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Posts posted by forexstars

  1. New design of ForexStars

    The design of the largest independent portal of tournaments www.forexstars.com is totally updated. Creating a new interface we considered the wishes of our constant clients.

    Now the website is even more convenient and functional. Forexstars team developed intuitively obvious tournament rating lists and an easy registration form. Besides, there is a detailed schedule of free and paid tournaments on the website.

    Estimate a new design of the portal and join new tournaments!

    Best regards,



  2. ForexStars launched new tournaments!

    The largest and independent portal for ForexStars traders started new tournaments with considerable money prizes!

    Now, besides freerolls (free tournaments) traders can participate in regular tournaments with a large prize pool. You can find a more detailed schedule and tournament rules here.

    More than 8 000 traders from all over the world have already shared prize pool of $100 761 in the tournaments of ForexStars.com.

    Become a winner in new tournaments, register right now!

    Best regards,



  3. Tips for traders-beginners:

    Develop your intuition

    Intuition is kind of experience processed and kept in our subconscious. During the process of learning trading we analyze a huge amount of information, see thousands of price patterns and kilometers of charts. All this information doesn’t go away; it accumulates in our brain and influences our future actions. Often a professional can’t understand his assurance of the market. However, often these subconscious signals give an opportunity to foresee what others just are not able to see. As you understand a right for intuition must be earned but it is never too early to start developing your inner self.


  4. ForexStars launched new tournaments!

    The largest and independent portal for ForexStars traders started new tournaments with considerable money prizes!

    Now, besides freerolls (free tournaments) traders can participate in regular tournaments with a large prize pool. You can find a more detailed schedule and tournament rules here.

    More than 8 000 traders from all over the world have already shared prize pool of $100 761 in the tournaments of ForexStars.com.

    Become a winner in new tournaments, register right now!

    Best regards,


  5. Tips for trader:

    Always do self-education

    Forex market changes faster and faster. It is proved by the fact that the systems which brought profit yesterday, today can turn out inefficient within new conditions. So, to stay among “profitable” traders, you will have to change together with the markets. It is impossible without new knowledge. Read books, study new markets, communicate with other traders – gradually you will learn to understand Forex market even better and you will feel that it starts changing and it is time to correct your system.


  6. Tips for traders:

    Always stay calm

    Many successful traders advise closing positions at once if you lose your psychological balance and start being nervous. Anxiety turns into fear very quickly and it decreases your ability to think clearly and consistently. It is this ability that lets traders earn money.


  7. Tips for traders:

    Don’t look for thrills in the market

    Surely it will cost you much. If you look for entertainment – go sky jumping. Traders open positions not for thrills but to earn. If to get profit a trader needs to spend the whole day in front of computer and watch a sluggish market waiting for a probable movement, a trader must do it. Profitable trading is a rather boring and stressful thing connected with repeating the same actions during a long period of time. If you seek for thrills from trading – you already get what you want and you can’t get profit anymore.


  8. Regular Tournaments

    Tournaments for any purse, experience and trading system! Everyone will find his battle, competitor and a victory.

    Regular tournaments are the most popular contests today. In these tournaments you will be able to show your skills! Become the best among Forex professionals!


  9. Get real experience without risking real money!

    Start your tournament career with real money without any risk – join a Freeroll Tournament today.

    Our daily freerolls are opened for everybody and in more than 40 freeroll-tournaments held every month you can win a share of prize pool of $2000. Freeroll is a chance to win real money without deposits and buy-ins.


  10. Tips for trader beginners:

    Remember that hope and fear are the mortal enemies for a speculator

    In common life hope helps us to move further even when there are no objective facts which help us to do it. Fear is a natural defensive mechanism that helps us to avoid dangerous situations. For a trader these feelings are enemies. A hope that the market will turn towards your position will not let you close a losing position and the fear to get a loss in a further order will not let you participate in a significant market movement. Make decisions only on the base of objective facts; do not allow the feelings to interfere into your trading.


