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Everything posted by netgoon

  1. I have bookmarked the link link long time back bro. I have just opened and seen the files but I haven't download and check
  2. @devils_advocate I hope, this is the one which you are looking https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1djBC-BlqWOo3H03uYPsIHs9H35iEczwz
  3. Also the link from the first post is having only the mentor-ship videos. You can download the complete videos here
  4. What I heard from ICT learners are 1. ICT concepts are simple but he made it as huge 2. Using ICT concepts alone does not work for them 3. Steve Mauro's BTMM, Trader Dante and Chris Lori are having similar kind of liquidity / Stop Run trading methods 4. ICT is arrogant, they way he is teaching. ICT himself blown his account many times Its all I heard purely from chat rooms and groups
  5. Chris Lori was a sports player before trading, how does he know what is happening inside the bank?. Is it an another scam
  6. His videos are not in English. I think it is in Malai Language
  7. Hi. Thanks a lot for the upload. I have tried to download the books today and the link is dead. Could you please re-upload for me https://mega.nz/#F!P3JC1AZA!-yC4GIs90thtt-qJrDfZFw
  8. Hi I am trying to download the Markepedia article but the link is dead. Could you please re-upload the materials on below link https://mega.nz/#F!r6hSASqC!87MiZePrEsuUAUcKOoIiyQ
  9. Looks like you are promoting sweeglu Deepak Kumar. You are always referring the same on every post and disagreeing all the other posts
  10. Hi Does any one have this course download links
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