Hello, dear members of the Indo Investasi community,
I am Mister D, and I recently acquired this forum.
While I was impressed by the quality of the information and the expertise of the people here, I also saw that IndoInvestasi needs an upgrade to continue to thrive in 2024.
I have no longer traded the Forex market for over a decade, yet I still have experience in the financial markets and administrating online businesses. I don't want to hide the fact that I have also run a financial forum for over 14 years, so I know a thing or two 🙂
My plan for the community is the following:
Fix the technical issues with the forum software. [DONE]
Restructure the categories here because some are no longer, while others are buried, and users find the information difficult. [DONE]
Fix the issues with members logging in and recovering their accounts [Pending][2 weeks]
Reengage the old members to be active again. [Will be done in 2 weeks]
Bring new people
Monetize the community better. I already removed the ads network. I think you can notice the forum is faster now 🙂
As a community, your input is highly valuable, so please tell me your ideas for Indo-Investasi. Or say Hello. That's fine.