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Everything posted by traderretail

  1. hi, this is not Geometric trading course and thanks for all Good Job
  2. thanks for all thank you very much you are the best
  3. hi, i find any books https://www.pcloud.com/track?url=aHR0cHM6Ly90cmFuc2Zlci5wY2xvdWQuY29tL2Rvd25sb2FkLmh0bWw/Y29kZT01WkpQVWk3WnpQTGF4N3EyNjk1Wk85NGZadFk1a1dMQXhEZ3lCWVBXeGR2ck02aDkyVWh6Nw==&token=j7yZZ7ZpkZrwc0kENluc4wtObKMPkdF8xn5b07
  4. Thank you very much for sharing, unfortunately the link is not active. I recognize his talent and still admire his ability ... Thank you very much
  5. the part 3ª not fund Please reUpload Thanks for all
  6. The course has two versions, the latter is the most updated, please if you have the Guides in Pdf I would appreciate it. thank you very much for your help.
  7. hi, thanks for your share, but the file is dead.... please re upload Thanks for all
  8. Please Re upload the 15 part, and show the url Thanks for all, adn good trade
  9. Thank you very much for your contribution, a question, how many files does the second part have. Excellent Trade
  10. When you want to visit Peru, I will welcome you with a good beer. Thank you
  11. Thank you very much for your contribution, I could ask you please, share this part: 2. WD GANN UNIVERSAL METHODS OF INVESTING & TRADING Excellent Trade
  12. Thanks for share, and say hello form Lima Peru Please share the : Modul 2. WD GANN UNIVERSAL METHODS OF INVESTING & TRADING Thanks for all and good trade
  13. Hi, please ReUpload the link to MEga is Down Thanks for your job, and good trade
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