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Everything posted by Darkz0r
You can try this one: https://www.traderview.me/ You can set up a free 45-day trial account and access the same features as TradingView. When your trial period ends, you can create a new account. Plus, if you share your referral link with friends, you'll receive an extra 5 days for each friend who registers.
Can't say for sure, but I remember about 4 years ago people were claiming he was trading like Kewltech. Bear in mind though, I haven't really delve too much into Kewltech's stuff, but it didn't seem so simple... so chances are that they don't trade the same, but rather similarly.
There are 3 volumes. Is Volume 4 missing? Yes, that's all I could find unfortunately.
Here's the eBook: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nqFsZj8xMO1UxqRuESmfAmPKT2jg4jqx/view?usp=share_link There was 4 videos that were recommended to watch before the ebook, but unfortunately I do not have those anymore and the provided links are unavailable.
The other part of the course is focused on Ellliot Waves and is taught by the other 2 mentors, Blake Olson and Alessio Barretta (Barrett). Augusto (Smart Money Source) also used to trade Elliot Waves but has since then changed to SMC + Wyckoff & VSA, which is the part I uploaded on the telegram channel above.
First, what do you mean by "Not working" ? Are you getting any error message? I just tried joining from a different account and it did work, perhaps try on another device or using telegram web.
It's working mate, I just checked it.
It should be working now.
Ok, so I uploaded the SMC portion of the VVS academy to telegram. Here is the link: https://t.me/+xz0CxaFiiPc1ZTU5
Nope. I've been out of the country and just recently got back. Even with insaneike tips (thanks man!) the files are still too big for any of these file hosts, so I'll have to see what I'll do.
Hmm... didn't mean it like that. I was just talking purely from a karma perspective, from what separates those who pirate these courses from those who create them through their own time and effort, of course this doesn't apply to everyone, some are indeed straight up copycats. The great counterweight of FREE WILL is personal responsibility, so unless you were held at gunpoint to buy their course or they promised you profitability, it's your responsability to keep it to yourself unless told otherwise. Except of course, if you believe karma is determined by our own personal morals (Which I do, to some extend). This is where we have to agree to disagree and that's fine, because that's your personal experience and I don't blame you. I'd be skeptical too if it weren't for validating experiences I've had. Augusto from VVS has showed his myfxbook before and I believe he also showed it in one of his public youtube videos. Levi from ProficientFX also showed his myfxbook during one of our private classes. Apparently Tanz from Vertex did too (can't confirm this one as I didn't see it with my own eyes). Yes, you are right they are in the shadows, but they charge for the mentorship as well! Just ask AKFX. (the guy who teaches SMC on youtube for free) Agreed 100%. I dont really know why its a big problem in this industry. Pretty normal standard in other industries. Debatable. Alfonso Moreno is profitable and he doesn't like trading. He also charges you for his services.
Even though we disagree on the above point, I really appreciate it that you're considering teaching others for free, you're a good person! No that anyone needs me to say this, your posts speak for themselves and have served as guidance to many here, me included! I wish one day I can too have the patience to help others further! (hopefully for free, haha)
Despite what we think of these guys, they put their time and effort into these courses, yet people who bought the courses out of their own FREE WILL, are sharing them around without the author's permission. How should karma balance that out then? Or does that not count because those people should not be charging for it in the first place? So is it our personal morals that determine "karma" after all? If that's the case then who's not to say the mentor believe he is doing the right thing? After all, he promised a course and a mentorship, he didn't promise to make you profitable, because well... that depends on the student himself! In many cases these leaks actually help promote their mentorships, how does one explain that? Good karma I suppose! Now, I am thankful for all these courses being available for free. Many of us have been scammed for thousands already, too many dream sellers who just want to suck us dry. So at best you can use these resources to learn it all on your own and at worst, it helps you find someone worthy of your time and energy. But to sit here and act entitled on judge others for what they consider their time and effort is worth, all the while we're using our time pirating their courses and claiming we can learn it all for free on the internet when we're still here looking for new bits of info on their courses, that's not fair either man... PS: I just waited before posting to see how many people would like your post... because they just proved precisely the kind of mindset/behavior I talked in my previous post. People just can't help themselves, oh well.
As a matter of fact, I could probably upload VVS Academy if you want. It's updated up to August 2021. The whole course is almost 90GB, and the SMC stuff alone is 55GB. So that's going to be a problem.
