Hello Everyone.
I am a full time day trader, it took me years of practice , many errors, lots of losing streaks, waking up many times from all these get rich schemes from indicator makers.
If you go back I believe to 2013 -2014 I was very active then and actually posted a lot of trading instructions, images, rules , etc all using the ES fibs and price action.
I think that this is what made me a moderator then.
I'll be honest with you all, I hardly see any involvement or ideas exchange anymore.
I can tell you that I only use Ninjatrader and there are many very good indicators that can help you and support your ideas.
If you believe that there are some good indicators or seminars or data feeds we can create some group buying that will help us all get stuff much cheaper.
Keep in mind that we already have a huge group here with our main and only mean- to become better traders- so there are no conflicts between us- we are all united and want the same goals.
Unless I see more action and involvement I am not going to push anyone for anything.
Would love to hear from all of you anything about trading.
Waiting ....