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REQ - Michael Jenkin True Trend Line


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I shared the requested software program = JTTL. You can see a few of Jenkins' other programs here: http://goo.gl/WGfzsW


But they are all .exe files so whatever you do, do not open the links!! :-S ;)


Actually this is some sort of square root calculator, so may not be what FFRT requested. Perhaps he's looking for a tool like this: http://goo.gl/07S7Xw

Edited by gadfly
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  • 10 months later...
I shared the requested software program = JTTL. You can see a few of Jenkins' other programs here: http://goo.gl/WGfzsW


But they are all .exe files so whatever you do, do not open the links!! :-S ;)


Actually this is some sort of square root calculator, so may not be what FFRT requested. Perhaps he's looking for a tool like this: http://goo.gl/07S7Xw


yeah, we fall in the Market Analyst ( OPTUMA ) website, where we find :






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  • 1 month later...

Hi FFRT, Hope it helps,

Jenkins true trend line is nothing but the gann's 45 degree angle, due to our trading platform's scaling issue jenkins took sqroot of High or Low and the add or less 2 to the value then project it exact one year after the high or low. then he adds the angle. This is the true trend line. suppose 1.1.2000 made a high 1000 take sqrt of it = 31.622 the less 2 = 29.622 resquared = 877. add a line through the high to 877 and the time sould be 1 year after the high.

And for the utility, he adds horizontal lines to every turning point and when the line intersects with the true trend line there is a famous squaring the range hapening so by definition there should be a change in trend. Hope it helps you.

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