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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/17 in all areas

  1. Sale page : http://www.wyckoffanalytics.com/swing-trading-using-wyckoff-method-workshop-1/ This is very good course, but quite advanced. I need to say that the course is good for people trading with WYCKOFF METHOD Download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5_HNPCYKCl9Zi1uSHA0aTlFOG8/view Have fun trading :)
    3 points
  2. Incomehack, I cleaned up your course documents, can't do anything with the videos though. Thank you for the share. Wyckoff Swing Trading Course Docs: Link: https://mega.nz/#!RENh3S4J Key: !HOCRPGTjukgGjpiFFVWQ9rFTL5_at4XnhWiHbxNxkZU
    3 points
  3. John Keppler Traders Library 2013 Workshop: The Market Profile Advantage 160 minutes in length videos + pdf slides. Description at bottom of this webpage: https://goo.gl/CukZbU Link: https://mega.nz/#!hZVhGbTJ Key: !-kcwWK1H_FX922e49QtFXMzuim0P_rfYU2voJ6gFY8I P.S. - I was told this is the same class: https://goo.gl/5AgvMT
    1 point
  4. Shenong


    BC = Fake CURRENCY - More a MASS MANIPULATION - use ur brain, guys Hi all It seems everyone is thinking of BitCoin as a REAL CURRENCY....Sorry guys, you wrong... Xplanation : BitCoin is / was just a Crypting Algorythm ( and where do you see a Currency in an algorythm, i would like to read your answer !!! ) , put in place to crypt / anonymize money transactions.... And years later, lots of naive guys consider it as a CURRENCY.....Please, if you have at least 10 neurons active, just remember there has been already several big Cyber-Criminality Thefts, with Managers of BC sites stealing the customers accounts and flying AWAY fast ! Nobody is officialy SURE at 100% there is not some Hidden backdoor in te algo, permitting the creator(s) to do some REMOTE-control on the users accounts, anywhere.... I see this crypto-"currency" as a MASS MIND MANIPULATION... BC is just a Crypting tech, nothing more....Consider us$1000 stored under BC Crypted algo.....: INPUT these us$1000 in BC, OUTPUT = us$1000 less cryting Fee ( say 2% or 1 % ), and you would have an Honest BC.....Just like a financial service, like Credit Cards companies, nothing else.... Of course, the fact disturbing the process is that these funds are hidden and hence, are a way of doing CRIMINAL transactions.... Imagine VISA or MASTERCARD, which are just big FUNDS transfert Services, considered as Currencies....It would be wrong and S T U P I D... Well, enuf said, the SMART guys will understand....BUBBLE BUBBLE, BUBBLE with new THEFTS preparing their action.... S 8-) >:):D
    1 point
  5. Here is a long list of videos for all Wyckoff followers from the ReadTheTicker site presentend mostly from R.Wyckoff himself: https://www.readtheticker.com/Pages/VideoRTTTv.aspx Sixer
    1 point
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