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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/16 in all areas

  1. Hi Starting out in the trading world , my dad does it - caught the bug from there :). Happy New Year Would be great to chat to others
    2 points
  2. Our forum mentor and skilled "educationist" admis has provided us with a basic theory and tutorial on "Ninjatrader futures indicator "education" in the forum's Ninjatrader section.Of course you can go far deeper into cracking and reverse education if you are so inclined but before that you will certainly need to be well versed in the low-level programming languages like machine code and assembly. Here are two books that will help you in your quest for the relevant knowledge. 1)Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation LEARN THE SCIENCE AND CRAFT OF REVERSE ENGINEERING TO FIGHT HACKERS AND ROOTKITS,(NOT JUST CRACKING INDICATORS) Criminals increasingly are using malicious software (exploits, viruses, rootkits, etc.) for fraud, denial-of-service, intrusions, and espionage operations. Reverse engineering is the only method to thoroughly dissect and understand such software. So it is no surprise that reverse engineering is one of the most important subjects in information security. Unfortunately, it is often perceived as a mysterious and complex black art. Although reverse engineering is a difficult subject, the authors believe there is a scientific approach to it. Practical Reverse Engineering aims to demystify the art and systematize the reverse-engineering process for students and professionals. 2)Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering Beginning with a basic primer on reverse engineering-including computer internals, operating systems, and assembly language-and then discussing the various applications of reverse engineering, this book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering. The book is broken into two parts, the first deals with security-related reverse engineering and the second explores the more practical aspects of reverse engineering. In addition, the author explains how to reverse engineer a third-party software library to improve interfacing and how to reverse engineer a competitor's software to build a better product. Two of the highest rated resources on Amazon on the arcane art of Reverse Engineering. http://i63.tinypic.com/33f944w.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/2qdy90m.jpg Reversing books.zip File Size: 10.04MB Download Page Link https://www.sendspace.com/file/u2eeso :)
    1 point
  3. I was interested in Binaries at one time , isn't it all a scam though ?
    1 point
  4. Thanks stevie.Those are two very high end books on RE. Amazing how you find time to read such books, do your forestry officer job and practice your Masonic religion at the same time.@-)
    1 point
  5. Female traders are actually some of the best traders around.I do know some female traders in our trading consortium office in Singapore, and I tell you they are all very good Fibs traders.They are very intuitive and can manage the stress of trading better than most.No big ego problems and they DO listen to instructors advice.
    1 point
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