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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/19 in all areas

  1. Hello, First off, this is an excellent site and extremely happy I came across it. There are a ton of courses shared on here which is amazing. Hundreds of courses, videos, workbooks, etc. When I first joined here, my thoughts were to download ANY and EVERY course that related to the products I trade. I am an Options Trader but also have traded Futures. So I was just downloading all that I can find that related to Options and Futures. But as I started watching some of these and gathering more info on them, I realized that some were either not much value, not my style of Trading or the direction I wanted to take it, didn’t provide anything valuable, etc. I stopped wasting my time on these, I felt that wasting time on courses was not beneficial at all. Trading is a skill that requires practice, development, understanding it to a great level. Cruising through courses isn’t much of a benefit as the work to learning and developing a skill starts with learning from a course but definitely does not end there. We all know that. My point with this is to share and interact with other Traders that came on here, found a course of a specific Trader that they liked, a specific type of Trading that they wanted to learn (i.e. Market Profile, Volatility, Scalping, etc.) I wanted to ask everyone on here - What course did you find that helped your Trading to a great degree. Whether it took you from being not profitable to now profitable, making a little amount to now making more, helped you out when you were just starting and gave you a method that you have been using and is profitable, etc. Anything that directly relates to your Trading results from that course you watched. I’m not saying you watched a course and instantly you’re making money. That’s not what I mean but would be great if it did, I mean that it provided you the foundation or expanded your knowledge/skills and with practice over time it helped you. Let us know - - What do you Trade? - How long have you been Trading it? - What course did you watch that helped improve your Trading? - Why did you choose that course? - How did it help your Trading directly? And anything else that you think would be worth adding. ———————— I think if we shared this type of info that it could help a lot. Now, don’t get me wrong, one may not get anything from a specific course but another can find it very useful. That’s the thing with Trading, there’s no one way. But with this it can provide some personal insight and experiences to what you learned and the benefit from it.
    2 points
  2. Very well said EminiTrader. I hardly watch any of the garbage shared. I would dare to say that anything about price action can benefit all of you- drop the indicators - specifically the lagging ones. The only course i would highly recommend is actually an old one "Dynamic Traders"- it was shared here many times and i forgot the details but basically it will teach you everything about fibs- the retracements, extensions and symmetrical. Hope that others will post their experience with videos or courses that they did watch because this can benefit us all. Thank you all again Traderbeauty
    2 points
  3. INVESTOPEDIA ACADEMY - ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING Move beyond puts and calls and start leveraging spreads and combination trades to start trading options to their full potential What will I learn? -Discover trading opportunities through evaluating liquidity, market climate and directional trends -Plan and implement spreads, strangles, straddles, risk-reversal combinations, vertical calls, call backspreads, and protective collar combinations -Leverage probabilities through the lens of time decay and Delta -Construct trading hypothesis based on trends to determine which strategy is best to maximize opportunity and increase returns -Apply technical, fundamental, and sentiment analysis to your options trading Course Curriculum: 1.Introduction Course Introduction 2. Introduction to Options Strategies 01. Introduction to Options Strategies 02. About Spreads 03. Probability - Time Decay & Delta 04. How Options are Used in the Industry 3. Finding Opportunities in Options Trading 01. Finding Opportunities in Options Trading 02. Liquidity 03. Climate of Options 04. Climate - What to Identify 05. Directional Market Trends 4. Vertical Call Debit Spread - Bullish 01. Theoretics of Vertical Call Bullish Debit Spread 02_Application_of_Vertical_Call Vertical_Bullish_Call_Spread_Follow.pdf Vertical Bullish Call Spread Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf 5.Vertical Call Credit Spread - Bearish 01. Theoretics of Vertical Call Bearish Credit Spread Vertical Bearish Call Spread Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf 6. Risk Reversal Combination 01. Theoretics of Risk Reversal 02. Application of Risk Reversal (Examples) Risk Reversal Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf Risk Reversal Follow Along Worksheet Exercise .pdf 7. Long Straddle Combination 01. Theoretics of Long Straddle 02. Application of Long Straddle (Examples) Long Straddle Follow Along Worksheet Exercise .pdf Long Straddle Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf 8. Long Straddle Combination - OTM 01. Theoretics of Long Strangle 02. Application of Long Strangle (Examples) Long Strangle Follow Along Worksheet Exercise .pdf Long Strangle Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf 9. Call Backspread 01. Theoretics of Call Backspread 02. Application of Call Backspread (Examples) Call Backspread Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf Call Backspread Follow Along Worksheet Exercise.pdf 10. Protective Collar Combination 01. Theoretics of Protective Collar 02. Application of Protective Collar (Examples) Protective Collar Your Turn Worksheet Exercise .pdf Protective Collar Follow Along Worksheet Exercise .pdf 11. How to Improve Your Edge in Options Trading 01. How to Improve Your Edge in Options Trading 02. Types of Analysis to Use Towards Options Trading 03_Continuation_on_Types_of_Analysis 04. IAI and VIX 12. Conclusion Course Conclusion Workbook.pdf Download Link: hXXps://dr!ve.google.com/file/d/1PlgRZxRURDwNRLRg5WHGTzl7X4Dm0TMx/view N.B.: I did not download nor check the content
    1 point
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