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  1. saamy

    Sam S3iden

    some Q&A By Sam Seiden, Online Trading Academy Vice President of Education and Product Development Recently, I have received many questions about an article from a couple weeks ago entitled, "The Two Most Important Parts of a Trade Setup." The article seemed to have peaked interest in a very simple approach to trading which I employ for my own trading. Below are some of those questions and the answers to help you use the strategy rules. Hello Sam, I was in your class before; I would like to say thank you for writing the excellent articles. I have been reading a lot of your articles. However, this is the one I like best and will apply this method for my trading next week... "The Two Most Important Parts of a Trade Setup." But I am still confused about which time frame to use for this method? I trade part time intraday. I am looking to swing trade. Thanks – Jacqueline Seiden Answer - Thanks for the kind words on the articles; I hope the articles are helpful. As that article pointed out, the two important components of the trade are a quality supply or demand zone and a significant profit margin. When day trading, it's a good idea to use a combination of a larger time frame chart, like an hourly or daily, and a smaller time frame chart such as a five minute chart. You want to use the larger time frame to identify where price is on the larger time frame supply/demand curve as this will tell you whether you should be looking for buy setups or sell setups on the smaller time frame. For example, if price is at or near larger time frame supply, you want to go down to the 5 minute chart and find quality supply levels with significant profit margins to short against. You would only know this if you first looked at that larger time frame like I am suggesting. For swing trading, looking at daily and weekly charts should be fine. Hi Sam, I have seen a lot of your webinars on fxstreet.com and I would like to ask you a question because I couldn't find an answer yet. When looking at supply and demand zones, we know that price is potentially revisiting the previous supply or demand area. What you say is that one should take the trade when price revisits the area for the first time. What I was wondering is... What happens with those levels after price has revisited it for the first time? Should we keep an eye on those levels for a potential new trade or do we have to deny the levels once price visited it for the first time? Thanks in advance - Eliza Seiden Answer - Very good question. When I was on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange facilitating institutional order flow, the answer to your question was very clear. Let's say I was on the trade desk and had a large stack of buy orders (demand) in the S&P at a price of 1245 and the market was opening at 1260. Sure enough at some point, the market would come down to 1245 and some of my orders would get filled, depending on how much supply (sellers) there was when price reached 1245. The first time price would reach that large stack of buy orders at 1245, it would bounce higher. With each succesive decline in price to 1245, what is happening to that stack of buy orders? Is it increasing or decreasing? Is the demand getting stronger or weaker? If you answered decreasing and weaker, you are correct. Each time 1245 traded, more of those buy orders were being filled meaning demand was weakening. Layers of the "floor" (demand) were being removed so to speak. Once all the buy orders at 1245 were filled, price would then quickly fall to the next level of demand. Hi Sam, I have been enjoying your webinars very much and just have a question for you. When you enter trades based on daily/monthly charts at demand/supply levels, what percentage of these are winning trades? I am guessing they would be much higher than smaller time frames as there is less 'chop.' Thanks and regards – Michael Seiden Answer - Typically, most people have a higher winning percentage in the larger time frames, you are correct. This is because you are only looking at daily/weekly/monthly charts and the levels are very clear. Also, larger time frame levels trump smaller time frame levels so when you find a nice demand level on the larger time frame with a significant profit margin, what is happening on the smaller time frames is not a big deal. The other way around is a different story, however. If a day trader finds a quality demand level on a five minute chart, for example, and supply looks to be much higher, that is not enough information. You still need to check the larger time frame to see where this smaller time frame setup is on the larger time frame supply and demand curve. For example, if that five minute buy setup is near larger time frame demand, that trade will typically work out very well. If, however, that smaller time frame buy setup is at or near larger time frame supply, that trade has very low odds of working. Day trading is fine and can be very profitable, you just have that extra step