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Posts posted by born







    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tbg1.jpg Views:\t0 Size:\t420.0 KB ID:\t781380","data-align":"center","data-attachmentid":"781380","data-size":"full","title":"bg1.jpg"}[/ATTACH]





    Cosmic Secrets by Russel Smith



    Hi Shenong,


    Any clue how it can help in understanding and implementing LOV?



    thank you for the clear explanation.

    1) Could you give some guide on how to apply combinations? Actually i'm using this software for a few months, but couldn't able to do it. I know I have to use composite box but how to add some thing like sun+mercury 1cycle and say another cycle of jupiter or anything else. That's what i want to know.

    2) how can I use q spectram inversions as a cycle because if you see q spectram cycles dont use inversion(blue) cycles. It only use red portion cycles. Is there any way to use it(blue or inversion)?

    thank you


    You can get full details on features and uses in the "Timingsolution" web site.


    I don't think its related to 'fonts' installation. It should be something like conjunction,separation something like that. You can see those signs in other modules also. I'm sure these signs have specific meaning.

    Note: In astronomy module when you select 1st planet after that 'these signs' are there. Then you have to select 2nd planet. These signs are ' - ' , ' + ' , ' / '.


    OK, thats sign for you to opt, whether first palnet value should be subtracted or divided or added with second planet, for the cycle.

    Let us assume, you want to find a combination for Sun long minus Pluto long divided by mars long, then what you have to select is: (Sun+pluto)/Mar. Though by default it shows 02 planets, you can go for combinations too.



    What you are writing here makes me think of the information presented in the book "Cosmic Secrets" by Russel A. Smith. It is based on the teachings of Gurdjieff and presents the universe as a series of octaves, with a detailed description of the interactions between each. I have the feeling this is somehow related to Gann's law of vibration but I still cannot make the connection to a market application. Any hints?


    The point is, marking highs and lows alternately on charts and studying how these are connected. The task gets more challenging, as not only one pattern is present in the market. But hands on and exercise for long span historic data, helps in finding pulse...


  5. I was googling for this book again recently and I found this:




    It is only a sample of the book (and somehow it is the first time I see it after all these years) but it gives some insight into what is actually going on.


    What I got from this is that the author has some understanding of Gann's Master Time Factor (especially the part where Gann compares each of the previous 60 years to the current year to see which cycles repeat) and fine tunes it by isolating years when there is a repetition of 3 bodies configurations (Earth+Sun+?).


    Maybe one day we'll know more, although I am afraid this will end up in disappointment as with every other book where the author never really reveals the useful knowledge (or maybe they reveal it but readers are missing the background to understand it).


    He delves on 4.25 Years cycles in the book. Also small cycles of 4-5 turns in a month is believed to be taught in the book and the forum he runs.

    The book might contain valuable information, though not worth of its price tag.

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