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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by Suraa

  1. could you re up the course pls. link is down
  2. link from some one else https://mega.nz/#F!Yctm3ShQ!k-bF3BtIysKQIO2hcZp-tQ
  3. which workshop? are you talking about the workshop in youtube? I think part 3 is this course basically.
  4. its not corrupted, one file is with no sound because he wanted us to see what happens in the video first.then in the next drill he goes through it and explains
  5. its working.. volume profiling course still work. go and re read all the links in the thread. P.S . Even the price ladder still works. I checked just now
  6. search this group. you may find a lot
  7. Have you managed to download the whole course? is the quality better. could you mine to upload it in mega...
  8. yes ,it is. I 'we used to be a member of the group long time ago. materials are really good.
  9. Hi the links are dead.would you be able to re up again
  10. Hi, anybody have links to this files? links are not working..thanks
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