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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/13 in all areas

  1. oops seems the evil freemasons reprogrammed the giant computer so the above course (code 1 ) is no longer relevant but stay tuned for an even better (and much more expensive ... cant forget that) code 2 course to be released shortly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzAlGFfvC54
    2 points
  2. Here is the link to the webinar : http://www.professionaltraderacademy.com/Raschke/ Also you can get this link and a lot of free educational materials when you register(free) on Linda's website : www.lbrgroup.com This manual :Professional Trading Techniques is also there: http://www.futurepathtrading.com/pdf/TechnicaltradingManual-1.pdf
    2 points
  3. New links. Catching Trend Reversals by Daivd H. Weis http://www.4shared.com/rar/8mMBUH1L/Weis_CTR_newpart01.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/sFYJaHxA/Weis_CTR_newpart02.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/ooGFrAMU/Weis_CTR_newpart03.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/tG275BTi/Weis_CTR_newpart04.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/Vn7PWXyM/Weis_CTR_newpart05.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/jVvF8cw5/Weis_CTR_newpart06.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/ZYwcQP9K/Weis_CTR_newpart07.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/EQ5TKDyJ/Weis_CTR_newpart08.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/tXn5sr7E/Weis_CTR_newpart09.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/VwAHuxv_/Weis_CTR_newpart10.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/K9yCYf0M/Weis_CTR_newpart11.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/W1CwTHIL/Weis_CTR_newpart12.html
    2 points
  4. hh...those videos are HILARIOUS! This "trading room guru's" obsession with "...these people..." and Free Masons is very good comedy. I am quite surprised he is only obsessed with the Free Masons, while forgetting that it is most likely the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs and the Skull and Bones Society who are after him!
    1 point
  5. In short his secret is, the world oil market is controlled by a giant computer (he actually says this) and this computer retraces 10-15 pips at 30 mins past the hour, so at 9:30, 10;00, 10:30 etc take a position against the trend for 10 or so pips more about the giant computer that controls the worlds futures markets designed by the evil freemasons and lucifer who control everything in the world ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC4dCUoKdlY
    1 point
  6. teodosy87

    Sam S3iden

    This is how is done real day trading! http://www.4shared.com/document/1JwMc9uh/Price_is_Everything.html You will learn a lot from this guy! Study his charts!
    1 point
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