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Everything posted by santosh26_80

  1. Check this video which explains about time cycles, how planetary degrees impact on securities . Illustrations are done using Timing solution software on global indices including Nifty.
  2. Working fine for me, downloading from data feed as well as reading CSV files
  3. Hi Kesk, Try below link to convert entire page. https://www.web2pdfconvert.com/
  4. Hi Admin,

    please let me know how to upgrade to VIP membership.


  5. example.csv Here is list of 400+ Nse companies with listing date for using it with multi search module. below is link to from where data is taken, change stock code to get listing date of the stock. https://www.nseindia.com/get-quotes/equity?symbol=RELIANCE link for using multi search module https://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Mini/59/index.htm
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