of looking at larger time frames so you're not blindsided. Hi Sam, I am a student of Online Trading Academy and took the Forex Trader course 2 years back. I have been reading your articles about Supply and Demand and how floor traders see the market. However, I have a few questions which I hope you can clarify. Strong/Weak Support/Resistance How do you know when to take a reverse trend trade using the supply and demand concept? I mean how do you determine whether a particular support or demand is strong enough so that price does not simply punch through the level? This is the most difficult part for me if I want to trade using naked price action. Seiden Answer – This is based on the larger time frame "fresh" demand or supply level. Trends always end and begin at "fresh" larger time frame demand and supply levels so this is when and where we stop trading with the trend and trade against it as we are expecting it to reverse and change direction. Our anticipatory analysis allows us to then enter the new trend well before it gets under way which gives us a big edge. The key is identifying a "fresh" supply and demand level in the larger time frame. Before you attempt to do this, make sure your definition of a quality supply/demand level is proper. How many touches on a daily chart and a 4 hour chart of support or resistance will you consider before not taking a trade when the market comes back to test the support and resistance lines again. I have heard some traders using a 3 taps concept and anything more than 3 tests, they will not take a retracement trade no matter how good the trend is? What is your take on this? Seiden Answer - What we do in the Extended Learning Track (XLT) program is a bit more objective and logical than the textbook way of doing it which is "touch count." Try to focus on how deep price is moving into a supply/demand level each time it returns to that level. If price just touches the level the first time it returns and moves away in strong fashion, that suggests there is a big supply/demand imbalance at that level. Therefore, we would be comfortable taking a trade again at that level. If this happens the second and third time and so on, we would still take trades at that level. However, as soon as price trades 25% or more into that level, I would not suggest taking another trade at that level as this suggests the supply/demand imbalance at that level is not strong enough anymore to offer us a high probability trading opportunity. Do you do counter trend trades? Seiden Answer - Only when that trend is reaching a larger time frame supply or demand level which means that trend is about to end and a new one is about to begin, as mentioned above. Do you use Fibonacci retracement levels and pivot points in your analysis of supply and demand? Seiden Answer - No, I don't. Fib levels and pivot points don't often line up with a real supply and demand level. Fib lines, for example, are created with a mathematical calculation that does not take into account willing supply or demand so there is a huge flaw with this line of thinking. Also, if you use Fibs, you have a choice of a number of retracement lines to choose from. The one that will work with consistency is the one that lines up with real demand or supply. So, after taking the Fib line that lines up with real demand or supply for a while, you will eventually ask yourself, "Why do I need the Fib line when I am always taking the one that lines up with real demand or supply?" Do you use Candlestick patterns in your trade analysis? Seiden Answer - Not conventional patterns. If we agree that price always stops falling and turns higher at price levels where willing demand exceeds willing supply and vise versa, don't we only want to focus on the picture that represents that fact? Also, conventional chart patterns almost always have you buying high and selling low; that's how they are setup. Think about the most popular ones like the Head and Shoulders and Double Top patterns. Neither of these patterns have you selling high, near supply. Both have you waiting for a significant decline in price before selling which makes absolutely no sense and these are some of the most popular patterns in all the books; crazy if you ask me. I tried to be as detailed as I could in the answers to ensure a solid understanding of these concepts. The key answer to almost all the trading questions I ever receive is always answered by considering the reality of how you profit buying and selling anything in any marketplace. So the next time you are puzzled and looking for an answer, dig into your bag of "logic" and you will likely find the simple answer. If that doesn't work, send me an email and I will be happy to help. Hope that was helpful, have a great day. - Sam Seiden [email protected]
    5 points
  2. Hector De ville Thought I could start sharing with this for ya. Just found it on the net. ;) Megaupload http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6HKDXB51 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KBINL5MJ
    5 points
  3. chankl78

