Never Mistake the Finger for the Moon (english citation)
Quando il saggio indica la luna, lo stolto guarda il dito (italian)
This thread started with the above series of questions by good laser1000it, and has transformed into people asking why they don't see who is liking posts (probably due to browser add-ons that prevent for certain informations to be shown).
I (together with laser that asked the first question) wonder also whether Owner/Admins/Mods/ex Mods understand that a Board where capable members (laser, candyman, etc) shared for free their "educated" dll's or programs, at a certain point (suddenly) changed its DNA when someone (not spending any money for the rent of the server) began to make money selling its work, using this Board as a free window for selling his work.
Since this guy is praised so much, I wonder if the owner (who is paying "to keep the server alive" as said by laser) is aware of that.... that is "he is paying while others make money".
Do you think that this behaviour is pushing other guys to share their work for free here?
Does the "other guy" contribute at least by sharing his work for free with the Admins?