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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. http://uploading.com/files/4f472298/LWTFMC.txt/
    2 points
  3. Anton hope you still need it. http://uploading.com/files/4f472298/LWTFMC.txt/
    2 points
  4. FOR PRICE ACTION JUNKIES HERE IS PHIL NEWTON: Here at Trading Strategies I refuse to con anyone into thinking that this is an easy career and that "with just 5 minutes per day" you can "make a fortune". However, with the help and guidance of myself and other traders on this site you can develop yourself into a highly successful trader. It is my mission is to provide you with the information and trading strategies, and mental ability you need to make better, well informed trading decisions maximising your business potential. Although I am biased, the site is excellent. I am sure that you will find many gems both on the main site and through out the forums. If you find it's not for you then I also appreciate that, as you need to find a strategy that's comfortable for you. Who is Phil Newton? Phil Newton was key speaker at the FXstreet.com International Traders Conference in October 2008 - Barcelona. I'm a self taught trader and managed to start my trading career with a high degree of success, but this doesn't mean to say I don't have my fair share of loosing trades. I have always been interested in trading from a very early age and started reading what I could about technical analysis when I was about 16. I started hand drawing charts of the FST100 and some stocks at about the same time. Using all my savings I made my first trade when I was 18 in a UK stock called Waterfall purchasing 920 shares at 54 pence and sold out a little over 8 months later for 108 pence. Since then I was hooked. The following 3 trades I made were in mining stocks and closed them all pretty quickly as they simply weren't making any money (a good choice with hindsight but there was nothing clever about it) and took a small loss with the transaction costs taken into account. I soon realised that this wasn't as easy as all the glossy adverts made it out to be and due to my lack of funding I decided that I needed to focus on other things like my education and get a job. I spent the next several years finishing my education, working and dreaming of making a living from trading. I was lucky enough to get a start on the trading ladder working for a software developer that had developed a black box to trade the futures market. This is where I really learned what not to do in trading as they pretty much did everything you shouldn't do when trading. My brief time here allowed me to see real time data unfold in front of me and practice my new art and try to put what I had spent a long time reading about into practice. I would constantly think I can do better, but something (as always, fear of failure) held me back. It was at this time I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. It is actually a very nasty progressive illness and I mention it only because it was the catalyst for many life changing decisions. I spent 8 weeks in hospital 4 of which in a critical care unit, and the following 8 months recovering at home. I came very close to death in this time and it made me think of many things in my life, my career being one of them. I basically decided on all the changes I wanted in my life and follow several dreams I've had and never taken action to make them happen. I thought (from a career perspective) that I want to be a trader and make my living in this way. "Better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all." Near the end of my recuperation I took £1000 off my credit card and started trading Ibex futures. Since that Day I have never looked back and never regretted any of my life choices as they are mine and mine alone. In that time I have learned a great deal about myself and trading. I have traded Futures, NASDAQ stocks and Forex. I have continued to do so and now make my living in this way. website ; http://trading-strategies.info/ http://www.fileserve.com/file/a4V6b9C/Trading-Strategies.info.part1.rar http://www.fileserve.com/file/ZczEzKz/Trading-Strategies.info.part2.rar http://www.fileserve.com/file/UBQhd4t/Trading-Strategies.info.part3.rar
    1 point
  5. Here is the latest version of Amibroker that is version 5.5 with cure. enjoy and don't forget to help each other. :P
    1 point
  6. arieldutchess - use the "Thanks" button. :) Thank you!
    1 point
  7. Trading the Elliott Wave Indicator - Winning Strategies | 365 MB One of the best qualities of a good teacher is that they make learning fun and easy. Once you've watched this DVD, originally recorded at the Trader's Hall of Fame conference in Las Vegas in 2003, you will be saying that about Bob Prechter. Over the course of two hours Bob tells you most of what he knows about the Elliott Wave Principle - and does it without a single dull moment. Here's what you'll learn in Bob's 2-hour presentation: * Market Turns: Bob shows you practical ways to anticipate market turns using the Wave Principle and other technical indicators. You will learn exactly what you need to see on a chart to know if a bull or a bear market is over. * Real-Life Examples: Many traders teach theory: "If the market did this, you would do that." Instead, Bob puts you in the driver's seat, in real-time trading situations, giving you a unique, real-life perspective. * Chart Form Is Key: You will learn why the most important part of the Wave Principle is the form of chart patterns. Those forms repeat - again and again. (For example, did you know that the forms of the DJIA's 1920-1929 and 1974-2000 bull markets look almost identical?) You will learn what those forms are, and how to apply that knowledge in your markets. * Boost Your Chances: You will see how Elliott wave analysis helps you to select only those opportunities where the odds are in your favor. Bob also shows you ways to identify the markets' "make or break" points. * Market Psychology: That is Bob's favorite subject. "Most of the time, if you follow market psychology," says Bob in the DVD, "you will not find yourself on the wrong side of the market for too long." * Contrarian Indicators: Did you know that every stock market top in the past century occurred when the DJIA's dividend yield was less than 3%? Do you know how to use media headlines, "the greatest contrarian signals," to your advantage? You will. Also P/E ratios, Daily Sentiment Index.Bob tells you which contrarian signals to watch out for at market tops and bottoms. * Fibonacci Numbers: Bob shows you how to apply simple Fibonacci proportions - to real-time stock market charts - to get both price and time forecasts. As Bob tells you in this DVD, the Wave Principle is not perfect, but at the very least, "it helps you avoid major investment disasters," and it alerts you to major opportunities - in the financial markets and beyond. Ultimately, the Wave Principle forecasts people's behavior, and you may be surprised to see Bob's examples of successful forecasts for Wall Street's mergers and acquisitions activities; brokerage firm business; the number of bank loans; public transit ridership numbers - and even wars and peaceful times. The scope of the Elliott Wave Principle is immense. Its greatest message, though, is that "the trend of human progress is always up," says Bob. After watching this DVD, you will be hard-pressed to disagree. Newlink:
    1 point
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