    Sam S3iden

    This is the videos I like & something to share. Using Support & Resistance to trade. http://www.forexpros.com/live-events/transcripts/identifying-market-turning-points-with-an-objective-set-of-rules-43486 http://www.forexpros.com/live-events/transcripts/identifying-low-risk%2520-high-reward%2520-and-high-probability-trading-opportunities-for-short-term-forex-traders%2520-part-ii---transcript-44813 http://www.fxstreet.com/webinars/sessions/session.aspx?id=8eddf5a3-2dfa-4f79-b128-5a5fa060925d http://www.fxstreet.com/search/contributors/authors/author.aspx?id=5766b88a-1a31-4102-8221-e9bf77216d2f Here is the indicator. But not created by Sam. By someone using his trading method. http://www.4shared.com/file/fprbWkhK/II_SupDem.html Anyone how has more videos, please shared. Thanks. Smile Chankl78
    2 points
  4. Featuring massively parallel Multi-Threaded Charting, automatic Walk-Forward Testing, Multi-monitor floating charts, symbol and interval linking, drag-and-drop indicator creation, Industry fastest, Unlimited-symbol True Portfolio-Level Backtesting and Optimization, now with Smart Evolutionary algorithms, scaling, market-neutral system support and multiple currency handling, free Fundamental data, Multiple Time-Frame support, 3D optimization charts, new Account manager, automated trading interface, volume profile, object-oriented charting, drawing layers, multi-window layouts, formula-based alerts, easy-to-use formula editor, equity function, unique composite indicators, built-in web research browser, direct link to eSignal, Interactive Brokers, IQFeed, myTrack, FastTrack, QP2, TC2000, any DDE compliant feed, MS and more... For more info: http://www.amibroker.com/devlog h@@p://[email protected]@m/O1X4DXQGA7 Note: Before posting I checked with ESET Smart Security Business Edition I don't crack it so use it in your own risk. I installed it and so far it works perfectly.
    2 points
  5. kyrus