  11. Tips for traders-beginners:

    Get rid of psychological attachment to the positions.

    Evaluate the transaction according to its potential and current result. Sometimes novice traders adhere to their orders if such positions opened in similar positions brought good profit in the past. You have to remember that at first signs of adherence to a certain position and internal refusal to consider it impersonally you should leave the market. Positions are just a tool for getting profit. You shouldn’t feel an emotional involvement when opening and managing positions.


  12. Dear clients of ForexStars!

    An updated version of our website will be available for you in the nearest future. We have improved its view and made it more convenient. Now you can take part both in Freerolls you already like and in new Regular tournaments with large prizes!

    Though the launch of the website new version is in prospect, you can try yourself in new Regular tournaments right now! The schedule of coming tournaments is here: http://forexstars.com/Tournaments?ContestTime=Current.

    Join and win!

    Good luck at ForexStars!


  13. Tips for traders:

    Try to get big profits and not a big number of small ones.

    Many traders say that like in any business a significant part of profit in Forex comes from an insignificant number of transactions. Human nature doesn’t maximize profit itself but the probability to get it. It helps us to feel safer. But it doesn’t allow you to get profit in a long-term prospective. Your aim at Forex is not only to reach a good risk/profit ratio but also to earn money at these profitable transactions.


  14. Tips for traders-beginners:

    Don’t try to capture the movement in the whole

    No doubt there is nothing more pleasant than to open a short position on the top of the market. However, if you lose a good moment to enter the market, it doesn’t mean you will not have a chance to participate in the market movement. On the contrary, many traders believe that entrance in the middle of the trend is the best possibility to get profit as the trend is more stable in this phase. Besides, the start of the trend is usually followed by sharp price fluctuations which will either push you out of the market or make you break the risk/profit ratio on the transaction.


  15. Tips for traders-beginners:

    Admit your mistakes quickly

    If you understand that your forecast is not proved by the market, don’t cling to it. It is better to look stupid than try finding the facts confirming the forecast in which you already don’t believe yourself. An individual trader can admit his/her mistakes as often as he/she likes in comparison with institutional traders whose mistakes challenge their careers. Take your advantage – change your opinion about the market due to the current situation.


  16. Tips for traders:

    Learn entering and leaving the market gradually

    The method of partial opening of a position is rather useful as it allows leaving a part of profitable positions longer with lower risks for the position in the whole. It also lets you be more flexible and reduce or increase your total position depending on the real terms and be independent from the initial point of view.


  17. Tips for traders-beginners:

    Practice low-risk techniques

    In other words, use in your trading such systems and methods which require opening positions where a small price change is needed to prove an error. Good trading strategies with the right risk-income ratio are grown from such methods.


  18. Tips for traders:

    Learn to be patient

    The largest profits are obtained not from the action but from waiting. The ability to wait for a good opportunity to trade and not to rush to every fluctuation of the market is an integral part of success in Forex. Make demands to the market and wait until it fulfils them exactly as you planned. Also, patience will be useful for saving profitable positions. The desire to take profits is a part of our nature but in the market it can destroy you. Taking a small profit from the market you do not let the position to fulfill its potential. And besides: can you imagine a trader who lost his/her capital because of holding a profitable position? If you make profit - just wait and let the profits grow.


  19. Tips for traders:

    Don’t come under influence

    The capability to think independently and take independent decisions is a necessary part of successful trading. Never come under the pressure of masses. Even if you manage to earn a few times on a popular belief, in result you will lose much more because of losing the ability to think independently. At any market two groups of professionals will always have two absolutely different points of view: one will say that the market is already ready to rocket and surely will give you a dozen of proofs of that theory; and the others will advise you to sell as the market is ready to slump as they think. Both of them are sure of what they are saying. However, professionals differ from amateurs in their ability to easily change their opinion if the market gives them a hint they are wrong. Amateurs keep to someone’s opinion till the end. So, always have our own opinion and don’t be afraid of changing it if you feel it is wrong.


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