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ajeet last won the day on January 21 2023

ajeet had the most liked content!

About ajeet

  • Birthday 08/15/1983

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  1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/xme6af5j5zo196x/OFL.zip/file (Forwarded as received)
  2. check their discord channel
  3. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ksmaxwk5s82ozak/Bell+Tpo.zip/file
  4. You can use Bell Tpo 2019, which is easily available over internet (I too can share) and can be applied on any version of NT8.
  5. I have uploaded it, It's working 100%. In case of any prob, do let me know.
  6. This is an old indicators pack from 2020-2021. Most will only function with John Snow's educated NT 8.0.22. I reuploaded after receiving a request in personal chat. Download from Here
  7. Hi Admin,

    please let me know how to upgrade to VIP membership.


  8. Hi Admin, I am deeply honored and grateful to receive an invitation to join the VIP membership in Indo-Investasi. Thank you for considering me for this exclusive opportunity. I appreciate the recognition of my name. With access to the VIP membership, I am confident that I can bring valuable insights and perspectives to the table. I kindly request you to grant me membership, and I assure you of my active participation and commitment to upholding the standards of excellence within the forum. Regards
  9. I had clicked "forgot password" and changed it, now able to login with prev. name.
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