    TG VSA Club Videos

    2 points
  6. kyrus

    TG VSA Club Videos

    1 point
  7. Expert: Walter Bressert Type: PDF Workbook MP3 Audio Running Time: 120 minutes Workbook Length: 50 pages Most traders react to the market, their brokers, and their emotions. When you react because the unexpected has occurred, you are out of control. When you respond as part of a pre-determined game plan, you are in control. In this workshop, Walt will share with you his 4-Step Program of Controlled Trading that will keep you in control of your trading. Part 1 - Market Analysis. "The trend is your friend;" and not only do we want to know what the trend is, we want to anticipate when the trend will reverse. With cycle analysis, you can both define the trend (long-term, intermediate-term, short-term) and anticipate tops and bottoms (both major tops and trading tops). Part 2 - Oscillator Analysis. Both cycles and oscillators are dependent upon time and price. Quite often cycle highs and lows are accompanied by oscillator extremes. When you know these extreme levels, tops and bottoms can be identified with confidence. Walt also presents easy-to-use techniques to fine-tune the oscillators and build tradable oscillator/cycle combinations to buy bottoms and sell tops. The amazing 3-10 oscillator is a simple and powerful indicator of tops and bottoms. Part 3 - Market Entry and Exit. To be in control, we must first determine the time frame for which we are trading. All too often we use a short-term entry technique and a sort-term stop while planning a long-term trade. By defining the time frames before we enter the market, we can apply the correct market entry and exit techniques using weekly, daily, and intra-day techniques to buy on weakness and strength, and to sell on strength and weakness. Part 4 - Controlled Risk Money Management. Walt's "controlled risk" money management will show you how to stay in control of the trade at all times, from planning the trade to market exit DOWNLOAD LINKS http://tv.ino.com/media/INLV93WB/1.mp3 http://tv.ino.com/media/INLV93WB/2.mp3 http://tv.ino.com/media/INLV93WB/3.mp3 http://tv.ino.com/media/INLV93WB/4.mp3 book http://tv.ino.com/media/INLV93WB/workbook.pdf
    1 point
  8. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3650/3522328335_6ba0c89551_o.gif
    1 point
  9. Hi again guys , Am also the original poster of this stuff at the other board ( E W ), so, no problem for me to post it here for helping INDO-INVESTASI community.... PowerRatings Platinum Portfolio Course by Steve Primo http://www.multiupload.com/TJIEHRLM43 Password : ewefsan Since PowerRatings has been launched, it has become the single most popular trading tool amongst traders in the history of TradingMarkets. Now, for the first time, you can learn how to trade PowerRatings in a simple, systematic way. You will be able to focus on the best 9`s and 10`s to buy, and the best stocks rated 1 to sell-short. Each of the portfolios we will teach you has been tested over an 12-year period (1995-2006) and has been profitable every year. Plus, you will be able to apply these portfolios with less than 10 minutes of work each day. Here are the 4 PowerRatings (for Traders) Portfolios you can choose from... ...they are the PowerRatings Momentum Portfolio, which has averaged over 118% per year, the Conservative Portfolio, the Short-Only Momentum Portfolio and the Long/Short Balanced Portfolio (complete results below). * The PowerRatings Momentum Method * The PowerRatings Conservative Portfolio * The PowerRatings Short-Only Momentum Method * The PowerRatings Long/Short Balanced Portfolio Each of these portfolios has achieved substantially higher simulated returns than nearly every fund offered in the United States. And each portfolio is simple to use, and has been profitable every year including the bull market years, the bear market years in 2000-2002, and the quiet sideways year seen in 2005. Do I need to be in front of a screen all day? No! You will simply enter a private password protected website each evening (or before the opening), and you will have the signals, plus the suggested areas to buy, sell, or sell short your stocks for the day. What is the difference between the four PowerRatings (for Traders) Portfolios? The four portfolios are distinct. The Momentum Portfolio focuses only on the highest rated PowerRatings (for Traders) stocks (the 9`s and 10`s). It is for individuals who are willing to assume higher risk in their portfolios in an attempt to potentially achieve higher than normal gains. The average annual simulated gain from 1995-2006 has been 118.26%. The PowerRatings Conservative Portfolio is for you if you are looking to potentially achieve smooth, steady monthly returns. This portfolio has a long/short low volatility component to it. The emphasis is on steady monthly gains. 90% of the months have been profitable from 1995-2006) and the largest draw down has been under 4% during this 12 year period. The Short Momentum Portfolio is for individuals looking for daily set-ups on the short side. Special focus is on stocks PowerRated 1. In spite of the fact that the market has more than doubled in value since 1995, the short momentum portfolio has shown simulated profitability every year, including the bull market years of 1995-1999 and 2003-2004. The Long/Short Model Portfolio combines both the Long Momentum Portfolio and the Short-Only Momentum Portfolio. You will have a maximum 60% long positions and 40% short. It is for you if you are seeking to be long strong markets and short weaker markets concurrently. Using this balanced approach has shown simulated profitability every year with the average annual gain being up over 50% per year. How do I receive the daily set-ups? You will be able to receive the daily set-ups from a private password protected website we maintain at all times. How do I place my orders? You will place your orders for the upcoming day before the open. Most orders will be limit orders and you can find out anytime during the day or after the close whether or not your orders were filled. How easy are the PowerRatings (for Traders) Portfolios to learn? The PowerRatings (for Traders) Portfolios are easy to learn. Each have either 4 rules or 5 rules and these rules can be learned in under 30 minutes. You will most likely be up and trading by the next trading day. How is this different from other research published by TradingMarkets? Many traders have had strong success using our research over the years. This is evident from the ongoing testimonials we receive (some are published on this information page for you to read). For the PowerRatings Portfolios, there are two distinct differences from the other research we have previously published. First, the PowerRatings Portfolios are the most comprehensive portfolio research published to date. You can choose from four distinct portfolios. Each has achieved strong simulated returns and 12 consecutive years of profitability. The net results are amongst the strongest we`ve published. Also, until now, most of our published research has been focused on buying and selling, at the open and close. The PowerRatings Portfolios have different entries with you buying below yesterdays close (buying lower) and selling above yesterday`s close (selling higher). Does the PowerRatings (for Traders) Portfolio use the same research as the other research you have published? As a whole, the answer is no. Cesar Alvarez`s research is distinct from his other research and this is the most comprehensive research he`s published to date. How long will it take me each evening to set-up my day? We`ll officially say 10 minutes. But in reality, it should take you under 5 minutes to get your stocks and place your trades with your broker.
    1 point
  10. http://www.gold-speculator.com/editors-picks/57431-beginning-panic.html http://www.gold-speculator.com/daily-wealth/57259-serious-warning-facts-behind-americas-coming-collapse.html Regards, rozario173
    1 point
  11. Le@rnF0rexLive - H0meStudyP0werC0urse [email protected]/store.php {EDITED} Magic Dots http://www.multiupload.com/74RML7NW65
    1 point
  12. alright