I stand by my initial remarks. I was subscribed to VVS for 4 months. Augusto is actually one of the only mentors I have seen the myfxbook and call/manage trades live. He is also a good teacher, which is also important! He doesn't focus much on high RR trades though, he's more into high win ratio, which honestly is better for your psychology. The reason I stopped using his strategy was because I found the strategy too complex for me (not his fault, he made VSA/Wyckoff as simple as it can be) and I was interested in something more simple, like Vertex. If you watch his last youtube videos you will have an idea of how he approaches the market. I don't know why people say Vertex is for newbies or its too basic. My friend dropped out of medical school, with just a few months left when he became consistently profitable. And although we are now trading in a different way, he was trading very similarly to Vertex back then. I was also doing good to some extend, but I was going through some personal issues and got messed up psychologically, so I stopped trading for a while. Flipping Markets, Precision markets and Fractal Markets are also good. Granted Flipping's voice/accent gets on my nerves lol, but it's actually decent if you can get through that. They have some subtle differences when it comes to Market Structure more precisely what they consider to be points of structure (which in turn influences how a Break of Structure happens). Also Vertex gives you more of a flexibility with the timeframes, whereas others use specific timeframes. But all in all they're very similar. I don't like Phantom much, it's all over the place in my opinion, but if you want an all-around knowledge it's ok. That being said... For VSA/Wyckoff + SMC = VVS Academy For just SMC = Vertex/Flipping Markets/Precision markets/Fractal Markets. I'll say this though, regardless of the strategy you use, the most important thing will always be the timeframes. The higher the timeframe, the stronger a level will be. It just then becomes a matter of confirming that level on a lower timeframe, because what happens in a lower timeframe will also happen in a higher timeframe, as long as both are in sync and you can't really know this if you don't have the overall picture.
I agree. Nothing will ever replace your own hard work and as I always say, let the charts be your mentor. But you know, it could be a good option if you just want to speed up your learning process. It's not always easy to put everything in one course... these markets are always changing and although the strategy remains the same, sometimes it might be a bit tricky to apply it under certain circumstances. Also consider the following... People have a need to "fit in" and be part of a "tribe". And I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but forums/chats are mostly filled with people who are lost and have no direction. The best way for people to fit in is to imitate those around them. Even if you had no problems before, if you spend a long enough time in a forum/chat full of lost people you yourself will become lost. The subconscious mind will determine its the best way for you to fit in. Tell me how many people you see, in this forum or otherwise, jumping from one strategy to another, looking for the next big thing, the new holy grail... does it ever end? Forums/chats also tend to encourage the behavior of "failure" and it is contagious. Just look for it in your personal reality, don't take my word for it. How many people you see blaming the mentors, strategies, indicators and whatnot? and how many follow right after in such scapegoating? Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with "feedback" which is learning from making a mistake, failure is a state of mind of always being hopeless and blaming others, and it acts as a filter to your reality, it will filter out everything that doesn't align with this state of mind, no matter how obvious the solution might be. But I'll leave it at that as I know this might trigger people off and I'm not particularly interested in dealing with others emotional projections. That being said, perhaps it would be best for these people to find someone who has done what they want to do and learn from them, focusing on 1 thing at a time and not being a jack of all trades. Of course not. But is it really wasting time if you're making risk-free money and you like teaching? Not disagreeing with you here. Most of them do this and it makes you wonder... But you can also go the other way around and say: "if they built a nice portfolio already and don't need to trade as often... why can't they invest in other activities to generate passive income?" Either way, this is why I say to find a mentor who does live trading and trade management, this way it doesn't matter what you think the reason is, it just matters that he is legit...
Yes,he probably learned from others as well, but this is his reference. It's not that they explain it in a bad way, they're just all over the place... it's a bit like ICT really, but in a more refined and (much) simplified way, they teach you the basics and then it's your job to figure out how to put it all together... and each of their mentors trade in different way apparently. Hmm... what do you mean by "bad" delivery? Honestly, I find that most of these new SMC course sellers (lol) did a pretty good job narrowing down these methods. If you look at Wyckoff, Elliot Waves and Supply and Demand courses, their delivery is way worse. The only thing that compares would be retail Support and Resistance, but that is because in most cases they are straight up scams. Either way, Flipping Markets has a PDF where he explains his whole strategy, but I'm guessing you're more interested in the live sessions though... Have you tried Precision Markets? He's not a student of Fractal Markets, but they studied together. Awesome, I'm glad that you found your edge! And yes, that's a great idea. Most of these guys also learned it for free from these leaked courses, that's why they all coincidentally started remaking their courses at the same time and using the same terms (Inducements, CHoCH - Mr. Wyckoff says hello, lol). Have you noticed how they don't even finish their courses? They just keep very slowly updating the sections over the course of months, dragging it as much as they can so that people keep renewing their membership subscriptions. They're always looking for the next big thing, just wait until they find out about Malaysian SnR... you will see how quickly they all will switch their strategies and start trashing SMC traders to sell their courses. I agree to some extend, everyone can make a course. Anyone is profitable in hindsight and calling "potential levels" is not enough either. But if you are an actual MENTOR and not just a course/illusion seller, who trades live and manages his trades live, who does 1 on 1, wouldn't it be fair to charge for your time?
He learned from Phantom and made it into his own thing (as everyone should do). He used to have a telegram channel but has since moved to Discord. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fractalmarkets/ Discord Questionnaire: forms.gle/VczxjpyPYpjTVirg8 (It's probably paid though) If you like Fractal's, you might also like to watch one of his best students, Flipping Markets. He recently released a course as well.
