Well recently I noticed there has been an unprecedented upsurge of interest in Order flow and Market Profile trading and it's corresponding software for futures at the I-I. So I figure some of you might have a use for this huge read (346 pages).
pdf format, 13mb
A lenghty dissertation on ALL things MP by the pros from the CBOT
Yes it's the holiday season and some of you would rather read your X'mas cards and maybe instead of Market Profile you'd rather read your FBI Profile :-S but hey(!) you might find a nugget or two so be all the profiler you can be! :D
Something "new" for the MP starters,eh? Lemme tell you bigdaddy, the Study Guide has more than what the "MP Starters" will need @-)
Apologies bigdaddy.Procurement was messy. For now only managed to find a single chapter pdf. Once we get the entire ebook it will be posted.