    Sam S3iden

    Thanks very much, saamy. A few picks which clarify very well some doubts we happen to find on the way to trade this strategy proficiently. For those who might be wondering where the mentioned article is, this is the link http://www.tradingacademy.com/lessons/20110524/featured_article.htm
    1 point
  13. Also here...... :: Jumbofiles:: http://jumbofiles.com/1toys31brs0v http://jumbofiles.com/4ild4850ejsl
    1 point
  14. alright

    Sam S3iden

    @ jbozman Hi. Although I appreciate yout input, I see that maybe I didn't express my thought clearly. I've never been fishing for thanks or compliments and I think what I've shared so far in this forum can prove it, although it's not even a tiny bit of what some great sharers have done. The thing is that, for some reason, I still feel surprised at why many people keep not using that button, while I do. The Thanks button in my opinion is to avoid repeated posts which would say the same thing, so not to clutter the threads endlessly. That's all. Anyway mine was just a little rant with no real meaning. Sorry for that. Enough said about that and let's just carry on posting about the main subject. :)
    1 point
  15. alright

    Sam S3iden

    Yours is a great suggestion, my friend. I've only started a few days ago watching the videos and trying to train my eyes to find the right levels. It's very easy to spot them when looking at the webinars but a bit harder when I'm on my own with live charts. The indicator posted previously, in my opinion, might be handy and traded with specific rules as our friend chankl has been doing successfully, but it can be deceitful to find true levels as it misses some good ones and marks some bad ones, so I suggest people to be very careful if using it. As any other indicator it shows its own limits. As for me, I took it off my charts. ;) On MT4 instead of using horizontal lines I draw a little rectangle on the top and bottom border of the s/d level and then I edit it by quickly modifying the month bit in the properties, so the right end will be extended as far as I like. Easy to delete whenever the level will be trespassed. http://i51.tinypic.com/sv19xl.jpg
    1 point
  16. hermanhess

    Sam S3iden

    yes i use the method chankl, it works well, initially its a little hard to identify suitable levels but with a little practice later it gets easier, I'm still working at it. Sam said numerous times in his fxstreet webinars, every 10 levels he finds he ignores 8 and goes with the best two. For those of you who don't have time to watch all the webinars these are few which cover almost everything, for those of you who've watched all the webinars I suggest (if I may) watch these 6 once again. 1)Identifying Swing Trading Opportunities in the Forex Market 2)Trade What Is Real, Not What You Feel: Quantifying Supply (resistance) and Demand (support) In The Forex Markets 3)Rule Based Short Term Trading In Forex 4)Multiple Time Frame Analysis 5)Rule based trading for short and longer term Forex traders 6)An Important Rule To Consider When Scanning For Trading Opportunities In Forex you can find them here http://www.fxstreet.com/search/contributors/authors/author.aspx?id=5766b88a-1a31-4102-8221-e9bf77216d2f Please select your levels judiciously, Sam says in his seminars they spend the most time discussing odds enhancers, so as to select the best levels, I'll repeat once again for every 10 levels he see's he selects only 2 and ignores 8. If you try to trade every level you fnd without appplying the odds enhancers most will fail and you will become disillusioned.
    1 point
  17. teodosy87

    Sam S3iden

    Not a bad forum with some pictures of supply/demand http://www.kreslik.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2182
    1 point
  18. Diesel 10

    Sam S3iden

    Here ya go: http://www.4shared.com/file/3nKSDFCU/SamSeidenWebinar-06022011.html
    1 point
  19. JimJamBonks

    Sam S3iden

    I think it's important to make the point that it's up to the individual what their own trading plan rules are. The core methodology of looking for supply/demand imbalance areas using the Odds Enhancers is a sound and sensible one but how each person trades them is a matter for how they most comfortably operate. Some conservative swing traders will only trade with 3:1 or more of clear profit margin in line with the larger 'trend' and will then set & forget on limit orders. For shorter term trades though I've seen Sam take 1:1 RR trades with confirmation entries rather than limit orders (A confirmation entry is when price moves into a level and then a buy or sell stop is set ready to catch the price as it hopefully moves back in the desired direction). Some people will constantly play with their profit targets and trail stops or move to break even, others will just enter the trade, set the stop & profit targets and then either let it win or lose. Across all the dozens of recordings and newsletter posts Sam has touched on them all as being appropriate depending on the trading plan. I guess the point is you choose your plan and then you trade it faithfully and see how it fits after a sizeable lump of trades (30 at least). Record all the trades, review them for how well the plan was traded and then analyse the results. Make conclusions and remedy where appropriate and start again. I've heard Sam say he is the most boring trader in the World. He just does the same thing again and again. He's learned how he likes to trade and he just does it. Some trades are profitable and some are not - but he wins in the long run..... It all sounds so easy when you just say it like that.
    1 point
  20. munalkarki

