments. Most of us old timers, remember ol possum. I had a lot of respect for him. He will be missed! Cookie, I hope you come to CIF often and give us updates on your programs. I'm proud to be apart of them. Blessings, realtimerick
  21. Iolite...welcome aboard! You Aussies Are Awesome!! Blessings, realtimerick
  22. G'day downunder, Malvina! A warm welcome to you here @ CIF. Blessings, realtimerick
  23. Welcome aboard ovetherainbow! You have found the brightest rising star in monitoring here at CIF. I look forward to reading your posts. Blessings, realtimerick
  24. Hi Karin, I am excited about kkprofit opening soon. Sure don't want to miss it. You have always been an honest Admin with superb customer support. Blessings, realtimerick
  25. Thank you all for the warm welcome!! I think I found a home here. Blessings, Richard Daigle (realtimerick)
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