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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/16 in all areas

  1. It took me about a month of going through the videos and working on the excel. Even now, I am thinking of re-doing the scorecard that is suitable and make sense to me. In his videos, he wasn't very clear or detailed about how to formulate those scores in the scorecard. I guess it was his scorecard where it only make sense to him. So I would have to make my own whereby it make sense to me. The principle of inflation and deflation remains the same but the scores which you assign is subjective. It is based on your own analysis of the data and how you gauge the reaction of the market from the historical data. So everyone will have his own sensitivity. But on the whole, you will be aware of certain drivers at play. That means you will still have to work on the excel with the data to really understand what those data means and get a feel or see how those drivers is in relation with GDP growth. I have only finished the Endogenous drivers. The Exogenous isn't finish as video #18 has a big part missing.
    3 points
  2. https://www.sendspace.com/file/8lmcfu
    1 point
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