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  1. Ok, for what it’s worth, this is my 2 cents opinion about his course after ploughing through his videos and working tirelessly on the excel trying to recreate the excel sheets in his video for the past few weeks. If you are looking for a simple rule based system whereby this crosses that, you sell, and this cross that you buy, or this fundamental driver is 1.005 means buy or this fundamental driver is -15 means sell, well, I have news for you. This is not that kind of system and this course don’t give you this kind of rule base system. What he does teaches you is what are the fundamental drivers to look for and how to use and interpret those data to form your own opinion about the market conditions for the next 1 to 3 mths. With that opinion of the market in mind, you plan your buy or sell according to your opinion formed using those data available and not guessing like tossing a coin or half-baked TA that always changes and break the resistance or support that it's not suppose to. The only use of TA in his course is for confirmation and entry after you have formulate your trading plan with your own opinion formed. So short term traders like 5min or 15mins short time frame traders will not find this useful. It’s more for those looking for longer term of at least a week or so traders. When we buy or sell a forex pair, we must have an opinion about where that pair is going. We think it is going up that is why we buy or we think it is going down and we sell. What his course teaches is to help you form your own opinion about the market using fundamental data that have certain influence on the market for the next few months to formulate your own trading plan. So everyone will have their opinion about the market but mostly will be of the same direction just that the magnitude may be different as each will rate the drivers differently. Even after watching his videos, you will still have to form up your own scorecard based on how you analyse the relationship between the drivers and GDP. It’s not easy but after going thru the hard work, you will have a better feel of the market conditions that you are trading. Now, if anyone here got the full video #18 to share, please let me know and I will post my recreated excel files here after I completed all the fundamental drivers.
    4 points
  2. hie marketrulez ...... i found the recorded webinars of dalton in the below link http://www.jdaltontrading.com/category/webinars-public/ Note : i am not promoting any thing just came across these webinars . if ur interested u can thanking u
    1 point
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