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About roddizon1978

  • Birthday 01/16/1998

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  1. it making my NT8 not to work
  2. why are some indicator need order id and email id ?
  3. Its that the latest version? Thank You.
  4. Does anybody have this script and instruction, and can shared for TradingView or NT8 My Future Success
  5. we need lux@algo, share it with us
  6. send it to me by [email protected]

    are you willing to participate in acquiring this indicator

    Wolfe Wave

    at  $23 for 10 particioant

    1. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      sure. I am in if 10 participant/

      Bro we are on the same spotgamma gb, you can ping me in discord as well

    2. roddizon1978


      LOL, men, I did not know, sorry

    3. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      no worries. all good bro

  7. Anybody who want to share their Wolfe wave course by Bill Wolfe, or sell it for less price WolfeWave.com – Teaching the Wolfe Wave methodology Wolfe Wave Indicator for ThinkorSwim - The Premium Course
  8. Does anybody have this NT8 Indicator, and willing to share.
  9. Unless you have all the training with this one , you will not be sucessfull with it, which I have, even their last webinars last monday. But anyway forget about my offer.
  10. If I could use TOS data feed I will join, if not you know my answer.
  11. I bought it for 100 bucks and took their trial for $45 , paid me $50 , I will share it with you.
  12. Does anybody got this inicator for Ninja trader GomMPPro Market/Volume Profile and willing to Share Market/Volume Profile - Gomicators
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