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About xixix

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. Can you please share: [b]https://fttuts.com/professional-trader-course-sharekhan/[/b]
  2. The links in post #45 are dead, can anybody please re-upload these
  3. Exploiting Range-Bound Trading -9-1-17 [spoiler=Range-Bound]http://www.mediafire.com/file/ilcd03158wx2a6d The link for "Exploiting Range Bound Trading" is not working., please kindly reupload is possible.
  4. please check https://gocharting.com/ they have web based TPO charts for a nominal fee or may be completely free.
  5. My 2 cents: Links for the above freecourser website: (thanks logicgate and freecourser) https://www14.zippyshare.com/v/kyM5rzYi/file.html https://www14.zippyshare.com/v/qI30WeTx/file.html
  6. It seems sales and marketing stuff. It does not seems like trading or investing tuts. Thanks for the share anyway.
  7. Hello Gadfly...greetings! Thank you for the additional content shared in megalink. PCT Swing Trading Course and Power Cycle Trading - Boot Camp for Swing Trading are two different courses by same company.
  8. MY SMALL CONTRIBUTION TO THIS KNOWLEDGE PALACE INVEST0P3DIA ACAD3MY – F0REX TRAD1NG F0R BEGINN3R5 https://www56.zippyshare.com/v/nzANfYXM/file.html https://www56.zippyshare.com/v/SwwDTHUb/file.html https://www56.zippyshare.com/v/3ctZ59Jk/file.html Password: freecourser.com Thanks to freec0ur5er.c0m
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