I'm reposting this again, since my last post was flagged and sadly moderation seems non-existent in this forum. Well, I have traded with both SMFX and Cointrader96 in the past, very good consistent traders. SMFX learned from Cris Lori and Cointrader96 from ICT and they both trade very similarly. (Also, Cointrader96 trading system is based on ICT's free YouTube videos, not on the mentorship videos.) So the thing to keep in mind is, there isn't one exact way of trading "Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) and this is why people struggle with the way Inner Circle Trader (ICT) teaches, because he teaches many SMC models and therefore you have to pick what suits you and disregard the rest. You have to create your own trading system and this requires you to backtest and actually put in the work. You pair this with his unnecessary long videos teaching you more about colognes than trading itself and you start to realize why people don't like his teachings. Now, the reason people don't like the man himself is a whole different discussion... You see, there's nothing new under the sun, it all comes back to Wyckoff, Elliot Waves, Dow theory and WD Gann. These traders understood how the market moved +100 years ago and all recent technical analysis are, in one way or the other, inspired in these methodologies. ICT however insists that he invented all the "SMC" stuff himself and even made bold claims such as Richard Wyckoff would be his mentee if he was still alive. Most people outside ICT's group think differently and this is where all the drama stems from. Those ICT traders will, more often than not, find themselves entering the market at the same time as Wyckoff traders. Wyckoff at its core is nothing more than liquidity creation + manipulation (shakeouts) and return to supply and demand zones. So one can argue that it's the same thing, but different perspectives. Whether he learned from Chris Lori, Larry Williams or directly from Wyckoff it doesn't matter. ICT brought what was was already available everywhere to the forefront. He took what he learned, packaged it, made words for it and taught it. The other SMC traders who learned from Chris Lori and/or ICT simply refined it. In the end, you have to find what resonates with you. Some people prefer to go back and learn directly from the books of the great traders I mentioned above and others prefer to learn from someone else's interpretations. Being refined doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing, there's always room for improvement. So to end this long reply, this is how the timeline goes like: Wyckoff > Larry Williams & Cris Lori & ICT > ProficientFX & IML > RC Visionaries & WWA > All other SMC mentorships/courses I'm not sure which courses you watched, but remember, the market is fractal no matter how you look at it: Wyckoff, trendlines, equal lows, supply and demand, Order Blocks, etc. We are essentially trading Market Structure here, the Order Blocks are just for Entries. If the Order Blocks aren't holding price, chances are your Market Structure analysis is wrong. More often than not, this is due to the Top Down Analysis. I recommend that you watch this video: Again, if you are interested in "SMC", I recommend Vertex or VVS Academy (Smart Money Source) for this. I personally like when my Order Blocks leave an imbalance behind, this is a good confirmation that price needs to come back and mitigate it. And just like you said, they are also good when used as targets. As a matter of fact, Levi from ProficientFX trades like this. You can trade from Orderblock to Orderblock. Basically, you go to the H4 or H1 and mark the imbalances and liquidity as to where price could potentially go, and then look for a clean Order Block (by clean I mean, engulfing candle that took EQH/EQL, with no wick/small wick, and left imbalance behind) targetting liquidity on the way to another OrderBlock. Example:
Oh my fault. Missed one letter in the link, sorry!
@MedievalTrader Vertex developed an easy systematic/rule based approach with these concepts heavily based on market structure (you don't need wyckoff as it already accounts for that), so honestly they would be my first choice. Check the leaked new 2021 material. Alternatively, if you have the money and want to use Wyckoff/VSA as well, I would recommend VVS Academy (the leaked stuff so far isn't even 50%). Augusto is one of the best mentors I have ever watched (along with Tanz from Vertex), he explains it in a step by step, easily digestible way, not to mention he calls moves everyday on live sessions before they happen and has shown his myfxbook track before. Either one of these is enough to make you profitable, but you have to backtest and put in the work, otherwise you will just keep jumping from course to course like many.
Yes, because price can just fill the imbalance and keep going in that direction, this is why they wait for price to get to the imbalance area and then go on lower timeframes and look for Break of Structure or Wyckoff as confirmatin. And there are those who trade breaker blocks with imbalance too, so yeah, there are multiple ways to approach the market with "Smart Money Concepts". I personally trade order blocks with market structure and then use imbalances and liquidity to know where price wants to go. Wyckoff/VSA is good to know (I'm learning it myself), but I don't think its necessary if you understand how market structure really works, people tend to overcomplicate trading and then they wonder why it's hard to keep emotions in check.
Oh, you mean the one from @GroupBuys_Bot? He claims it's the full course, but I don't know anyone who bought from him so I can't vouch for the guy. If anyone wants to organize a group buy, then we might find out.
I posted the link 2 times before, not sure why it keeps getting deleted. Anyway... Rise Precision - Google Drive (Keep in mind the full course hasn't been leaked yet)