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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/13 in all areas

  1. Hi aLL, LoNg TiMe NO sEE;) C0R0N F0REX iNdY - nEEdS eDuCaTIoN http://mir.cr/1CWUELLH http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1CWUELLH/cfx.rar_links LuV U aLL:x
    2 points
  2. Maybe worth some entertainment as the "Code Breaker" has a webinar tomorrow... This Wednesday, May 22, 2013 4:30PM EDT we feature "Oil Traders Are Making $20,000 Per Month" presented by David of Oil Trading Academy Trading Oil is the absolute best possible opportunity there is within the trading world, nothing else can compare to it, not the Emini, not Gold, not Stocks, not the Forex, nothing else can come close to the money you can make trading Oil. I have been trading professionally since the year 2000 and discovered the "code" for the Oil market in 2006. Since that time I've taught over 700 people to trade the Oil market, many of whom are now professional traders making well over $20,000 per month. People on trading message boards all over the entire Internet call me a scam, and the reason for this is because they don't want you to know this information. Take a look at all my videos and judge for yourself, they want to take the best opportunity that has ever come around before away from you, I wouldn't let them if I were you. If you want to learn how to make $20,000 a month for yourself trading the Oil market then I have the information you need in order to make that a reality. And if you feel that you need the extra help I also offer Oil Signals which are based upon Code 2. It's time to Join The Revolution! David ~ Owner & Founder of Oil Trading Academy You may have to go to this website to register... http://onlinetradercentral.com/presenters1.asp Cheers! Mick
    2 points
  3. bonnie12345

    The Thanks Button?

    I think a lot of forums use it as an "anti" mechanism for people who wish to get "Kudos" quickly for every post they make. Whilst the "Thanks" received for my good posts are welcomed they are not essential. But I think the restriction on the number you can do in one session is a bit mean :-O:)):x At the end of the day It must be forum policy and we must accept this. Personally I now read all of the new posts since my last login and then decide who I am going to give "Thanks" to. So it can work in a good way as you are being selective about who you are going to give "Thanks" to as it has been thought out from the previous sessions postings.
    2 points
  4. bonnie12345

    The Thanks Button?

    Yesterday I was thanking people for their posts. Today I am greeted with no button but a star that says "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Can anyone enlighten me why the forum would restrict people thanking other people? Thanks in advance as I cannot press the "thanks" button ;)
    1 point
  5. aenigma

    The Thanks Button?

    Could't Agree More on this ... Request to allow Unlimited Thanks.. To encourage Participation Sharing & Appreciation ... Let the camaraderie flow ...
    1 point
  6. New links. http://www.4shared.com/rar/ZJrQQf-K/tradingmindpart1.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/bpQoJlhd/tradingmindpart2.html
    1 point
  7. Thanks for the videos @FloridaTrader ... I've not watched them and will probably not download them, and certainly don't want you to take this the wrong way (as I have not seen the video content); this dude shows up on boards every so often, trying to realtime predict where CL will swing next, and very quickly gets very confrontational and in record time p!sses everyone off, and just as quickly gets banned and tossed. I recall others posting about his past, which has had other shady ventures; he also lives in a below average apartment, yet professes to have broken 'the code'. His name is known, and when you google, there are tons of folks who have been ripped off by his courses, promises, and trading room. Honestly, anyone who pretends to be that good in CL trading, wouldn't be living where he does and ongoingly peddling courses that few have found value in; in brief, mastering CL trading can IMHO lead to significant financial prosperity. :)
    1 point
  8. In short his secret is, the world oil market is controlled by a giant computer (he actually says this) and this computer retraces 10-15 pips at 30 mins past the hour, so at 9:30, 10;00, 10:30 etc take a position against the trend for 10 or so pips more about the giant computer that controls the worlds futures markets designed by the evil freemasons and lucifer who control everything in the world ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC4dCUoKdlY
    1 point
  9. Johan445

    Sam S3iden

    1 point
  10. Mark Douglas - Trading Psychology: http://filepost.com/folder/11e5m97b/ Mark Douglas - Mental Toughness - How To Think Your Way To Consistent Results: http://filepost.com/folder/51d42944/ Sixer
    1 point
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