    Sam S3iden

    Here goes all the post from above link in one single PDF ......... http://www.4shared.com/document/zKx-zqt9/MainSupllyDemand.html
    1 point
  21. keifer

    Sam S3iden

    Here you go... Sam's S&R lesson from XLT http://hotfile.com/dl/119249163/8cb11d8/Sam_Seiden_-_Identifying_High_Probability_Turning_Points.part1.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/119250906/d3b4ee1/Sam_Seiden_-_Identifying_High_Probability_Turning_Points.part2.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/119247445/0459c8a/Sam_Seiden_-_Identifying_High_Probability_Turning_Points.part3.rar.html
    1 point
  22. teodosy87

    Sam S3iden

    Thank you for this great comment! I have watched all i found of Sam Seiden as you said couple of times. I practice all the principles and i have huge success doing that. Actually i don't think there is any secret, you just have to think like a pro and try to find best levels (fresh) that show where the big money are that's it. I can share what i have found very valuable using this. Always be aware of the dominant trend, this way your levels will be much stronger and will produce stronger moves in your favor. always be aware if what is in your as look for levels that might stop you watch if they have been weakening or if they are fresh (they should be strong) be aware of that. Always do watch bigger timeframes to know where strong levels are and this way you will know which trades to take and which not to take. Actually most important thing i have found is to think like people that do make money. Never ever let your winner become a loser set your trade to BE when you are in good profit, BE is not a losing trade in fact this is a winner (as long as you don't lose money). This method work with incredible reliance i must say understanding it will give you "the holy grail" in forex if such thing exist! Oh yes i forgot to mention something that some did not. When a level was not tested but the price went trough it then this level reverse for example is it was supply after this it becomes demand. Look at your chart you will be amazed how reliable this is. Sam shows touch trades or in other words he does not wait for candle confirm, i say wen you do wait for a confirm (go to lower TF) you do have a proof that this level contain big money. This will save you a lot of pain and head banging. If you have more questions please ask. I wish you well!
    1 point
  23. gio.gee

    Sam S3iden

    these are videos avilable on this websit: hxxp://consult-fx.com/26-sam-seiden-webinars 26 Sam Seiden Webinars Posted on 09 April 2011. Below are links to 26 Sam Seiden Webinars (updated 9 April 2011) which provide hours of clear and concise tutoring on how to trade supply and demand zones. These freely available webinars are produced and hosted by FXstreet.com, owner of those videos, who kindly let me publish the list here. Trading and Analysis (added April 2011) Rule Based Market Timing (added April 2011) Trading The All Star Entry (added April 2011) Breakout Trading in Forex Supply and Demand Strategy Application Identifying High Probability Turning Points Forex Swing Trading With Supply and Demand Analysis Currency trading with Forex Futures Supply, Demand and Bollinger Bands Live Trading and Analysis Identifying Swing Trading Opportunities in the Forex Market An Important Rule To Consider When Scanning For Trading Opportunities In Forex Rule based trading for short and longer term Forex traders Multiple Time Frame Analysis Low Risk Breakout Trading in Forex Rule Based Short Term Trading In Forex Trade What Is Real, Not What You Feel: Quantifying Supply and Demand in The Forex Markets Conventional Chart Patterns and Forex Short term Forex Trading Strategies, Breakouts and Reversals MONTHLY WEBINAR: Understanding The Creation Of Candles In Forex Trading Capture reversal points with the use of indicators and oscillators Forex Swing Trading, Low Risk / High Reward Trading Understanding The Exact Process Behind The Movement In Price Using CCI and Stochastics For Long and Short Term Forex Trading Multiple Low Risk Forex Entries With Support and Resistance Supply and Demand Trading with Mechanical Indicators and Oscillators in the Forex Markets
    1 point
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