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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/17 in all areas

  1. You know IMHO I feel that Toni Hansen is arguably the real "Fibonacci Queen" when most people will say that it's Carolyn Boroden. Toni is a marvelous and well respected coach to a lot of newbies first starting to learn the essentials of Fibs and her teachings in video and book format is very practical and to the point (not easy to do in Fibs.)I also think she(as a world class trader) is far more warm and friendlier to newbies and non traders. She's also a lot more cuter than Carolyn.(My personal opinion) If you feel that the study of Fibs has an important part to play in trading and in the essential interpretation of a trading chart,then it's your lucky day. Here are two videos by Toni(from the disciplinedtrader.com) defining what matters the most in all things Fibonacci,which I dare say will even interest our Jane, our own Fibonacci Queen.;) http://thedisciplinedtrader.com/tonihansen/videos/ The page contains Video #1: The Three Most Powerful Fibonacci Trading Techniques 39mins 40s and Video #2: Advanced Pivot Timing Techniques Using Fibonacci 51mins 40s Enjoy all.:)
    6 points
  2. Some people need to use VPNs to download torrents, but here's another way to download. Convert torrents to a direct download link instead of using P2P software. http://www.direct-torrents.com
    2 points
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