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[SHARE] follow the leader FTSE trading system

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Re: [sHARE] follow the leader FTSE trading system


Details : FTSE 100 Futures system


If you are an experienced trader or have never traded before, implementing the 6 simple steps below will make you a winner.


Turn on your TV - or Computer

Switch on the teletext - or Barcharts.com etc

Go to the markets page

Note the close on the two market pairs (around 10.00pm) FTSE and DOW Jones

Log into your trading account. FTSE on next morning open should follow the Dow move after the close.

Place your order and leave the trade to run until the following eveining. Place Stop.

It is a fact that the DOW used in this strategy dictates the direction

of the FTSE Future. This simple plan exploits this fact. Turning what should be a 50% chance of getting the market right into at least a 75% chance.


Additional check not detailed - check the DAX in the morning is it trading in the direction anticipated. Makes it even better.


Simple. QED

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Re: [sHARE] follow the leader FTSE trading system


Hi, Teletext is closing but that was his source- so you just need to get the Dow and Futse futures prices from an online service.The Dow futures are quoted on Barcharts.com under "indices"

for example

Dow Industrials (DJM0) Jun 10 10787 -41

Dow Industrials (DJU0) Sep 10 10723 etc etc


So then you just need to find the FTSE future. Best source is probably Liffe the exchange but with some digging you can find it on most services. But See http://www.liffe-data.com/


Index Futures

Contract Expiry Time Last Trade Change Bid Offer

FTSE100 18-Jun-10 12:29:43 5663.5 25.5 5663 5664


So if you check the closing prices you can calculate the difference as suggested

by dividing the Dow difference roughly by 2.0. If the dow future increases from 4.30 pm london time to 9 pm, 50 points that should be around 25 points on the FTSE future the next morning to

keep pace with wall street.


Of course you could check the Dax as well - so see if overnight news was moving the markets

the other way.


Hope that helps

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Re: [sHARE] follow the leader FTSE trading system



Yes Barchart.com as you stated.


Note be careful as the Future is not the same as the Cash price - which is the Yahoo tickers quoted. If you are trading the future you need to use the futures quotes, as the future is a traded market it is more volatile than the cash. The cash is calculated from a basket of stocks.


You could also look at the differences between the cash and the future - that's another story to see what the variance is and then Arb the spread.


Good trading

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