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About jeffiburt

  • Birthday 01/11/1985

jeffiburt's Achievements

  1. CONGRATS! I like this community and forum but be careful. The history of group buys and sharing copyrighted material is its most unique characteristic compared to other trading forums. The fact that there is a "Black List" discussion thread tells you much about the legality of these buys and sharing. I know a previous owner (not the last one) got into significant trouble over this. Not sure if you knew all this, hopefully you did before you purchased it.
  2. Be careful with those sites, a buddy of mine bought a course and there was malware attached to download that encrypted his data. Cost him much more than the useless trading course he was trying to get!
  3. I am having same issue. It is unusable right now
  4. I agree but 90% of the reviews would say "this is awful."
  5. Dude, how many different places are you going to spam the forum with this Vishal guy? Give it a break man.
  6. You have the course then? Or are you saying in theory his methods should work? No such thing as literally printing money, if there was you would not be here right?
  7. I'm in for $20, I think the testimonials are fake though
  8. enter a trading contest with 10-20 entries, hope that one of them wins. if one does, package it in a course, market the heck out of it. sell courses - that's the fail safe way
  9. The wolfe guy still sells his system, but it was $3K last time I checked.
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