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  1. Hallo steve. Entschuldigung meine lehrer! Sorry but I did look at the "Advanced Binary Studies and Systems" at the FB Group's "Advanced Binary Options Trading" section but couldn't get in and download, as it says downloads are only allowed for VIPs and it is asking me for a password? And I can't even download Andrew's Peaks & Troughs research paper.Please help steve. I asked SING but he said he had the same problems. Yes I am reading the Abe Cofnas book now. Thank you and danke! :)
    1 point
  2. Haha! Really Marty? The expat ladies were staring at me? And here I was thinking they were gazing intently at your ponytail. revisit Singapore? Well maybe this coming Xmas yeah?
    1 point
  3. Terima Kasih steve! That's thank you in Malay. Even though you said no guarantees,I knew you had the book.SING told me you never lose what you keep. Hehe. Thank you bro! for taking the time and effort. Yes by all means,send me your PM questions about TopStepTrader. KYC laws? Don't know much about that. I am only familiar with KFC.Which reminds me,I have to dig into that bucket for more chicken. :D You know steve, you IMO, are a prime example of the book,"How to Win Friends and Influence People".You really are.That's a compliment by the way.;)
    1 point
  4. Okay mate, Here you go.If you intend to trade Binary Options and about Nadex, this is the book to go with.The same book that Brad Hudson posted. Abe_Cofnas_Trading_Binary_Options_Strategies and Tactics.pdf (4.40MB) Download Page Link https://www.sendspace.com/file/24pk2z Btw,Singapore is one of the eligible international countries accepted but you might have some inconvenience because of their KYC laws but ask SINGtrader how he dodged those.;)
    1 point
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