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Everything posted by mary

  1. It's just a matter of where your prioritys are.... only 2 people out of 9 players took the time to do the contest....even for money...they wouldn't give a little of their time.... :unknown:
  2. Just bringing the links forward... It won't cost you a cent to donate to these worthy causes. Answer quiz questions to donate rice. It's fun! Once you get to the site, click the wooden puppet's belly & feed a child! Thanx for clicking, everyone.
  3. why are'nt you doing screen shots so they will count ?
  4. ok... titles of books...any kind...paperbacks...magazines...any kind... A= A Dog of Flanders...
  5. i clicked... we need more clickers here guys :girl_wink:
  6. rich...another contest winner :give_rose:
  7. xtype and momofthreekids :girl_in_love:
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